Sentences with phrase «special medical care»

However, owning such a dog is a big responsibility, as she needs proper training and might require special medical care when she gets older.
Members of the program make a monthly commitment to help support the more than 36 cats and dogs who will need special medical care for the rest of their lives.
If you face special medical care not covered by any medical insurance be ready to get a visit from the collection staff of your medical practitioner.
However, marine mammals have unique adaptations to life at sea that present challenges which require special medical care.
Unless your baby needs special medical care, you can usually ask for all procedures and tests to be done while your baby is in the room with you.
Paying extraordinary expenses, such as special medical care for the child, may also merit a change in support.
All money raised will be used to help animals at the Burlington County Animal Shelter, including special medical care, training, and special food.
A homeowner in Quebec took extended time off work to provide special medical care for her disabled child; ineligible for government assistance, she fell behind on her mortgage payments.
The mission of Friends of Norfolk Animal Care Center is to support the Norfolk Animal Care and Adoption Center in sheltering and caring for Norfolk's stray and homeless animals, to promote and facilitate adoptions, to assist with special medical care, to promote and support spay / neuter in the community and to educate the public about responsible pet ownership.
In addition, your donations make it possible to treat dogs who may need special medical care due to abuse or neglect, such as old injuries, mange and heartworms.
Though courts frequently use the guidelines to set child support amounts, courts do not have to follow them in cases where they would not be appropriate, such as when a child needs special medical care because of a disability.
For our clients with pets that require special medical care such as routine medications or treatments or who have elderly pets, Society Hill Veterinary Hospital offers medical and senior care boarding.
All proceeds will be used to help the homeless animals at the Burlington County Animal Shelter, including special medical care, food and treats, and training.
Twins are at a higher risk for premature birth and other complications, but you don't have to give up on your dream of breastfeeding your twins if they need special medical care.
If your baby does need to be taken from your for special medical care, your partner or attendant can go with him.
We provide nurturing support in an environment designed specifically for expectant mothers and infants requiring critical, surgical or special medical care.
And providing other resources, such as our Special Medical Care Fund, dog houses, pet food and more... all of it so that more pets can stay in their homes, off the streets, and out of shelters.
Does this dog require any special medical care, ongoing treatment, dietary restrictions, or additional socialization?
Senior and special needs cats and dogs that require special medical care and are in need of «Fospice» Care.
We have special collection boxes for specific sponsored pets in our rescue program that require special medical care, and are in need of extra funding.
Now with your help we are outreaching into rescuing all kind of animals in need for rescue and special medical care.
Many of our rescued cats require special medical care, or are shy or have difficulty adapting to the noise and unfamiliar people at our facility... so they continue to get overlooked for adoption.
Some need special medical care.
This may involve kittens that are too young for adoption, need special medical care, need a break from the Adoption Center, or need special attention to help them become adoptable pets.
A traveler's physical condition, even their need for special medical care or a specific diet, as well as their personal degree of tolerance to having their natural rhythms disrupted can influence the severity of their culture shock as does their ability to cope with changes in altitude, climate, foods, pathogens, and more.
NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) nurses look after infants that may have been born prematurely, have severe illnesses, birth defects or some other health problem that requires special medical care.
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