Sentences with phrase «special session of the legislature»

Continue reading Gov. Walker announces $ 100 million school safety package; calls for special session of the legislature
The push for the money comes after Governor Andrew Cuomo late last year suggested more money for flood - damaged communities could be included in a potential special session of the legislature.
Democratic lawmakers said Thursday they hope to pass two major criminal justice bills in an upcoming special session of the legislature.
It will take special sessions of the legislature this month in order to meet early September board of elections requirements to get charter reforms on the November ballot.
The agreement, unless renewed at an anticipated special session of the legislature called by the governor later this summer, runs out in November, in plenty of time to save up for those big - ticket items.
«In recent special sessions of the legislature, GOED has sought increased latitude as to what documents should and should not be made public regarding these large scale economic development projects,» Hewitt told Jalopnik.
Gov. Walker announces $ 100 million school safety package; calls for special session of the legislature
Some Democratic lawmakers have called for a special session of the legislature to censure LePage, who earlier this year fought off an impeachment effort.
Will there be a special session of the legislature this December?
Bharara declined to comment on whether Cuomo should convene a special session of the legislature to enact ethics reforms — «That's not for me to say» — but did say New York's system of having part - time legislators who can earn outside income deserved consideration.
KINGSTON — As the clock keeps ticking, the likelihood of the governor calling a special session of the legislature diminishes and that means any hope of passing legislation to allow Ulster County to keep its sales tax at its current level fades.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo tamped down hopes for a special session of the legislature before the year ends, saying legislative leaders have still not agreed to ethics reforms that the governor is seeking.
The governor says he'd like to see a special session of the legislature before January to address the growing financial problems, but no date has been set.
«I would support a special session of the legislature to return and appropriate an additional $ 35 million for this program to fund all eligible applicants in a time frame that recognizes the urgency of the situation,» Cuomo wrote in the letter.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tamped down hopes for a special session of the legislature before the year ends, saying legislative leaders have still not agreed to ethics reforms that the governor is seeking.
NYPIRG is calling on the governor to convene a special session of the legislature to address ethics reform.
He said he'd like the authority to make cuts to state agencies, particularly those affected by any Medicaid cuts, without having to convene a special session of the legislature.
State Senator Len Fasano on the possibility that budget negotiations will require a special session of the legislature.
Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie has said it's «very likely» that he'll call a special session of the legislature to pass a marriage equality bill.
Citizens Union is one of a coalition of groups asking governor Cuomo to call a special session of the legislature this summer, focusing on reform.
ALBANY — There will be no special session of the legislature next week, Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan said late Friday, announcing the end of weeks of talks about government reform, ride - hailing and a salary increase for state lawmakers.
If this does not happen, the Governor has repeatedly said it may require a special session of the legislature to rework the healthcare budget.
«The (governor) tried to do this legally with a special session of the legislature.
Gov. Cuomo said «justice was done» in the conviction of ex-Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, but said he won't call a special session of the legislature to take up ethics reforms.
At that time, the Labor Federation's Executive Board was granted authority to decide on endorsements after the special session of the legislature concluded, and when the Board could make an informed decision based upon the entire 2008 Legislative Session.
The governor said he may call for a special session of the legislature to deal with the funding loss.
Three state assemblymen are calling for a special session of the legislature to pass a tax relief bill for New York's apple farmers.
I am, therefore, seeking a special session of the legislature to authorize the control board to borrow on our behalf if it can obtain a more favorable interest rate than the comptroller.
---------------------------- Governor Cuomo's office announced that a special session of the legislature might be held before the end of the year.
Talks are swirling about a special session of the legislature next week that could involve lawmakers getting a raise for the first time in almost two decades.
Serious enough for Pennsylvania to call a special session of its legislature and to take several other steps including a push for public schools to stock up on a life - saving, overdose reversal drug.
Little Rock — Gov. Bill Clinton of Arkansas last week proposed raising taxes by more than $ 150 million to pay for major improvements in the state's public schools and colleges, and called a special session of the legislature to consider his plan.
The budget bill that passed the state House last week during a special session of the legislature included a provision to scrap the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, or TAKS, which was implemented just last year.
In address to special session of the legislature, recommends creation of a Temporary Emergency Relief Administration and a work relief program.
State courts are hearing some of the redistricting lawsuits and a case challenging the legality of a December 2016 special session of the legislature.
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