Sentences with phrase «specific joint angles»

The number of possible exercises that target specific joint angles is almost as limitless as the body's functional movements that these exercises help improve.
This means that a specific joint angle must be selected before commencing the test.

Not exact matches

The team is now trying to nail down the specific role of stum proteins in Drosophila and to determine whether the human version of stum — which has never been characterized — also works in joint angle sensing.
This probably causes differences in joint angle - specific gains in strength between the two external load types.
Which mechanism is most important for subsequent joint angle - specific strength gains depends on the muscle length used in training.
Joint angle - specific strength gains occur for both central and peripheral reasons.
Joint angle - specific strength gains at shorter muscle lengths tend to be caused by changes in neural drive (Noorkõiv et al. 2014).
It is therefore possible that both neural and peripheral mechanisms could contribute to joint angle - specific strength gains that transfer to COD ability.
Joint angle - specific strength gains at longer muscle lengths tend to be caused by regional hypertrophy.
The reason for the difference between the changes in joint angle - specific strength and the changes in joint angle - specific neural drive is that both peripheral and central factors are operating, and the impact of joint angle - specific neural drive is greater after training at short muscle lengths, while the impact of peripheral factors (like regional muscle size and / or muscle fascicle length) are greater after training at long muscle lengths.
Andersen et al. (2015) reported joint angle - specific gains in strength, whereby squats with free weights produced gains in isometric strength at both 60 and 90 degrees of knee flexion, while squats against elastic bands produced gains in isometric strength only at 60 degrees of knee flexion.
Fortunately, other research supports the presence of external load specificity in conjunction with joint angle - specific differences in neural drive.
And this explains why the patterns of joint angle - specific strength gains differ between isometric training with either long or short muscle lengths: they are caused by different adaptations.
In one study, Remaud et al. (2010) assessed joint angle - specific changes in maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) torque and in neural drive after isotonic and isokinetic types of external load, using knee extension training.
Using eccentric - only knee extension training, Guilhem et al. (2013) assessed the effect of constant load and isokinetic external load types on joint - angle specific changes in torque and EMG amplitude.
And joint angle - specific strength gains are smaller than after partial range of motion training vs. full range of motion training.
If this is the case, we should find that the main causes of specificity in strength gains after training with different types of external load are regional hypertrophy and joint angle - specific changes in neural drive (especially at end range of motion).
This is in line with the expected effects of joint angle - specific changes in neural drive being most relevant at short muscle lengths.
Overall, there is a slightly different pattern of joint angle - specific strength gains after isometric training with either short or long muscle lengths.
This specificity is likely attributable to differences in regional hypertrophy (which may be a function of different increases in muscle fascicle length) and joint angle - specific changes in neural drive, just like partial and full range of motion training.
Since these results are not unusual, there is clearly a different type of joint angle - specific strength gains after isometric training with short muscle lengths, compared to after isometric training with long muscle lengths.
And joint angle - specific strength gains are smaller than after isometric training at short vs. long muscle lengths.
Since the muscle length at the point of peak contraction seems to be the main factor that drives joint angle - specific strength gains, I am going to focus on the common type of partial range of motion exercises that involves a peak contraction at shorter muscle lengths in this article.
On the other hand, partial squats seem better than full squats for improving some athletic performance measures, such as sprinting (Rhea et al. 2016), possibly because the joint angle - specific strength gains lead to better transfer to those activities.
But why does partial range of motion training produce less hypertrophy, but greater joint angle - specific strength gains?
Partial range of motion exercises also display fairly clear joint angle - specific gains in strength.
Traditionally, it has been assumed that neural factors were responsible for joint angle - specific gains in strength after isometric training at all joint angles (Kitai & Sale, 1989; Noorkõiv et al. 2014).
Consequently, each displays remarkable joint angle - specific strength gains.
On the other hand, regional hypertrophy (but not always muscle fascicle length) seems more important than changes in joint angle - specific neural drive for the joint angle - specific gains in strength after isometric training at long muscle lengths (Alegre et al. 2014; Noorkõiv et al. 2014).
Accommodating resistance training transfers well to constant load strength, and also seems to produce greater joint angle - specific strength gains towards the middle of the exercise range of motion, greater improvements in repetition strength, and greater high - velocity strength gains.
This produces joint angle range of motion - specific and and velocity - specific adaptations, as well as greater improvements at the endurance end of the strength - endurance continuum.
Since strength is specific, then: strength training of the hamstrings at long muscle lengths, and the quadriceps and gluteus maximus at short muscle lengths, should lead to superior gains in sprinting performance than strength training at other joint angles.
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