Sentences with phrase «specialized enzymes»

Then she and her colleagues used specialized enzymes to replicate the DNA over and over, providing enough copies for them to analyze in the laboratory.
For more than 60 years, Robert Martensen's lung cells replicated without a hitch, regulated by specialized enzymes called kinases.
More than 500 million years ago a set of specialized enzymes and proteins evolved to defend our primitive ancestors against assaults from the outside world.
Over 3000 plant species produce cyanogens, compounds that are converted into cyanide by specialized enzymes also produced by the plant.
The award is for their work on telomeres, the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that shorten with every cell division and need specialized enzymes to be replenished.
An international team of biologists has discovered how specialized enzymes remodel the extremely condensed genetic material in the nucleus of cells in order to...
Many researchers believe that the culprit is a surfeit of specialized enzymes that split off too much of a protein called amyloid beta peptide.
Aided by specialized enzymes, a yeast bacterium cracks open a sugar molecule, harvests a couple of electrons, then introduces them to nearby oxygen molecules.
In order to break this compound down and use it, you require a specialized enzyme (somewhat confusingly) called lactase.
In 2016, Japanese scientists identified a new species of bacteria, Ideonella sakaiensis, which has a specialized enzyme that can naturally...
In 2016, Japanese scientists identified a new species of bacteria, Ideonella sakaiensis, which has a specialized enzyme that can naturally break down PET.
Building on the evidence that microglia were in play during injury, the researchers conducted tests in zebrafish with the specialized enzyme incorporated into both rod cells and microglial cells, removing both cell types to ask what role microglia play during regeneration.
For the study, researchers created a model of the human degenerative retinal disease, retinitis pigmentosa, in zebrafish by incorporating a gene for a specialized enzyme into the rod cells of the fish retina.
All bacteria carry a specialized enzyme known as racemase which converts amino acids from one form to another,» adds Dr. Sun.
Those marks have to be removed by specialized enzymes to activate the zygotic genome.
On the other hand, most biochemical processes are extremely slow in the absence of enzymes2 and specialized enzymes are likely to have catalysed many different reactions already in the last universal common ancestor3, 4.
Your small intestine requires specialized enzymes for breaking down fats called lipase and other specialized enzymes for breaking down carbohydrates called amylase.
The bacteria is equipped with a specialized enzymes called lipase that digests the fatty acids and triglycerides, like squalene, which sebum is consisted of.
With every chew, you not only crush each bite into more easily digestible bits, but that food mingles with saliva and specialized enzymes that break down your food upon impact.
Hormone production sites in the body have specialized enzymes that break down chemicals and other hormones into various substances.
, a specialized enzyme known for the development and ability to repair cartilage.
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