Sentences with phrase «specific alphabet letters»

Click on the pages below for ideas to complement recognition of specific alphabet letters.

Not exact matches

The acrostic poem adheres to a specific structure in which each line begins with the subsequent letter of the alphabet.
Work on one specific letter per week and build your way up to the whole alphabet.
Among them is a major improvement in a nascent technique called base editing, which can alter just one letter of the DNA alphabet at a specific point in the genome.
ABC Books by the Month This site lists specific book titles and suggested activities that begin with different alphabet letters.
Students run and touch letters of the alphabet (painted on the gymnasium walls) to spell a sport - specific word relevant to the Unit being taught.
easily navigate to a specific index group without having to return to the Navigation Document / Table of Contents (e.g., by displaying a persistent floating alphabet bar so that the user can click on a letter to go to that group).
With their trademark mix of high and low culture, ribald humor and esoteric discourse, the collective addresses the complex issue of alphabet politics — the attempts by nations, cultures and ideologies to ascribe a specific set of letters to a given language.
Students with Specific Learning Disabilities that impair writing skills (handwriting, spelling, and / or composing) may not only need accommodations (e.g., allowing more time to complete written work or using a laptop) but also continuing explicit instruction in alphabet letter access, retrieval, and production and copying words in sentence context and using multiple modes of letter production in spelling and composition instruction.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z