Sentences with phrase «specific gene»

For example, centenarians not only have retarded biological ages, they're also more likely to carry specific gene variations (called single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs) that protect against disease.
«Originally, we wanted to establish a disease model for FOP that might help us understand how specific gene mutations affect bone formation,» said first author Yohei Hayashi, PhD, a former postdoctoral scholar in Yamanaka's laboratory.
These new drugs target the specific gene changes that cause cancer.
With 1 million probes, it identifies microbes based on variations of a specific gene, with no culturing needed.
Through this technology, scientists obtained stem cells from individuals with a genetic abnormality that confers increased susceptibility to schizophrenia, and they observed deficits during nerve development that could be traced to a specific gene called CYFIP1, which helps maintain a nerve cell's structure.
To modify these tagging vectors for your specific gene, the lab recommends designing homology arms with the modification of interest, ordering them from a gene synthesis company such as IDT or Genscript, and cloning them sequentially into the chosen acceptor vector.
Interestingly, Rho kinase inhibition under hypoxic conditions produced a more effective increase in chondrocyte - specific gene expression and synthesis of extracellular matrix components by HCS - 2 / 8 cells.
But when the customized CRISPR RNAs latch onto a specific gene, those genes are turned off, or blocked from transcribing RNAs.
TKM - 080301 targets a specific gene called polo - like kinase 1 (PLK1), which codes for a protein involved in tumor cell growth.
But specific gene variants are also linked to greater risks of developing many of these diseases.
He said the genome study detected changes in one specific gene involved in the body's temperature regulation that may be related to metabolic differences in whale cells.
Quantitative RT - PCR was used to measure the relative expression of macrophage markers (Emr1, Csf1r, Cd68) and an adipocyte - specific gene (Acrp30).
When a particularly interesting spot on a chromosome captures a researcher's attention, said White, it can take «three or four years, and three or four post-docs (PhD researchers), to find the specific gene
Dean Hamer, head of gene structure and regulation at the National Cancer Institute, is endeavoring to link religion to a specific gene.
A human - specific gene expressed only in glial cells of the brain apparently arose from conversion of the ancestral gene by a nonfunctional pseudogene in a common human chimp ancestor.
For patients, this means that rather than thinking about the right drug for a certain disease, doctors will think about the right drug to treat the patient's specific gene mutation.
Roberts hopes the additional subjects will help his group narrow the search for a specific gene.
The findings suggested that a mutated gene in this region was responsible for many cases of both conditions, but scientists did not pinpoint a specific gene.
Comparisons with the chimpanzee genome indicate that human SIGLEC11 emerged through human - specific gene conversion by an adjacent pseudogene.
Our study sought to use a new way of imaging the lung to understand how well the drug is working in patients with a specific gene mutation known as G551D - CFTR.»
We identified species - specific gene expression patterns indicating that changes in protein and gene expression have been particularly pronounced in the human brain.
Unlike many previous assumptions that there is a magic bullet for regeneration, like the presence of a specific gene, the group's comprehensive genetic analysis shows that it is a complex trait.
The researchers first employ a process termed «mutagenesis» to create random variations in a specific gene.
More than 200 taxonomists from 46 countries convened at London's Natural History Museum to hammer out protocols for a massive DNA «barcoding» effort — a move to collect specific gene tags from every organism on Earth.
The most common way to turn a gene on or off is by using proteins called transcription factors that bind to and regulate the expression of a specific gene.
• People with paragangliomas and those diagnosed with metastatic tumors should be tested for specific gene mutations associated with those conditions;
Confirmation of the biomarkers in other cancer types will facilitate further characterization and validation to provide mechanistic understanding of how and why these specific gene - targets become modulated to accentuate or inhibit tumor metastasis.
If variation of the sequence of a specific gene is greatly reduced in modern versions, this is considered a sign that it was shaped by the selective pressures of domestication.
One possibility, the researchers say, is that the ecRNAs have a very short half - life, so they would disappear before moving very far from a specific gene.
Although it shows no sign of the whole - genome triplication identified in Solanaceae species such as tomato, the genome includes several species - specific gene family expansions, among them N - methyltransferases (NMTs) involved in caffeine production, defense - related genes, and alkaloid and flavonoid enzymes involved in secondary compound synthesis.
Finding a specific gene responsible for racing performance «takes a lot of work and a lot of time,» says Steven Tammariello, the lead geneticist for Lexington - based Performance Genetics.
A specific gene that helps form memories from traumatic events can be manipulated — and in doing so may actually help prevent post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to a new study led NYU Langone Medical Center that recently published in Neuropharmacology.
The study, launched today, is also one of the biggest efforts yet to search for rare individuals who are healthy despite the absence of a specific gene.
There's also a genetic component: The condition, which can occur at any age, often runs in families and specific gene variants have been linked to it.
With their analyses of the genome data, the scientists were also able to identify eight specific gene variants that are strongly linked to altered risk for both diseases.
The human - specific gene ARHGAP11B is expressed only in the right half of this embryonic mouse cerebral cortex.
The researchers used a genetic technique called «gene deletion,» which involves removing a specific gene in a bacterial strain and observing the consequences.
When researchers want to study a specific gene, they often make slight modifications so a special protein tag that produces fluorescent light can attach to the proteins produced by their gene of interest.
A linkage study identifies only broad regions containing dozens or even hundreds of genes, whereas GWA studies often allow the association of a specific gene with a certain trait in the population.
By also examining this genetic region in two other families with similar disorders, the researchers were able to pinpoint a mutation in a specific gene, NT5E, which is involved in breaking down calcification in the arteries.
Enhancers have been shown to be responsible for cell - specific gene regulation.
Previously, Shozo Kobayashi of the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science in Tsukuba, Japan, identified a specific gene that controls the production of this pigment in black - skinned grapes.
The study's findings, published in the January 10, 2018 issue of Science Translational Medicine, and featured on the cover, could help doctors better understand Crohn's disease, determine specifically who's at risk, and develop new drugs for treatment and / or prevention by targeting this specific gene.
Their goal is a database that will help them examine how specific gene variants affect health.
He studied the biological role of a specific gene that contributes to grapevine's susceptibility to the fungus by incubating it in the frog eggs.
The study, «Transcriptome Sequencing Implicates Dorsal Striatum - Specific Gene Network, Immune Response and Energy Metabolism Pathways in Bipolar Disorder,» [] was supported by funding from the State of Florida.
If you make random changes to a gene, you'll still be able to get a protein out of the result about a third of the time (though for any specific gene the ratio might be much higher or lower).
Significant differences were also discovered between the centenarians and the two control groups when their genotype frequencies were compared, in other words, the proportion of individuals with a specific gene sequence.
By removing a specific gene, researchers reduced the amount of lignin (stained red) by 36 % in cells in a plant's stem, making it easier to recover sugar - rich parts of the plant that can be converted to automotive
In other words, they saw that instead of one specific gene, the relationships between sets of genes may help to explain the structural and functional disparities between queen and worker ants.
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