Sentences with phrase «specific language here»

Not exact matches

Since the language of the denomination's Book of Church Order already reads «persons» and not «males» in its rules governing ordination to the ministry, what is at stake here is really the repeal of a 400 - year - old interpretation rather than of a specific law.
Here's a specific tip: Use positive language instead of negative language.
With her flattened vocal inflections and defensive body language evoking a very specific vein of British femininity, her work here is more focused and immediate than anything else in this bewildering film.
Click here for an example of a learning scales using language related to specific learning goals.
There is something to be said for being specific in your language here.
It doesn't seem so, and in some ways the entire week felt like a gigantic exercise in expectation management: Crossed Arms, Legitimate Constraints & Fidgeting Phone Use The exercise began at the opening ceremony, where body language seemed to reveal the subtext of the speeches: From Tony Blair's nonchalance and statements on how establishing a path was more important that specific targets, to Todd Stern's crossed arms and not - so - thinly veiled reference to «legitimate constraints» in US politics, to India's environment minister seemingly frustrated by it all, at times resting his head on his hands or fiddling with his Blackberry, all with an air of «nothing important is going to happen here», what wasn't verbalized was as important as what was.
Yet even here, the corruption of language is highly context specific — baseload in the context of coal and nuclear is framed as unnecessary, inefficient and wasteful, yet becomes virtuous when applied to concentrated solar thermal power or hot - rock geothermal.
Meanwhile, the 2017 New Hampshire jury nullification bill (HB 133), that includes the specific wording / language judges are to use in instructing a jury, was approved in mid-February by the House (discussed here) and remains pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
I understand should say something to the tune of «I declare that I still live together with my spouse at XXX, CA», but the courts are probably expecting some specific language in such a statement, which is what I'm looking for help with here.
Vague or bland language must be replaced here with specific examples and the «right» company - speak to make a memorable impression on a hiring authority.
Some of the skills you list here may echo the information that appears in your work history, but you can also use this section to showcase the kinds of talents and interests that don't have a specific place in the subheadings above, for example non-industry-specific software skills, foreign language skills, public speaking and written communication skills, or training and leadership skills.
[Insert standard language about this not being specific legal advice here.
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