Sentences with phrase «special equipment required»

A brisk walk is sufficient to achieve this, and can be accomplished anywhere your travels take you — no gym or special equipment required.
This vegan bibimbap features fresh grilled summer vegetables, kimchi and crispy - bottomed rice (no special equipment required).
Surprisingly, there is no special equipment required.

Not exact matches

Factors to consider may include whether a possible employer has the power to direct, control, or supervise the worker (s) or the work performed; whether a possible employer has the power to hire or fire, modify the employment conditions or determine the pay rates or the methods of wage payment for the worker (s); the degree of permanency and duration of the relationship; where the work is performed and whether the tasks performed require special skills; whether the work performed is an integral part of the overall business operation; whether a possible employer undertakes responsibilities in relation to the worker (s) which are commonly performed by employers; whose equipment is used; and who performs payroll and similar functions.
Mixing the cream puff dough doesn't require any special equipment.
I am a big fan of no - churn ice creams because they are easy to put together and require no special equipment.
My son asked for apple butter and it was nice to find a simple recipe that did not require special equipment and a lot of sugar.
NY Times no knead bread - Here is one of the most popular recipes The Times has ever published, courtesy of Jim Lahey, owner of Sullivan Street Bakery It requires no kneading It uses no special ingredients, equipment or techniques
No special equipment or skills required.
Plus, these meringue cookies make for a quick and easy gluten - free, dairy - free Passover dessert, requiring no special equipment or ingredients — pretty much just eggs, sugar and a mixer.
Homemade yogurt requires very little special equipment.
It's really easy to make, easy to roll out, requires no special equipment, and you don't have to keep everything cold (actually room temp is best for this recipe).
Performs general support duties to onsite DTC / hospitality staff members, including wine stocking, movement of supplies and equipment or materials as required, supporting special landscape, hardscape or improvement projects, general labor, etc..
Finishing flourishes don't require special equipment.
Well, no yeast or special bread making equipment is required.
These sheet - pan brownies don't require any special equipment, all you need is a standard 18x13» rimmed baking sheet and a bowl.
This vegan pumpkin galette is wonderfully simple, doesn't require any special equipment and only calls for 10 ingredients, plus water and spices.
Exactly the kind of brownie I like with no special ingredients or tricks or equipment required.
Our method requires no special equipment.
Unlike others of their dumpling brethren, they require only basic ingredients to make at home and no special equipment.
I bring forth to you buckwheat noodles (gluten free) that are ready in under 30 minutes and requires no special equipment than your own hands.
I am sometimes hesitant to share ice cream recipes on here, just because they require special equipment, i.e., an ice cream maker.
The exercises are easy to do and do not require any special equipment.
Installing these locks provides a practical, first - rate solution as they're difficult to break and require special equipment to tamper with.
Washing cloth diapers is not difficult and truly does NOT require special laundry detergents or equipment.
No special equipment is required.
Handling gas equipment requires special training and certification, due to safety risks associated with these fuels.
Walking is ideal because it requires no special equipment and allows you to enjoy fresh air.
One of the main reasons parents don't attempt to make their own baby food is because they think it's complicated, requires special ingredients, equipment and... [Read More]
Do not use commercial baby food jars for canning, because they require special equipment for sealing that is not available for home use.
There are many «hands - free pumping systems» available on the market today, but many are relatively complicated and expensive and / or require special bras or equipment.
But it typically requires special camera equipment to detect depth or to view someone from multiple angles.
This required special eye tracking equipment which needed minutes - long calibration; what was more, everyone had to wear such a tracker.
But such glues can be difficult to control — they need to harden at just the right time and current options often rely on harsh materials that require special equipment and can cause pain for patients.
That required some special equipment: a microscope that uses lasers and fluorescent lights to piece together 3D images, a special lighting system to keep the plants healthy during their longer - than - usual time in the spotlight, and a microscope setup flipped entirely on its side so the plants could grow upright instead of growing horizontally along a slide.
But this requires special equipment costing thousands of pounds.
However, since special equipment and training are required for the current respiratory delivery method, the scientists conclude that further work is needed if this formula, or an under - the - tongue version, is to be used eventually in large - scale immunization campaigns.
Other tests keep proteins in their normal shape but require expensive chemicals or special equipment.
PCR - or antibody - based methods are rapid but require many steps and special equipment.
There was no release of nanomaterial and no special protective equipment or measures were required.
It doesn't make you sweaty or require any special skills or equipment (you don't even need a yoga mat) and the feeling of instant calm it delivers is delicious.
If you've ever juiced wheat grass, you know it's highly time consuming, requiring special equipment.
It's an advanced process that requires special equipment custom designed by two of the top Russian physicists.
No special equipment or skills required.
Menus 1 through 5 feature recipes that require no special kitchen equipment beyond a blender and food processor; Menu 3 includes cooked foods at one meal Menu 4 includes sprouted grains and Menu 5 is extremely simple and could be used as a travel menu.
Because you will be able to implement all kinds of basic exercises that do not require any sort of special machines or equipment, you will be able to do so without making any additional financial investments in your workouts.
Can be done anywhere — it requires no special equipment.
In order to be edible, the outer hull must be removed, a process that requires special milling equipment due to its unusual shape.
3 Simple Home Workouts On this video Michelle Jacot shows you an at home workout that requires no special equipment and certainly no need for a personal trainer.
It is low impact, calorie burning, requires no special equipment -LCB- except jogging shoes -RCB- and you can get started immediately without any special training.
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