Sentences with phrase «species do»

In only a tiny minority of species do males care for infants even remotely as much as mothers do... The simplest answer is that... [people follow] the path of least resistance... the mother is more sensitive to infant needs than the father... And that's just the point.
«People are not actively managing these populations, but because species in this environment are adapted to human disturbance, endemic species do better as a result of human interaction.
Chaparral does not require irrigation from distant water sources, and these species do a good job of capturing carbon dioxide.
However, the ranges of many sedentary species do extend northward both along the coast and offshore, and species show a variety of patterns of distribution indicative of differences in spreading potential, invasive opportunities, past conditions, and life history requirements [27].
Some species do better, others don't.
Likewise symbiont variability within a reef results in some colonies bleaching while adjacent colonies of the same species do not.
I am all too aware that some plant species do better after they have been subjected to fire and some species are dependent on fire occuring at some time in their life cycles.
Jimbo (17:56:52): «I am all too aware that some plant species do better after they have been subjected to fire and some species are dependent on fire occuring at some time in their life cycles.»
Moreover, ecologists are finding that communities of species do not migrate together in response to warming, meaning the delicate balances between predator and prey stand to be substantially disrupted by global warming.
Some species don't get the chance to seek cooler climate as climate change has also caused the disappearance of many creatures including emperor penguins, which lost 50 percent of their population; rockhopper penguins in Campbell Island dipped by 96 percent; ivy gull lost 70 percent; and Arctic skua breeding numbers in Scotland decreased 74 percent from 1986 to 2011.
Moreover, even if they or other species don't live in that area, there are still evidently risks from the fallout from the Chernobyl disaster back in 1986, which famously contaminated land in Cumbria and Wales.
How many species do not appear in the record?
Even when species do not go extinct, their changing distributions due to climate change can have significant impacts on food security, income and health; for example, by shifting fishing grounds the expansion of the range of disease - transmitting mosquitoes.
«We have to get started or we will end up doing a lot of triage, trying to decide between who lives and who dies, what species do we save, what cities do we save,» he said.
Having the right alleles (different versions of a given gene, as when the A1 allele of the D2 dopamine receptor produces 30 percent fewer receptors than the more common A2 allele) available somewhere in the population can make one species do better than another when the climate perturbs things.
But the amount of ph change required to induce a reduction in diversity (assuming less robust species do not adapt) is far in excess of what is expected by 2100.
The local people also reported, that Lepidium species do cause diarrhea in cattle and after heavy rain events herders do not let their livestock out to the pastures before noon.
Dwight, the Inuit are now seeing robins in summer, a species they don't even have a name for because they have never seen them before now.
Hmmm, if other species do this to themselves, we ought to be looking for extrasolar beacons in the frequencies these people propose to use, ones useful for getting rid of trapped heat on a planetary scale.
Now that they are extinct, these species don't inspire our kids.
In most cases the adults of these species do not feed and have very poorly developed mandibles.
The idea is to set up initial conditions to the player's choice, such as — what species do you want to play as?
While the original Dry Bones species do not appear in Super Mario 3D World, a new winged variety of it called Parabones is introduced.
While having the look of a child in his current appearance (as like most of the members of his species do), it can be arguable that his earlier appearances (especially in his game appearances during the Nintendo 64 era) portray him as looking much more childish in design with his very large head and miniature body (more so than his current appearance).
They prefer open roosting areas in large rooms and do not tuck themselves into cracks and crevices like many bat species do.
There are no year round populations of gulls on Ambergris Caye, but some gull species do winter here.
Species don't come much more endangered than the vaquita, a tiny porpoise that's frequently killed in commercial fishing nets in the northern reaches of Mexico's Gulf of California.
However, as chameleons go, a few species do stand out.
That is because the AWA only encompasses warm - blooded animals, so countless reptile, amphibian and aquatic species don't even enter that conversation.
This organization will also provide care and rehabilitation to many different species of wild birds and may be able to provide referrals to other organizations for those species they do not assist.
All rodents tend to chew on certain materials, but some species do so more than others.
However, these bird species do share one common characteristic — they are very social in the wild, often living in flocks, or at least pairs.
Most species don't even hunt.
These species do not build bubblenests; they are mouthbrooders.
After all, the only thing a dog should do is what all living species do every day: Behave and communicate according to the laws of behavior.
How may exposures, what types of exposures, what specifically by species do we see in the bulk of our calls.
It's something we do and other «animal» species do not.
Other animal species don't think?
They must be of a species that allows development of the worms in the cells of the body (not all species do).
People in general are up in arms about caged egg layers and tethered pigs etc., yet they force solitary confinement on their dog for many hours each night.The former species don't know any difference - unlike dogs.Unlike us humans!Crating dogs in particular should be outlawed - it is cruel!It is unnatural!
While we think of these foods as «healthy», other species don't metabolize them the same way we do.
Certain species do have longer flight ranges, and of course they're carried around, wafted on air currents.
Plenty of animal species do have social hierarchies where the strongest male rises to the top, but canids like wolves and dogs generally don't operate like this.
Cats and other species don't necessarily need to be dog friendly, but must not react strongly when in the vicinity of a dog.
In nature, the two species do not meet, but will mate and produce offspring in captivity.
Smaller species don't have as long a lifespan as the larger parrots.
While it's true the two species do have a different learning style, you can absolutely help your feline friend absorb the basics.
What species do we treat?
Both species do well with mild heat — mid-70s to low 80s — provided by an under - tank heater.
To our knowledge, other species don't use the equivalent of individual names, but cow or crow, domestic or wild, animals become «connected» to the names we give them.
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