Sentences with phrase «specific implications»

An all - hands approach will be necessary to address the interdisciplinary and site - specific implications of the interacting climate change effects that have been touched on in this chapter.
Individual and family resilience and response to trauma was also presented with an emphasis on neglect and complex developmental trauma with specific implications for practice.
The answers to these broad questions have very specific implications for a repayment plan that is right for you.
In this presentation, we overview a structural race analysis, share specific implications for breastfeeding and first food policy and practice.
We asked members of the Harvard Graduate School of Education community to weigh in on specific implications for the travel ban on education and institutions of higher ed, and to share their reflections and perspectives on this issue.
While the market as a whole will likely tumble if the cliff isn't fixed, it is some of the more specific implications of the fiscal cliff that scare me.
Diagnosis of a chronic illness during adolescence may have a different impact on psychosocial functioning than childhood diagnosis, with specific implications for social functioning.
Considering just one group in this list of the alienated — the physically and developmentally disabled — we can discern some specific implications for the churches.
Three recent global infectious disease outbreaks — H1N1 influenza, Ebola and Zika have had specific implications for pregnant women and their unborn children, yet the global public health community lacks the best tools for dealing with this special group.
The Shimmer distorts memories, which is a neat trick, but one that isn't utilized enough (and has no specific implications for the conclusion).
In fact we're also hoping that within participating countries that researchers and policymakers will delve into the results and pull out specific implications that are relative to them — according to cross-country differences.
This paper, written by the representatives from social studies organizations, seeks to examine the specific implications of these seven conclusions for the field of social studies education.
The summer was spent doing quite a bit of catch - up by informing local leaders about the applications and discussing the specific implications of the grant, since the school districts had left them out of the process.
This research summary reviews the literature on teacher retention and mobility, effective induction practices, and specific implications for beginning teachers being inducted in the middle level grades.
Investors are encouraged to consult with their financial advisors regarding the specific implications of buying or selling Barnes & Noble common stock on or before the distribution date.
That has no specific implications for the potential of offshore north / north - west, but it may mean potential partners are that much harder to find / attract since they all are / seem to be distracted by opps.
Does everyone in your firm understand the specific implications of globalization for the markets in which you compete and the clients that you want to serve?
Whether you are facing a serious criminal charge or a simple traffic ticket, it is important to choose a criminal attorney that understands your individual needs and the specific implications your case will have on your life.
There will be a special session addressing the new rules and the specific implications for the Executive Search industry, followed by a panel discussion that will dive deeper into the topic.
It was a very fruitful conversation and gave me some good direction, and certainly helped me understand the specific implications of doing this.
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