Sentences with phrase «species of mold»

These species of mold come in a variety of colors and shapes, so you usually can't identify it just by looking at it.
In reality, there are over 10,000 species of mold, many of which look quite similar.
But with new homes, they try to build them to be so energy - efficient that it only leaves a few species of mold in the house.
There are estimated to be over 50,000 different species of mold, but only about 200 present serious health risks to humans or animals.
All of which means that the story about the species of mold that grows only on men's toupees is TOTALL.......
And story number 4: Researchers report the discovery of a previously unknown species of mold that seems to grow only on wigs, and even more specifically only on men's wigs.
Under proper growing conditions, some species of molds may generate molecular compounds called mycotoxins.

Not exact matches

Aspergillus, a genus of several hundred mold species named after aspergillum.
DNA analysis showed that the skull bones themselves came from a common species of ruminant and had been cleverly pieced together with horns that had been heated, molded, and carved.
Woodcock detected more than a million spores and up to 16 species of fungi, including bread and shower molds, in each cushion.
The George W. Bush beetle What do you do when you have 65 new species of slime - mold beetles to name?
Many live freely in the soil or water, but there are also a large number of species that live as parasites on plants or animals and even some that feed on mold.
In the new paper, the researchers map out how an enzyme in a common mold species called Aspergillus fumigatus adds a pair of oxygen atoms to a toxin the mold produces.
These insects team up with symbiotic bacteria which produce an antibiotic cocktail of up to 45 different substances within a single species to protect their offspring against mold fungi.
In fact, out of thousands of mold species, only a few dozen will trigger any health problems at all, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.
Courtesy of With more than 100,000 species worldwide, roughly a thousand of which are native to the United States, molds are literally everywhere on the planet, including Antarctica.
With more than 100,000 species worldwide, roughly a thousand of which are native to the United States, molds are literally everywhere on the planet.
D. Fungus - plant - like organisms, many are useful and edible (mushrooms), some cause problems (Candida), and there are over 100,000 species of fungi like yeast and molds
This species has a history of use in traditional Chinese medicine and although there have been anecdotal reports of benefits, there have been no clinical controlled studies to test the efficacy of this herb (herb, here referring to a general term that may be either a plant, root, mold, and in this case, a parasite.)
OTA is the dangerous mold toxin and is produced most often by two Penicillium species (P. verrucoum and P. norduim) on poorly stored cereals or by a wide range of Aspergilli in variety of products, including wine and coffee.
It called to mind a painter's palette, a spreading stain or a species of luminous mold.
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