Sentences with phrase «specific language so»

Avoid industry - specific language so employers focus on the skill, not in what capacity you used it.
In some systems, such as in Cambridge, the facilitators had to work with teachers unions to develop specific language so rounds would not be used as a way to evaluate and punish teachers.

Not exact matches

It's important to understand the specific language in the footnotes so that you don't miss any additional deductions or IRS filing requirements that may lead to potential penalties.
Tell Me What to Do: In Pure Barre, you become a «trained listener» for instructions: «lift your leg, turn out to open your hip, tuck your hips under...» It is so helpful when teachers use the same familiar language in very specific ways to direct what they want.
As far as the specific issue goes, of whether this is an actual presence of God in Communion, or whether it is «just a symbol» goes, I spent enough space already discussing loaded language to spend more time on how «We who believe in the Christ...» treats those who don't believe the details as you do don't actually believe in Christ, so as far as this issue is actually concerned:
The system is not language - specific so employees can choose their primary language, which allows for greater flexibility in hiring.
But Paterson has yet to submit any specific bill language on cuts to the Legislature, and so it's hard to say what lawmakers might be willing to do.
In an opinion joined by five of his colleagues, Antonin Scalia carefully parsed the language of the 1986 act, which didn't mention the specific type of problem the girl's family had raised: a so - called design defect.
The 2 °C target was reaffirmed in the 2009 «Copenhagen Accord» emerging from the 15th Conference of the Parties of the Framework Convention [11], with specific language «We agree that deep cuts in global emissions are required according to science, as documented in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report with a view to reduce global emissions so as to hold the increase in global temperature below 2 degrees Celsius...».
It is the first cookbook I've read that isn't just recipe based but that offers a blueprint (and specific help) for learning languages, the science of cooking, survival cooking and living, rapid memorization and so much more.
Tell Me What to Do: In Pure Barre, you become a «trained listener» for instructions: «lift your leg, turn out to open your hip, tuck your hips under...» It is so helpful when teachers use the same familiar language in very specific ways to direct what they want.
It's a tender, wholly compassionate moment where two cultures who barely speak the same language (it's the only scene that's almost entirely played out in English) connect over tragedy that one side can not really relate to, because its so specific to the storyteller's place on this planet.
(There's a specific cinematic language these films speak; when you hear a certain kind of music cue, or see a shot framed in just such a way, or when a character expresses anything approaching contentment, you'll know it's coming, so gird your loins.)
This is something UK specific so maybe a language patch or something at the last minute.
But now all the New is in Japanese, there's a lot of it so I'm guessing it's Japan specific, and changing language hasn't flipped it back to English or restored the old Western news.
Because of different math backgrounds, learning strengths, reading skills, and English language proficiency, students have varying levels of achievable challenge in different math topics, so flexible groupings should be designed so students can move easily between them, depending on their mastery of specific math topics.
So mentors can give detailed feedback, the school has developed an evaluation checklist which relates the instructional model and uses specific pedagogical language.
I think teaching a child a second language is important for brain development, irrespective of the specific language, so this was not an easy decision.
Recruitment & Hiring — PICCS promotes recruitment and hiring processes that allow schools to target their hiring practices so that they can effectively meet specific needs such as the needs of English language learners or chronically low - performing students.
The principal introduces, • Instructional challenges (importance of knowing about challenges at different proficiency levels; highlights the needs of beginner, intermediate, and advanced ELLs) • ESL in Content Area: Beginner / intermediate proficiency: ESL Push - In (specific use of ESL teachers with certification in a content area to support both language acquisition and learning content so that students do not fall behind) • ESL Instructional Period: Advanced proficiency (content instruction in English with supported ESL teacher to strengthen language skills) • Co-teaching model (ESL teacher «push - in» with a classroom teacher to deliver content with ESL support; teachers plan and share instructional role; high levels of collaboration and co-learning)
While 67 percent of 14 - and 15 - year - olds with speech and language impediments transferred to regular ed, only 25 percent of kids labeled as having specific learning disabilities and an abysmal 13 percent of those labeled as being emotionally disturbed did so.
Teachers can identify and include cognates in lessons, or, if they have no knowledge of the language or languages in question, they can ask specific students to do so.
So it is important to help students develop the language needed to learn sophisticated and complex concepts about various subject - specific topics.
Children need to hear languagespecific words or vocabulary, grammatical features, and so on — before making it their own.
So it's especially important that preschool children hear the language and vocabulary typically used in school to talk about specific subjects and content.
But I hadn't really had the framework of the different registers and the specific structures that are in place and the entire concept of explicitly teaching that to the students was kind of foreign to me... I hadn't really considered doing that before whereas now I see how valuable that is for students and how effective it is... how to actually explicitly teach that language so they're able to engage in that discussion instead of being perplexed that it wasn't happening.
Focus areas range from academic disciplines (K — 12 math, science, world languages, and so on) to specific programs (such as library media, guidance, or Response to Intervention) to approaches that promote deeper thinking (such as the extent to which critical thinking is embedded in a district's curriculum).
While their language is imprecise, they're noticing details about each other's dancing that I didn't appreciate because I was so focused on whether or not they could use the specific vocabulary.
When reading the article, I wasn't too sure about the difference between languages and signing contracts for specific countries, so I decided to simplify it a bit.
The Kindle also uses Bing Translations on all of their e-readers, so you can translate a specific word or a body of text from one language to another.
E.g. can I publish a book in italian in the iBookstore through Lulu or the language of publication is country - specific (English and maybe spanish only for the U.S. iBookstore, Italian only for the Italian iBookstore — when it'll be launched, and so on)?
I think there is a specific concern about 3DS demographics, specially in Europe, if you release a game only in English, you are releasing it only for two isles and a portion of grown ups on the rest of the continent, and they are provably not going to translate it to 2 - 5 extra languages if they are so insecure lol being from Spain I've read a thousand times on forums things like «they don't translate?
JG: So the color in those paintings was very specific to language or literature.
While this particular body of work is not about one specific play, Hundley takes mythologies from his own language so that the metaphysical and ethical quality of Greek theater weaves throughout.
It doesn't seem so, and in some ways the entire week felt like a gigantic exercise in expectation management: Crossed Arms, Legitimate Constraints & Fidgeting Phone Use The exercise began at the opening ceremony, where body language seemed to reveal the subtext of the speeches: From Tony Blair's nonchalance and statements on how establishing a path was more important that specific targets, to Todd Stern's crossed arms and not - so - thinly veiled reference to «legitimate constraints» in US politics, to India's environment minister seemingly frustrated by it all, at times resting his head on his hands or fiddling with his Blackberry, all with an air of «nothing important is going to happen here», what wasn't verbalized was as important as what was.
The 2 °C target was reaffirmed in the 2009 «Copenhagen Accord» emerging from the 15th Conference of the Parties of the Framework Convention [11], with specific language «We agree that deep cuts in global emissions are required according to science, as documented in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report with a view to reduce global emissions so as to hold the increase in global temperature below 2 degrees Celsius...».
If you plan to take this route, please comment below so that I can help you with the specific language for the Bill.
Unlike some spam filters that block specific domains or addresses, InBoxer is a so - called Bayesian filter that couples statistical mathematics with language technology to analyze the words contained in a message and decide whether it should be blocked.
Contract Advisor is fully searchable, so that a user can search all documents for specific language.
Or are the issues of consent (given and withdrawn, presumed for or against in the circumstances etc) and intention either specific enough to need legislation on their own, or too hard to cover by specific legislation (so they are better caught by more generic language)?
Use only metaphorical language, analogy and general management - speak to disguise ignorance and avoid specific challenge, draw all examples for intended actions from unrelated industry sectors so that everyone is ignorant in equal amounts, set up project teams to investigate issues but never complete tasks, when in trouble, announce an internal restructure to buy more time and get out quickly, on to the next job before being rumbled.
«Now we parse the language of the query to identify the user's intent so we can provide a specific answer.»
The best way for a parent to get maximum power, protections, and right is to get: 1) sole legal custody (so that the parent can make all major decisions without his input and without court approval); 2) the most days and overnights of parenting time as the court will allow; and 3) very specific language throughout the final custody / divorce order that spells out exactly which activities and behaviors that the parents must either perform or are prohibited from doing (so that if the other parent violates, then it will be easier to prove the violation to the court and therefore get some sort of remedy, such as finding the other parent in contempt of court).
Had Parliament intended to expand the scope of the offence «one would have expected it to do so directly, using clear and specific language» especially in the context of criminal law, which requires «clear and definitive language» for conduct to be outlawed.
It was really instructive to have him refer to specific examples from my own writing so I could see how I had inappropriately applied various writing principles and determine what language I could use to fix those mistakes.
So, regarding those whose language is littered with vague images, similes and clichés, there's a reasonable chance that they're lying or at best are ignorant of the topic and can not risk being challenged on specific details.
All companies have different policy requirements, so review the specific language within each insurance contract.
With so many specific terms, insurance can sometimes seem like its own language.
Take several professional photos in different outfits so you can customize them to match the occasion, just as you may update the language with specific details that cater to your audience.
Adapted classroom instructional materials and modified language so student with specific needs may access the general curriculum and increase independence in the classroom.
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