Sentences with phrase «specific food components»

However, there are specific food components that are more likely to trigger allergic reaction.
Whereas increased physical activity is usually recommended to increase energy expenditure, specific food components, such as capsaicin, are known to burn off calories and fat.
The success of popular health fads today such as the Mediterranean Diet and Paleo Diet may have less to do with their specific food components, and more to do with their increased vegetable intake and lower processed food intake.
Food allergy is an immune system reaction to a component of food such as a protein (eg; chicken) whereas food intolerance refers to the body having trouble digesting a specific food component.

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Directory of specific supplier and component information on original replacement parts for food processing and packaging equipment.
A meal pattern is a set of food components, food items, and minimum quantities required for a breakfast, supplement (snack), or lunch or supper for a specific age group of children.
«Our review focused on specific dietary components and phytochemicals from foods that have a proven beneficial effect on rheumatoid arthritis,» says Dr. Gupta.
«Metabolomics is now often used to accompany large genomic cohort studies from biobanks, to correlate genotype and genomic variants with specific phenotypes, to complement nutritional studies monitoring food components or endogenous metabolites, or to support measurements in epidemiology studies,» says Andreas Huhmer, director of proteomics and metabolomics marketing at Thermo Fisher Scientific, headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts.
However, beyond the obvious strategy of restricting caloric intake, growing evidence supports the specific antiobesity effects of some food - derived components, particularly (poly) phenolic compounds.
I believe the purpose of antioxidants is for protection of the cells key components, such as the DNA and mitochondria, ensuring long term health and stability while these specific foods that have anticancer enzymes are more for a short term approach directly stopping any cancer from growing, and of course, eating a lot of these foods everyday makes short term last for a lifetime!
Or they pick on specific foods that contain certain components like gluten or phytic acid, saying they are bad for you, or they may refer to them as anti-nutrients — something that sounds much scary but isn't.
The problem is not with each specific component of the food, but the overall balance.
Although there's no specific component of hummus that eliminates cellulite, the food adds only a minute amount of glucose into the blood, which results in minimum insulin release.
These cells, along with dendritic cells, recognize the incoming undigested food particles, toxic agents, and bacterial components as foreign invaders, and present them to cells of the adaptive immune system called T and B lymphocytes, leading to clonal expansion (proliferation or multiplication of specific subsets of T and B cells) and recruitment of more pro-inflammatory immune cells to the gut through a process called leukocyte homing.
These and other components of flaxseed incorporation in the diet are particularly attractive for the development of foods with specific health advantages.
Food Allergy Some pets develop specific hypersensitivities to components of their diets.
(Production of the components that become food for other species requires physiological resources so is anti-adaptive, except where there is a specific requirement to co-opt other species for seed dispersal or pollination.
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