Sentences with phrase «special type of diet»

Is there a special type of diet I should be on?

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Still, Hess cautioned, some exotics require special care: Reptiles need certain levels of temperature and humidity that vary according to the animal, and birds require specially - formulated diets specific to the type of bird.
While technically true, we're fast learning that resistant starch may be a special type of prebiotic with a special place in the human diet.
Normal research based on coconut oil would entail a special diet being prepared from coconut oil and fed to animals (rats and pigs), but this would be done without proper knowledge on the type of coconut oil used and the composition of the non-lipid fraction, according to him.
It's so hard to find good paleo recipes that are egg - free but these Linzer Heart cookies work for so many types of special diets.
It's 2017, and chances are that at least one person attending your Thanksgiving dinner this year has a food allergy, sensitivity, or is following some type of special diet.
Based on a recent, special compilation of 12 reports published in the scientific journal Cereal Foods World during 2014 - 2017, eating whole grains is actually beneficial for brain health and associated with reduced risk of diverse types of cancer, coronary disease, diabetes, hypertension, obesity and overall mortality.EL BATAN, Mexico (CIMMYT)-- A new, exhaustive review of recent scientific studies on cereal grains and health has shown that gluten - or wheat - free diets are not inherently healthier for the general populace and may actually put individuals at risk of dietary deficiencies.
The person should go from a Western meat and sugar based diet to a special type of vegan diet.
Each type of nut highlights their own special nutrient profiles and there's room for all of them in a healthy diet.
Medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil has a special place in a ketogenic diet, as (unlike other types of fats) it goes straight to the liver and can be rapidly used for production of ketones [2, 3].
The research showed this type of diet helped regenerate special cells in the pancreas called beta cells.
Kafka's The Intolerant Gourmet is a special - diet cookbook not just for those who are lactose - and gluten - intolerant, but also for those who love to entertain and wish to make great food while accommodating all types of guests.
This includes considering the special needs of your dog, according to their breed, type of issues they may be having and even their stage of life (the diet for a 4 - week old puppy will be different than a 4 - year old adult).
Those special needs may require medical attention ranging from daily shots (due to diabetes) to a special diet to a dental treatment or some type of life - saving surgery.
Some types of stones can be dissolved with pet medications like or special diets but others need to be surgically removed.
To prevent recurrence of bladder stones, special diets can be used for each type of stone.
The doctors at Lauzon Veterinary Hospital will help you determine what type of diet your pet needs and whether it needs a special diet.
Cats on a special diet because of their discerning stomachs need a different type of food but it doesn't mean they need less protein.
Certain types of bladder stones can be dissolved with special prescription diets and your veterinarian will notify you if this is an option.
These types of stones can be dissolved by switching to a special diet such as Hill's Prescription Diet s / d.
Keep in mind that the costs of the dog food will vary based on the amount needed, quality, type and special diets.
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