Sentences with phrase «special vocation»

What I was trying to argue in my article was this: the celibacy to which some are called by special vocation and the chastity to which all are called by baptism are not two distinct things.
898 By reason of their special vocation it belongs to the laity to seek the kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and directing them according to God's will.
Therefore the whole body of Christ, the Church, lives in partial dependence upon the merit achieved in the special vocation of the «religious» orders.
This has been the special vocation of the artist in a post-Reformation history of religion.
Israel's special vocation is not just another nationalism which makes the nation an end in itself.
Why won't they all share to the same extent in Jesus» fate («cup») and special vocation («baptism»)?

Not exact matches

Each goes out into the world to exercise his vocation, partly on special service, to be sure, but mainly through his participation in the common life, which is also ministry, if he so understands it.
In this sense it is a mental health problem for people of all levels of intellectual ability, but the very brilliant and the very limited do have special problems finding meaning and satisfaction in their vocations.
Rather than «elitism,» this is a special kind of vocation not unlike the calling of Israel or the church.
In some mysterious way, each vocation to ministry, whether baptism or ordination, is a calling out or a setting aside of the person for a special sensitivity to the intentionality of God in the world.
This may have to be group training, but a great deal will be lost if special attention is not given to each individual and the secular vocation and cultural activities in which he or she is involved.
But this special sense of a vocation to America should be noted, and it is no doubt part of the whole post-existentialist self - consciousness so characteristic of the group.
Technically, Varanese's job is special events (getting a planeload of vacationing Lockheedians off for Europe each spring) and general troubleshooting (persuading two ex-collegians not to play on the same team, which would upset the delicate balance of power in the employee basketball league), but his real vocation is remembering the first name of what seems to be every Lockheedian, greenkeeper, bowling - alley operator and sports promoter between San Jose and La Jolla.
I've poured tons of time into Dragon Quest IX this year, carefully tailoring my characters» vocations, exploring extra grottoes with the aim of getting stronger and accumulating rare items, and going to absurd lengths to gather materials I need to alchemize special clothes for my little team of heroes.
A special highlight of her teaching vocation so far has been teaching Mathematics and English in Botswana and South Africa.
Supporting children and young adults with special educational needs is a highly rewarding vocation.
These two unique VW Golfs were created in nine months by 29 apprentices in 12 vocations, using CAD and 3 - D printing, and also programming dedicated applications for the control of special vehicle functions from a smartphone or tablet PC.
Named Pista, which is Italian for race track, the special edition makes clear reference to the racing vocation of the Abarth 500 and stands out by means of bespoke features inside and out, as well as the one - of - a-kind Abarth Telemetry system.
From Warrior to Mage to Martial Artist, each brings new strategies to the fight, and through the use of special items, heroes can even take on vocations that allow them to fight as monsters, such as DRAGON QUEST's memorable slime enemy.
«Traditional» law has always been more than just a profession: it's a calling, a vocation, and its initiates hold themselves to occupy a special, privileged place both in society and in the state.
The first time revocation is used in a vocation, a special item is given to the player as a bonus.
Changing vocations will not cause the PC to lose any spells or skills from the old class, but special powers such as the Thief's ability to steal items will be lost when the PC is not in the appropriate vocation.
Owing to my compassionate nature and a natural love for special children, I decided to choose a vocation where I can work to make better the lives of special people for my inner satisfaction.
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