Sentences with phrase «specific emissions reduction commitments»

A few nations have acknowledged that their ghg emissions commitments need to limit warming to 2 °C and be derived from a fair and equitable framework, yet even these nations have not explained how their specific emissions reduction commitments can be understood to be consistent with an emissions reduction pathway that will limit warming to 2 °C.
The Methane Challenge Program would expand on the Natural Gas STAR program by recognizing companies that make specific emissions reduction commitments and agree to submit annual data on the progress they're making.
Although some nations have acknowledged their ethical duties to base their INDC on ethically justifiable criteria, almost all INDC submissions have not explained how specific emissions reductions commitments link to a specific desired atmospheric ghg concentration levels and its associated carbon budget that will provide some level of confidence that a warming limit will be achieved nor why their ghg emissions reductions commitment is fair as a matter of distributive justice.

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Your purchase will fund a portion of our commitment, made on our customers» behalf, to purchase 100 percent of the carbon dioxide - equivalent verified emissions reductions («VERs») to be produced by the Project over a specific period of time, usually its first 10 years of operations.
For this reason, a joint research project between Widener University Commonwealth Law School and the University of Auckland recommended in Paris that national climate commitments be stated in tons of emissions over a specific period rather than percent reductions by a given date because waiting to the end of specific period to achieve percent reductions will cause the total tons of ghg emitted to be higher than if reductions are made earlier.
Russia repeatedly questioned the emissions reduction targets outlined by the IPCC, and Canada and Japan also pushed for less specific commitments.
Because allocation of national ghg emissions is inherently a matter of justice, nations should be required to explain how their ghg emissions reduction commitments both will lead to a specific atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration that is not dangerous, that is, what remaining ghg CO2 equivalent budget they have assumed that their commitment will achieve, and on what equitable basis have they determined their fair share of that budget.
The Clean Air Act lacks any other mechanism for economy - wide CO2 regulation, and the Administration will say it is legally and politically justified by both the inability of existing policy to meet either the specific U.S. commitment at Paris, an 80 percent emissions reduction, or the longer - term, 2 - degree goal to which the world is collectively committed.
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