Sentences with phrase «special effects it would»

Can I just take a moment of silence to respect how far our special effects have come on our beloved show?
Little did I know 20 years later when I'd be in the industry really, really working, green screen and special effects would have become so much a part of the industry, that those classes were some of the most important classes that I took.
The special effects have almost always been powerfully elegant, none more so than in «Deathly Hallows 2,» where a trip to a wizard bank turns into a supernal roller coaster ride inside a cavernous vault where heaps of jewels and gold multiply voluminously, insanely.
Over time the special effects have grown more special, but at their finest these are so seamlessly integrated that they no longer pop off the screen (even in 3 - D) and instead serve the story's emotional realism.
Entertaining eye candy with some of the greatest special effects I have seen but with some terrible acting.
What other kinds of special effects have you found work best for Silent Hill 2?
I especially like Cumberbatch, even with his iffy Yank accent, because his handsome - lizard visage is otherworldly even without makeup and he moves with elegance — although I'm sure if we saw him waving his hands around without the special effects he'd look like pretty silly.
With «Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones» opening in mid-May, there's been a lot of talk lately about how good computer - generated special effects have become.
To be honest, I remember thinking the same when I saw the movie as a kid back in the early 1980s — in the meantime Harryhausen's special effects have been overtaken the visual wizardry of flicks like Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark..
My problem is just that if the movie were something like ten years older, then its aged special effects would have been easier to forgive.
The fuse is lit and the entire Confederate position explodes with one of the best special effects I've ever seen in a movie (to try and explain it, the clothes are literally blown off one soldier).
Director Steven Spielberg's mastery of special effects has rarely been more seamless (or necessary) than in this blockbuster about the blockbuster era; the moral is that the wonders of technology are best handled with care, and it's buried in the filmmaking itself.
For those who love action and special effects it wouldn't be for you but the adventurous type and the love story type would find it amazing.
Depp, of course, is no stranger to hiding his visage beneath make - up, prosthetics, fake pirate teeth, etc. — but it'll be interesting to see what approach Universal decides to take, especially since special effects have obviously improved in the past eight decades.
Sure, it's hit and miss in places, and the special effects have undeniably dated a bit (particularly during the wickedly exhilarating climax, which amounts to the spell - casting equivalent of the heroines burning their bras), but if you're in the mood for something naughty and nice at the same time, this should be just the ticket.
Special effects have come a long way in the last generation, and they're used to good effect in some scenes — as when demon - possessed parade floats mount an attack.
The special effects have weight, and director J.J. Abrams (who, with cinematographer Dan Mindel, takes full advantage of ambient lighting to give the film a suitably otherworldly look) offers action sequences that are as diverse as the locations.
Joseph Kosinski may be making his directorial debut here, but his years of work in commercials and special effects have clearly served him well.
Although special effects have improved a lot in 30 years, «Teen Wolf» resorts to a lot of shadows and camera jerking, seemingly afraid of showing us what it thinks a teenage werewolf ought to look like.
Better special effects would've helped.
Rewatching the four movies today it is instructive to see how much special effects have progressed throughout the years largely thanks to CGI.
The game - changing special effects have of course, held up spectacularly, but the 3D looks fantastic, and I can't wait to be 10 - years - old again!
The special effects have been upped in this production making the dinosaurs look amazingly real.
What other kinds of special effects have you found work best for Silent Hill 2?

Not exact matches

SPECIAL REPORT: The effects of a Fifo lifestyle on the workforce have prompted changes in workplace practices among some of the major resources sector players.
The result is that you don't have to rely on controls, plug - ins, or other helper applications to achieve special effects, animation, or anything else that dynamic HTML enables.»
So I would put the focus back on magic by creating a special edition of each of the books that teaches kids how to perform magic effects.
Trailer Park's creative approach to music in trailers gives the company a special edge and saves money on licensing popular songs that could have a similar effect on audiences.
The RBA study pays special attention to the exchange rate appreciation, noting that the stronger Australian dollar had the effect of moderating the effects of resource price increases: higher exchange rates make all exports — including resource exports — less competitive on world markets.
It's true that too many credit inquiries can have an adverse effect on your credit score, but there's a special provision in the FICO formula designed to encourage rate shopping.
The existence of Chapter 19 has a deterrent effect on the US and its industries, causing them to pause before pushing for special tariffs on Canadian or Mexican goods.
The test involves the interpretation of the CPCN which is the NEB's own instrument (akin to its statute) and the NEB can be assumed to have special expertise in understanding both the background to the terms of the CPCN and the realities of pipeline construction, timelines and financing (i.e. the practical effect of the delays)(Edmonton (City) v Edmonton East (Capilano) Shopping Centres Ltd., 2016 SCC 47 (CanLII) at para 33).
Laugh if you want, but we think you will have to acknowledge that this Nascar ad, which depicts a carnival Ferris wheel coming off its frame and turning into a free - moving thrill ride uses special effects at least as well as the other nominees in the category.
We've chosen the categories: best celebrity / brand personality appearance, best pop - culture reference, best use of animals, best use of special effects and best variation on the Super Bowl theme.
These women were in effect the Newtonian apple that led to Freud's later hypotheses; for when he realized that his neurological examinations were getting nowhere, that, physiologically speaking, his patients were no different from non - hysterics, he was forced to posit a special set of life experiences that the healthy brains of those hysterical women had registered, but suppressed.
The Son of God thingy has all sorts of modern special effects in the promo, suprising they didn't film in 3D, jesus rising from the tomb right into the theatre.
Modern education seems to have had little effect in breaking down sectarian barriers between Shi'as and Sunnis since, as with all minority religions, the Shi'as take special interest in the religious training of their children.
Apparently, they're hoping the next installment of Transformers will be a little less dependent on big budget special effects and have more story and characterization.
In fact, the details are so vivid, that if a film director tried to portray Genesis 2 in a movie, it would require massive visual and special effects.
Over and above the «special relevance» which selected eternal objects may have in relation to particular, finite actual entities, it is necessary that there be a kind of «relevance in general,» a real togetherness of all eternal objects amongst themselves, effected by an eternal, infinite actuality: «Transcendent decision includes God's decision.
They have been described as «special interests» against whose insidious effects broader - visioned politicians must struggle for the good of all.
Some argue Lewis would approve of movie adaptations if he could have known the quality of special effects and modern cinematography.
What movies these would make — for those who like scary special effects on the screen!
The world may always have been a stage, but now set designers and special effects technicians get top billing.
Yes, yes, you have a lovely special effects budget now, but blergh.
For those in the know, that's a big deal, because it's a lot of names to wrangle together (including a few who have moved on to that great big TARDIS in the sky — they'll be special effect - ed in).
Please consider that there is a live webcam focused on JP2's sarcophagus — can you imagine what would happen if his «resurrection» is faked by a bunch of hollywood movie special effects?
Within this mystery of redemption, as the Pope sees it, the sacramental graces of marriage, sustaining conjugal chastity, have a special effect in achieving the redemption of the body through the overcoming of concupiscence.
And so instead of theology being a set of - conceptual accommodations [to special interests] it looked to me as if theology should have a disciplining effect on the individual... to make belief in God, judgments and confidence in one's own self plausible through old - fashioned things like repentance, faith, hope, love.
Christian moral thinking has accepted this and has given marriage a special blessing, surrounding it with the aura of divine approval even if it has not always realistically grasped the fact that marriage is not inevitably an ideal state and that to insist on its continuance when love is absent is to condone what in effect is legalized rape and hence hardly an appropriate symbol for the Christian idea of marriage as representing «the mystical union of Christ and his Church.»
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