Sentences with phrase «specific language use»

So first, I try to do away fighting over specific language use and be direct and clear about where an agreement was violated.
While the images (and entire site) contribute to creating a feeling of love, the specific language used in the call - to - action form contributes to the feeling that, just by signing up, you're starting your journey to find your next soul mate.
Then they examined the next six months» worth of published scientific papers in those fields for specific language used in the published Wikipedia entries, and compared it to the language in the entries that never got published.
SQL or Structured Query Language is a domain - specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS).
A court will consider the nature of the employment relationship, the specific language used in the employment contract and the significance of the unilateral change before deciding whether to enforce the contractual clause.
Wrongful dismissal litigation involving disputes over entitlements to bonuses, stock options and other forms of variable compensation generally focuses on the specific language used in the employment contract or the stock option or bonus plan.
The cognitive test is given in the specific language used on the job.

Not exact matches

-- Take a look at your employee handbook policies and benefits offerings and make sure they use gender - neutral language, rather than gender - specific terms.
We discovered some barriers to entry around the use, social value and cultural meaning of the English language, internet usage and trust in digital platforms that were specific to Egypt.
Trump used some of his toughest language yet against North Korea in a wide - ranging address in Seoul on Wednesday that lodged specific accusations of chilling human rights abuses, although he offered no evidence to support the accusations.
Porter raised additional concerns about language used in posting tools that allows users to post about «suspicious activity,» a category she views as overly broad, as opposed to restricting reports to notifications of specific crimes that were witnessed.
Description: For someone with multilingual skills and legal experience, bilingual - legal - assistant jobs are often available as projects or temporary jobs in which you'll help an organization with a specific case or issue, reviewing legal documents using your language skills.
They research employees who manage money and use language specific to the company they are targeting, then they request a wire fraud transfer using dollar amounts that lend legitimacy.
To further the conversation about inclusion in the tech industry, she says companies need to be more specific in the language they use and think about intersectionality in their solutions.
Since marketing judges success based on engagement, I used different language to create a marketing - specific, hyper - personalized value proposition.
Tell Me What to Do: In Pure Barre, you become a «trained listener» for instructions: «lift your leg, turn out to open your hip, tuck your hips under...» It is so helpful when teachers use the same familiar language in very specific ways to direct what they want.
Technically sound whitepaper that presents your specific use case in simple, straightforward language.
That means I need to show that I understand challenges specific to marketing and use appropriate language — and that means ABM.
But why not take the time to look through sites like Quora, Yahoo Answers, public Facebook Groups in your industry, or industry - specific forums to find the questions people are asking and the language they're using?
I am kind of with Wzrd1 on this, even if you don't know he difference between hebrew and arabic (pretty different languages, but not everyone can tell) orthodox jews dress in a very specific and unique way, not anything traditional arabic garb or the western clothing that we wear and most terrorists use to blend in on planes etc..
There still exists inequality and oppression in the Church regarding women religious, propounded by the use of gender - specific language:
(It is because of specific difficulty attached to learning how to use the moral expressions of a language that we find novels more helpful than explicit ethical reflection in teaching us how to live morally.)
At this point I refused to use any gender - specific «God language
With regard to translation in the literal sense, Eugene Nida used to say regularly that no translation from one language to another can ever be perfectly accurate, but that in every specific interlinguistic interface it is possible to find a substantially adequate rendering of the central point of the original text.
Brand frequently interjects that he's «not a theologian,» and, at times, has trouble remembering specific Scripture references or using typical «Christian» language.
«Lincoln was less specific about his own experience and, while he used biblical language, it was less distinctively Christian or conversionistic than many of the evangelical preachers thought it should be,» Leonard says.
Each of the categories of language has its specific uses, and the problem is to be clear about which language - game one is using and to avoid improper mixing.
His specific stands received less attention than his brilliant use of «compassionate conservative» language to take the hard edges off his views.
Paul also uses reunification language in I Corinthians and Colossians, but without specific reference to male and female.
Ron Allen examines specific ways in which we use language, and how the genre of the text shapes its thrust; he also offers concrete homiletical strategies.
A newly hired director of food experience will focus on the front of the house part of the business - the branding, specific language that staff uses and the design of employee uniforms.
The FDA has specific guidelines for communication that includes which media outlets must be notified and what language must be used.
Parents and others can help a toddler, preschooler, or older child speak better and develop language skills by using specific techniques.
Since Kim believed in a coaching model to help her parents learn and apply language development techniques at home, she often provided specific praise on how well a parent started to use a new technique.
Here's a specific tip: Use positive language instead of negative language.
When you give babies specific tools to use for communication, it opens the door for them to explore language and understand how it works.
He said he used a model resolution and added language specific to the city of Kingston to draft the legislation adopted by the Common Council, adding that while the resolution does not «have teeth» with which to be enforced, the legislation adds Kingston to the list of other municipalities opposed to the pipeline.
But a legally - binding agreement signed on that same day by the council's Land Use Committee provides much less specific restrictions, preserving less than two - thirds of the ground floor for retail use with no specific language about food at aUse Committee provides much less specific restrictions, preserving less than two - thirds of the ground floor for retail use with no specific language about food at ause with no specific language about food at all.
The study examined test results for more than 33,000 students in grades 4 through 12 and found that student performance varied across testing formats by grade band, students» primary language, and the specific features of the computer - based system used.
Teaching the language of physics thus means not only teaching the language structures typically used in the subject, including the specific terminology and grammar, but also the reasoning or argumentation that we find in physics and how this is expressed in language.
Researchers are using eye - tracking technology to learn more about children afflicted with specific language impairment
The innovation the researchers want to introduce is the use of a domain - specific language — a precise language that focuses on a closely - defined area of application.
«One of the reasons it sounds different when you hear someone speaking a different language is because the actual sounds they use are different; they have a sound code that's specific to that language,» he said.
Moreover, it suggests that we seem to use specific strategies for making sense of confusing information — the «noise» interfering with the signal conveyed in language, as researchers think of it.
By using type - specific languages, Wyvern can simplify that task for the programmer, Aldrich said, while also avoiding workarounds that can introduce security vulnerabilities.
The language used in Myriad's patent, the court found, did not describe a specific method of transforming material into a useful invention.
A research group led by Jonathan Aldrich, associate professor in the Institute for Software Research (ISR), is developing a programming language called Wyvern that makes it possible to construct programs using a variety of targeted, domain - specific languages, such as SQL for querying databases or HTML for constructing Web pages, as sublanguages, rather than writing the entire program using a general purpose language.
But Mangarevan and another of the daughter languages use object - specific counting systems — making them less abstract than the ancestral language.
Tell Me What to Do: In Pure Barre, you become a «trained listener» for instructions: «lift your leg, turn out to open your hip, tuck your hips under...» It is so helpful when teachers use the same familiar language in very specific ways to direct what they want.
Be specific and fun in your language when describing yourself and what you like, think of an anecdote or an example that really reflects your personality and who you are rather than using clichés.
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