Sentences with phrase «specific intentions for»

This analogy suggests two things: (1) God, like the mind of a human being, may have specific intentions for part of his body that do not pertain (except very indirectly) to the rest; and (2) God may wish to influence part of the created order by his desires or preferences for it and not be certain of success.
Use the quartz to set the specific intention for how you will be more eco-friendly.

Not exact matches

But instead of showing you status updates, driving directions or allowing you to take pictures directly from your field of vision like Glass does, the intention for these contact lenses is very specific: to aid people with diabetes.
To steer clear of this trap, set a specific intention or reason for opening your inbox (ie.
As Cambridge Analytica's actions revealed, those groups will use data for startling purposes — such as targeting very specific groups of voters with highly customized messages — even if it means violating the policies and professed intentions of one of the most powerful corporations on the planet.
As to the FAQ released specifically for investors and workers, Joshua Waldbeser, of counsel with Drinker Biddle & Reath, opines that DOL's intentions «appear to be not just limited to educating investors about the fiduciary rule generally, but also to address some very specific misunderstandings, and to influence public perceptions» about the rule.
The Sacrament of Penance is there for the forgiveness of sin, and is no mere ritual — it involves the penitent confessing specific sins with the intention of no longer continuing in them, receiving God's grace for this commitment.
Jenkins goes on to mention his intention to participate in this year's March for Life and to announce the formation of the «Task Force on Supporting the Choice for Life», which, with faculty support, will sponsor «serious and specific discussion» about pro-life concerns.
It is the intention of this article to examine the reasons why these two theologians held their opposing views, and also to indicate the Holy Father's position in this matter, in specific relation to the Mass. «For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
The pressure on the paid - time religious broadcasters to maintain the specific structure of their audience because it is the most financially supportive for them has had the effect of shaping the character of their programs away from their original intention of evangelism, even though they keep the intent of evangelism as a masthead.
My intention is to informally and briefly address a more basic question — is the term «THE GOSPEL» ever used after Christ's resurrection as a technical term for the specific message that the lost must believe to get saved??
My intention is NOT to exegetically identify the elements that comprise the specific message for salvation termed «the gospel».
These lists and specific references in other essays identify six similarities: (a) God is understood as love involving God's presence in human experience and God's response to that experience, (b) human existence depends upon God's grace and that grace makes humans free, (c) humans respond to God resulting in the fulfillment of God's intentions in the concrete experiences of individuals, (d) knowledge involves more than subjective sensory experience, (e) experience broadly understood is crucial for theology, and (f) reality is characterized by diversity and relationality.
If a recipe calls for a specific type, they may be interchanged as an exception, but know the end result may differ from the recipe's intention.
«People have the best intentions and the highest expectations for using these things as a specific point in time,: said Wansink.
Women have autonomy over their own bodies so decide for themselves how to feed their babies but it can be very hard to carry a specific intention when the environment is unsupportive.
Republican Sen. Terrence Murphy called for increasing penalties on those who violate campaign finance law by contributing to a local party committee with the explicit intention of having that money transferred to a specific candidate.
The Accra Metropolitan Assembly [AMA], has served notice to businesses within the metropolis of its intention to charge them for using specific streets that will be earmarked for parking of vehicles.
Though they did not address specific behaviors in the study, Chen adds that for children who tend to perceive peers» intentions as benign, and also tend to experience intense emotions, they might be more emotionally engaged when playing together with a friend, may initiate more pro-social behaviors, and share more laughter and positive interactions.
Initial board certifiers reported intentions for scope of practice and recertifying family physicians reported actual provision of specific clinical activities.
Reset: This is where they became clear about their intention for the home space and articulated the specific behaviours they wanted to exhibit.
Personally, I use the word sadhana to differentiate a period of time to devote to a specific home practice that has an intention, various components that align with the chosen intention, and is a daily practice for a specific period of time with a start and an end date.
You can also refer to Feng Shui principles to decide what colors of stones to use or where to place your grid in your home for a specific intention.
It is literally the linking of body movement with breath specific sequences, the setting of an intention for one's personal yoga practice, and taking the necessary steps toward reaching that goal.
The nuanced interrelationships among asanas within and between the seven asana families are explored and the anatomy of opening and stabilizing each pose is explained for sequences designed around specific needs and intentions.
If you do not have any specific intentions when you chat to a woman, other than practicing chatting for its own sake, then you are not going to risk rejection, which may be one of the fears holding you back.
The commentary reveals Coraci's intentions and inspirations for this quasi-remake, referring to some technical aspects as well as specific scenes and the actors who make cameos in them.
Every frame, sound effect, and performance in his films is made with a specific intention behind it at times disrupting the audiences» ideas for where his movies are headed whether it's Magnolia, The Master, or Boogie Nights.
More specific sidequests are also intermittently available, and tend to have a greater appreciation for intention and design.
Students then rewrote both obstacles and proposed a specific solution for each one by writing three «if - then» plans (i.e., implementation intentions) in this form: «If [obstacle], then I will [solution].»
Early users discovered, for example, that even if they shared content to a specific Circle, with the intention of limiting the distribution of that content, that others in the Circle could still share those posts to anyone.
Schools will be able to apply for funding and the intention is to focus on specific building projects, rather than whole - school rebuilding schemes.
By tracking student achievement on the Common Core, collecting in - game data, and much more, the GlassLab seeks to provide credible evidence on Games for Learning with the specific intention of proving these three hypotheses:
Designed by educators for use with their own students, these unit - specific pre - and post-assessments are directly aligned to the targeted learning intentions of the unit.
Students compile and evaluate technologies for specific learning intentions.
This last unit gives students the opportunity to investigate specific countries and cultures of the past and present with the intention of building an appreciation for diversity and pride in cultural traditions.
Fifteen state transportation plans were selected to further analyze planning processes that contain a specific intention to integrate climate and energy outcomes into long range transportation planning and identify best practices for integration by state Department of Transportations (DOTs).
There is no perfect answer for this because it depends on how much you want to see at the show, what your intentions are (if you are shopping or just looking or want to find one specific vehicle, etc.), and if you want to paricipate in other activities at the show such as the indoor tracks, interactive displays, or outdoor test drives.
The intention is to put the same content on both of the screens so you can see what model is better for your specific needs.
All this makes sense to have a tablet in the market right away instead of waiting for Google to launch the tablet specific versions of Android named Gingerbread and Honeycomb, which was the intention of some within Acer.
Pekin v. Murphy held that a lease which clearly shows the parties» intention for one party to accept responsibility for specific damage, the tenant is not a co-insured under the landlord's policy and therefore subrogation against the tenant may proceed, allowing the landlord's insurance company to make a recovery and keeping rates distributed fairly.
Having read through a few policies in the past for credit cards I haven't seen a disqualification based on age before but each of these types of policies are going to be company and possibly product specific and you would really need to read through the entire policy before buying because they are full of gotchas (the companies have no intentions of paying out if they don't have to).
Our intention in not to be intrusive, we just want to make sure that these pets are matched with the best possible homes for their specific needs.
If you are interested in making a gift for a specific purpose, please give us a call so that we can ensure that your intention can be fulfilled by the Parks Conservancy.
While friends who surf can try their best and have all good intentions to teach a new surfer the basics, without professional training and working as a professional instructor, often they do not have the correct understanding of technique, skills and progressions, don't understand the correct appropriate feedback and don't have the trained eye to look for specific body positions and mistakes that can easily be fixed with a simple piece of advice.
Case in point; Treyarch pulled a very different direction with Black Ops 3, and fans may want more of the that for the Sledgehammer or Infinity Ward's release — despite it not being that specific studio's initial intention.
One thing I truly enjoy about the avatar and Modern Sonic's stages, or at least in the 3D segments, is the sheer amount of multiple pathways there are, no matter how convoluted they may seem.There are also stages where both the avatar and Modern Sonic run along side each other, which opens up the multiple pathways even more, and instead of switching a character out, each of their moves is assigned to a specific button, making them act as one character, which take some getting used to due to the visual appearance of both characters appearing on screen, but is definitely optimal.There's also some level designs with certain gimmicks: at one point you're playing pinball in the middle of a bright forest with classic Sonic, and in that same forest, you'll be playing pinball with some enemies down a water slide with the avatar, were the control starts to get kind of out of hand, while Modern Sonic will face a boss that combines the level design from Lost World with this game's boost mechanics, which was probably the intention for the departure in the 2013 game.
They did say they will show and talk about games at the E3, they were so specific, that i am afraid they have no intention to talk about this controversial topics for now.
The Dafen Art Museum will discuss the specific collecting intention with the participating artists for the selected works.
Painters use oils, acrylics, or watercolors for specific reasons, as artists in other media choose to work with wood, metal, textiles, clay, etc. to fully express their ideas with intention.
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