Sentences with phrase «specific locus»

A "specific locus" refers to a particular location or spot. It is used to pinpoint a specific place or position, often in reference to genetics and DNA, to identify a precise spot on a chromosome or a specific gene. Full definition
Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing analysis revealed enrichment of H3K27me3 at specific loci in KDM6A - null cells, including PRC2 / EZH2 and their downstream targets.
Transformed cells such as the Jurkat line may show aberrant DNA methylation patterns at specific loci [57], possibly complicating analyses of cytosine methylation and HIV - 1 latency.
New mouse models can be generated with CRISPR / Cas9 by injecting Cas9 mRNA and either one or multiple single guide RNAs (sgRNA) directly into mouse embryos to generate precise genomic edits into specific loci (Figures 1 and 2).
Non-editing CRISPR applications direct catalytically dead dCas9 fused to a variety of epigenetic modifiers to specific loci without inducing double strand breaks.
Traditionally, mutation rates have been inferred from evolutionary comparisons or extrapolated from the study of specific loci, but it is now possible to directly assess the mutation rate on a genome - wide basis, using whole - genome sequencing of family trios.
Effective positional coverage across the entire Bt genome for each mouse (m1 — m5) begins with essentially even coverage of the Bt genome of ˜6 Mb, but drops rapidly over the experimental time ‐ course, representative of selection at specific loci.
In their study, the researchers showed that already at the age of six weeks in the mice with a rapid weight gain, the DPP4 gene was less methylated at four specific loci, i.e. epigenetically altered, compared to the other mice.
Flexplex chemistry offers global compatibility by spanning the extended European Standard Set, the expanded U.S. Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) core loci, and other commonly used region - specific loci.
We investigated the genetic basis of sex - specific differences in wing size between two closely related species of Nasonia by positional cloning a major male - specific locus, wing - size1 (ws1).
For example, female fertility genes such as those recently identified in malarial mosquitoes [40] could be targeted by a genetic load daisy drive whose basal element is located on the Y chromosome or an equivalent male - specific locus (Supplementary Fig. 9).
The most basic genetic scenario is where a gene on a specific locus determines each trait.
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