Sentences with phrase «special forms of»

Foster parents involved in FTC receive special forms of support beyond that given traditional foster care parents.
I presume to address you all because as a social worker I have worked in collaboration with almost every other sort of helper and have come to know something of what is involved in the many special forms of human services.
Scholarships, grants and other special forms of financial aid can pay for graduate tuition costs in place of student loans.
That is not at all common among night students who develop a very unique bond and special forms of team work to help other «cross the finish line.»
We felt that the fundamental difference was not «is the planet heating up due to our emissions» but how people felt about whether this demanded special forms of politics.
This blog has argued that, whether or not the climate is changing, there is no need for special political institutions, or special forms of politics (i.e. environmentalism) to cope with the problems of the environment and changes within it.
In this Ferrum Region, there are Synergy Stones, special forms of energy that let trainers communicate and sync their own movements with their Pokemon partners, enabling them to do a new more action - oriented form of battles and the Ferrum has their own tournament system around these battles.
Regardless, taking this car for a cruise at night with the top down is one of the most special forms of motoring.
When special forms of language are used, they are properly defined, in the text or in the Glossary, and do not distract from learning.
It's more likely to work in those with mild or special forms of PKU.
They are oppressive because they legitimate unjust social systems like apartheid, and caste, and because they create their own special forms of religious unfreedom... But history shows us that religions can be liberative too.
They are oppressive because they legitimise unjust social systems like apartheid, and caste, and because they create their own special forms of religious unfreedom... But history shows us that religions can be liberative too.
The democratic societies have no one supreme or dominant member, with examples being such things possibly as stones and probably as some cell - colonies and even special forms of many - celled plants and animals.42 Monarchic societies, on the other hand, do have a supreme or dominant member which radically subordinates the parts to its ruling purpose but which can never completely rob the parts of all measure of control over themselves.
What the laboratories and hospitals have lately been teaching us is not only that thought in general is one of the brain's functions, but that the various special forms of thinking are functions of special portions of the brain.
It is this essentially sacramental character of the Scriptures — the special forms of the words and sentences which give them unique power to point beyond themselves to the sources of being from which untold possibilities spring — that explains what is meant by the statement that for the believer the Bible is the Word of God.
But even in these cases the lack of full integration can be understood, more because of the special forms of oppression they suffer in American society than from any intrinsic closure of intellectual institutions to them.
It fulfils all the special forms of being, and it fulfils the quest for knowledge of being.
Unfortunately, some defenders of theism in the eighteenth century wedded themselves to this view of the complex machine and its maker and associated it with the view that such special forms of the machine as the human body came into existence fully formed in an aboriginal creation.
They are tangible evidence of the special forms of rationality that characterize a certain human group, as contrasted with the products and processes of reason that apply universally.
You compress the hydrogen and you get conditions when fusion is happening, when tritium and deuterium, special forms of hydrogen, start fusing together making helium, which we have a term for, an alpha - particle.
Lipper Index — The Lipper Index is a name that specifically applies to a special form of rating system and also for a given type of mutual fund performance tracking system.
their own special form of government.
That love is a special form of amicitia, but its origin does not lie within us.
One reason why it is of vital concern to every citizen, whatever his special form of religious belief, that real religion should flourish in the commonwealth is that religion has always taught men thus to respect life's sanctities.
Personal identity is a special form of genetic identity and is very different from the more strict identity dealt with in logical systems (since Leibniz first defined it as complete equivalence of predicates).
Farley describes existence which is specifically Christian as a special form of co-intending called ecclesia, a redemptive co-intending which leads us away from idolatry and flight, to freedom from self - securing and to obligation and to obligation toward one other.
Then Whitehead defines an enduring object as «a society whose social order has taken on the special form of «personal order».»
History could be conceived only as some portion of nature; for example, that part in which life or mentality plays a significant role, or as still further limited to the events in which consciousness, or some special form of consciousness, is decisive.
Nevertheless, basing their position on developments in molecular, organismic, and population ecology, Cobb and Birch characterize life as an increasingly complex special form of the organization of molecules and atoms that also involves a temporary and local decrease in entropy; there is no absolute, dualistic distinction between the living and non-living, animate and inanimate.
But this begs the question, which is precisely whether mind as such or in general is a special form of reality.
The assumption that sex is a special form of interpersonal communication involves more than I can treat here.
It is a special form of service to the community.
That it loomed so large and continued to be characteristic of Orthodox monasticism was evidence of a retreat from the world and emphasis upon a special form of mysticism which was alien to the West and which widened the gulf between the Orthodox and the Roman Catholics.
The standard account of why song evolved in certain animals is not such an explanation; for my theory is a special form of that standard account, and only what is special about it explains the objective behavioral and environmental facts in question.
khums — special form of almsgiving required of Shi`a s to provide maintenance for and support the work of the descendants of the Prophet; it is the Arabic word for one - fifth.
I relate to your pain about the painting... painting a home (of any size, whether you or someone else is doing it) must be some particularly special form of tribulation.
Hairfinity states that their supplement only uses certain vitamins and amino acids as well as a special form of sulfur to help encourage your hair to grow.
Scientists have predicted a new phase of superionic ice, a special form of ice that could exist on Uranus and Neptune, in a theoretical study performed by a team of researchers at Princeton University.
Lower traces of the special form of oxygen indicated that the bear's body chemistry had been very active, and that the bear had exhaled lots of carbon dioxide.
«What we found was that moms in our study used a special form of language — something called generics — as frequently when reading the picture storybook to their child as the picture vocabulary book,» said Professor O'Neill.
This was the first time this technology has been used on amyloid fibrils of the infectious prion, which are a special form of clumped - together proteins that form fibrils.
Nevertheless, the majority of respondents have an awareness of the risks of this special form of diet.
Such excessive imitation, called overimitation, is a special form of copying in which people perform actions that clearly serve no purpose.
It was based on a special form of arithmetic and was years ahead of its time.
The researchers used a computer model to determine whether rising levels of a special form of phosphorus called dissolved reactive phosphorus or DRP, which is more readily absorbed by algae, could explain the trend toward increased bloom susceptibility.
Acupuncture is a special form of traditional Chinese medicine and is widely accepted, although not among all medical doctors, particularly for the treatment of pain.
We'll learn about this standardized scale, and we'll learn about «securitized bonds,» a special form of bond where the loan is guaranteed by specific assets of the company.
The key appears to be a special form of RNA called extra-coding RNA, or ecRNA, according to Jeremy Day, Ph.D., and colleagues at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Purdue University.
Michael Overman, M.D., associate professor of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, led a Phase I clinical trial testing whether a special form of vaccination can recruit the immune response that's missing in most patients.
Methods: The team began by combining a binding agent with graphene, a special form of carbon.
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