Sentences with phrase «specific dogs in»

There have been a number of stories in the news about Pit Bull attacks lately, which begs the question: are Pit Bulls truly the vicious dogs the media portrays them to be or are the specific dogs in the news simply dogs who have been poorly socialized and bred to be aggressive?
In rare situations, Love - A-Bull will consider specific dogs in our program for out of state adoption.
Once you have completed an application, we will call you to talk about a specific dog in whom you've expressed interest.
If you haven't already noticed, Terriers seem to be popular breeds, regardless of the specific dog in question.
While we encourage you to let us know on your application if one of our dogs has captured your interest, we use this simply as a guide for matching and your listing of specific dog in no way implies claim to this particular dog.
Once approved an applicant can have direct contact with a foster home to seek detailed information about a specific dog in the program.

Not exact matches

If you choose to make some money walking dogs, you have options: You can join a dog walking service specific to your area — or cut out the middleman entirely and hit up the local dog run to hand out flyers and business cards to dog owners and leave business cards and flyers in pet stores.
Hot dog connoisseurs note condiments should be applied in a specific order.
Every ingredient in Purina Focus dog food for small breeds is chosen for a specific purpose.
His lab hopes to knock out a specific oestrogen receptor in dogs to understand the hormone's effects on fertility.
Future studies that follow dogs long term and look at specific lipid content in the blood may shed light on the mechanisms behind cholesterol's role in enhanced survival, Leeper said.
And the trouble with extrapolating so much from mouse studies is that «nobody has actually shown over the long term how long these quote un-quote improvements persist, and we don't know whether it's broadly improving aspects of aging or it's specific to certain tissues,» said Matt Kaeberlein, a biologist who studies aging in dogs and other animal models at the University of Washington.
Miller and others point out that cross-breeding to enhance specific traits in crops and dogs, for example, often comes at the expense of other traits.
But his problems were not quite as extreme as seen in Klver - Bucy; he could often recognize the general category that an object belonged to («it's an animal») albeit not the specific exemplar (he might say «dog» instead of the correct «goat»).
A Cross-Country Comparison of Perceptions of Shelter Workers Regarding Breed Identification» asserts that shelter workers operating in areas restricted by breed - specific legislation (BSL) are more likely to consciously mislabel a dog's breed if they felt it were to increase the dog's chances of being adopted and / or avoid being euthanized.
Astroviruses from a number of species, including human, bovine, bird, cow and dog, were detected in monkeys, This «challenges the paradigm that AstV (astrovirus) infection is species - specific,» the authors wrote.
Over the past few years, researchers have linked a number of canine traits — from size to coiffure — to specific mutations in dog DNA.
Co-author Heidi Parker, a geneticist at NHGRI, says that because humans initially bred dogs for specific traits — say, smaller body size or calm temperament — selection created a population «bottleneck» that narrowed the genetic variation in offspring, leaving them with just a few specific clusters of variable genetic regions.
The epithet dogs even some functional MRI studies, which seek to link specific thought processes to corresponding regions of the brain by measuring moment - to - moment differences in blood flow.
A long debate has existed in psychology whether concepts, such as a dog, are represented in the mind as a collection of specific dogs that people have encountered or whether individuals can abstract the key characteristics across specific examples to form a generalized idea, or prototype, of a dog.
A total of 263 specific disorder types were recorded in German Shepherds, the most common of which were inflammation of the ear canal (7.89 % of dogs), osteoarthritis (5.54 %), diarrhea (5.24 %), overweight and obesity (5.18 %), and aggression (4.76 %).
We find 119 variants in evolutionarily conserved sites that are specific to dogs with OCD.
In their study, researchers from Uppsala University, SLU and Broad Institute, compared DNA samples from a large group of German shepherd dogs affected by atopic dermatitis with DNA coming from healthy dogs to reveal the specific DNA segment associated with the disease.
Studying a specific type of genetic variation in the DNA sequences of wolves and domestic dogs - called Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)- the scientists identified the transfer of dog gene variants into wolf genomes.
In AKC Scent Work, the handler guides the dog through a set search area to find specific odors that the dogs have been trained to detect.
Cre - DOG is also suitable for optogenetic studies, and since cells infected with AAV - Cre - DOG retain normal neuronal function, this system may make optogenetics in specific cell populations even easier.
According to Slobodchikoff, these calls, with their individuality in response to a specific predator, imply that prairie dogs have highly developed cognitive abilities.
If your vet hasn't seen anything concerning in your dog's specific case, then using home remedies is perfectly acceptable.
Sure, I'm also kind of exercising while walking my dog but doing a specific training in the gym is something different.
And for the people who have very specific wants in a mate, there are dating sites for just about every set of compatibility criteria you can think of, from sites dedicated to people who love dogs, to the over 40 crowd, to people of specific ethnic backgrounds.
Together, in a scene - specific audio commentary, are Tommy Kirk, Kevin Corcoran, Fess Parker, and son of the dog trainer for the film, Bob Weatherwax (I'm getting verklempt, talk amongst yourselves!
It reminded me of Peckinpah's Straw Dogs in the way it makes you yearn for a specific thing to happen, but keeps putting it off, making it extra satisfying when it eventually does happen.
The insincere character work in Isle of Dogs dovetails with a perceived overall lack of care and sensitivity towards Japanese culture in his decision to locate Isle of Dogs within this specific, albeit fantasised context.
«Probably I leave it out because I don't think the answer is you have to read Esperanza Rising or Love That Dog, this specific book in this specific grade.
As well, each song also addresses a specific social issue with which children can identify and understand including envy and jealousy, bullying or a silly song about the smelliest dog in the world!
I agree wholeheartedly with the need for artful word choices that create specific responses in readers, not unlike the conditioned response of Pavlov's dogs.
Specific breeds of dogs may be more difficult to insure in some areas.
The law is not specific to dogs and cats, so I presume the fine would be the same regardless whether the perpetrator is your Yorkie or a pet horse, however I am almost certain your neighbor may not measure those results in the same manner.
If your lease does not SPECIFICALLY prohibit such dogs, (even if it excludes ordinary dogs) then your landlord would be in violation of Oklahoma Law if he attempts to evict you for that specific reason.
«I am a member of a ton of meetup groups in OKC and there isn't one place that is specific to just women and dogs
This measure of the benefits of dog ownership equals $ 250 per year of savings, on average, for all of the 43 million - plus households that own dogs in the U.S.. However, this estimate is quite conservative, as it can not account for the benefits of dog ownership that are specific to each household that owns a dog.
Each one as created for a specific dog breed, keeping in mind their behavioural tendencies and unique body shapes and sizes.
Identification and specific therapy for seizure disorder in your dog is the best treatment.
Dr Tong explains that dogs are able to adapt and absorb nutrients from non-ideal protein sources, but not all proteins can be broken down into specific subtypes and in the quantities needed.
If a customer doesn't see a change in his dog's health after taking a supplement to treat a specific condition, then it means either that the owner misdiagnosed the condition, bought the wrong treatment or that the supplement doesn't work.
«Every ingredient in our food has a specific purpose to promote health and vitality to help ensure the dogs that we feed look and feel their best at every age.»
The study examined 566 participants enrolled in the Detroit Childhood Allergy Study birth cohort during 1987 to 1989 to see if there was an association between exposure to dogs and cats during life and allergic sensitization to the specific animal at age 18 years.
They did not record the amount of time the dog spent in the baby's bedroom and the sample size was too small to be conclusive about specific breeds.
They are similar to emotional support dogs, except they do not ease a specific symptom in those they help.
Instead, when dogs try to follow a specific scent, they make a thin layer of mucus that aids in the absorption of scent chemicals, allowing them to smell better.
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