Sentences with phrase «specific neural circuits»

Scientists in recent years have made great strides in the quest to understand the brain by using implanted probes to explore how specific neural circuits work.
Optogenetics has revolutionized how neuroscientists study the brain by allowing them to directly manipulate specific neural circuits.
A better understanding of these mechanisms might make it possible to focus therapeutic interventions on specific neural circuits to improve treatment of neurological disorders in the future.»
The study findings, published in the journal eLife on Dec. 19, reveal what happens in specific neural circuits when young zebra finches make vocal sounds.
How SHANK3 insufficiency affects specific neural circuits and how this is related to specific symptoms remains elusive.
By stimulating a specific neural circuit, researchers can cue a fly to flap its left wing or swing its head from side to side — feats that roused a late - afternoon crowd in November at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in San Diego, California.
In a pair of new studies, scientists from the Gladstone Institutes have discovered a specific neural circuit that controls walking, and they found that input to this circuit is disrupted in Parkinson's disease.
View the original article here: Transgenic Technique «Eliminates» a Specific Neural Circuit in Brain of Primates - Science Daily
In a pair of new studies, scientists at the Gladstone Institutes have discovered a specific neural circuit that controls walking, and they found that input to this circuit is disrupted in Parkinson's disease.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA — In a pair of new studies, Gladstone scientists discovered a specific neural circuit that controls walking, and they found that input to this circuit is disrupted in Parkinson's disease.
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