Sentences with phrase «specific character limits»

There may be specific character limits per KSA assessment.

Not exact matches

What the comparisons of creativity with Aristotle (and even with Plato) as well as with Spinoza try to elucidate is (a) that creativity is without specific character of its own, (b) that it is always ontologically related to the concrete actualities, 16 yet (c) transcending all of them, in the sense of: never being limited to them, but in principle, though potentially, infinite.
And where more than in Hamlet, set in a particular place and time with a limited cast of characters interrelated in quite specific ways, do we experience the mysterious and ironic disproportion between mere spatial dimension and the immensely more extensive structural and thematic dimension that characterizes the fractal that figures so prominently in chaos theory?
Character may in specific ways limit the range of future choices a congregation is equipped to make.
Some of these, though normal battles, require you to use a specific character or only want you to kill a certain amount of enemies in a given time limit.
So once I decided I was going to write about Alzheimer's from the point of view of the patient, and once I decided it would be a murder mystery, I wrote the first section which pretty much committed me to following through with a limited set of characters and a very specific crime.
What Nintendo owns isn't limited to the literal assets used in their games... it's also the specific characters and scenarios in them.
Limiting the roster to a specific franchise / theme does not do much to mitigate the problem: A course designed specifically for a speedy character like Link would be a nightmare for a slow character like Ganon.
By beating certain character specific goals that gradually get harder as you progress, you will gain ranks for that character that grant them additional bonuses — such as strength bonuses using certain weapon types, or reaching certain KO counts within strict time limits.
Some of these, though normal battles, require you to use a specific character or only want you to kill a certain amount of enemies in a given time limit.
These are specific, named characters you summon and then control directly for a limited amount of time.
It also sounds like there will be limits to how much you can roleplay with main character Arthur Morgan, as Rockstar wants to tell a specific story with him.
Characters wander and attack within a limited range, and positioning them correctly lets them gang up on enemies or unleash their specific powers.
It's colourful and bizarre mechanics only resonated initially with a limited audience, however, after numerous free updates that saw the game not only get new characters and arenas but also focus on tournaments and specific events, it gave Arms room to grow and become part of the Switch conversation for a lengthy amount of time — long enough for it to not just cultivate a following but also grow.
In the interest of variety, Action Unleashed will occasionally produce a constraint, obliging characters to take a specific protagonist or limiting the party to a single brawler.
In each challenge, they must accomplish a certain goal with a specific character and reach the end of the level, within the given time limit.
You are stuck using five specific characters and their limited choice of abilities when you reach Zeromus.
Unfortunately, many of these are limited - released characters that were only available for a specific period of time.
Far from boring, it seems to me that this experimentation, a merging of different materials and processes that reveals the specific character of a medium and pushes at the limits of its possibilities, is one of the most interesting elements of McLean's work.
These stem from a diversity of site - specific conditions, including, but not limited to: local vegetation; presence of building structures and contributions made by such structures involving energy use, heating and air conditioning, etc; exposure to winds, the wind velocities determined by climatic factors and also whether certain wind directions are more favored than others by terrain or the presence or absence thereof to bodies of water; proximity to grass, asphalt, concrete or other material surfaces; the physical conditions of the CRS itself which include: the exact location of the temperature sensors within it, the degree of unimpeded flow of external air through the CRS, the character of the paint used; the exact height of the instrument above the external surface (noting that when the ground is covered by 3 feet of snow, the temperature instrument is about 60 % closer to, or less than 2 feet, above an excellent radiating surface, much closer than it would be under snow - free conditions).
You can cross-post to multiple social media sites via apps like Hootsuite and Everypost, but try not to make that the only way you post since each platform has specific features (like Twitter's 140 - character limit) that may make it awkward to cross post certain things.
Read this information carefully, as some requirements can be very specific, limiting the size of margins, character counts, font size, and other factors.
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