Sentences with phrase «specific ordinance»

In Chicago, the consequences of a traffic ticket will depend on the specific ordinance or law that you are accused of violating.
The specific ordinance was not narrowly tailored (to «preventing fraud»); requiring a surrender of anonymity.
A court has struck down an Englewood, New Jersey breed specific ordinance banning Bull Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Rottweilers, or any dogs of mixed breed which has the appearance or characteristics of being predominately of the breeds.
It's good advice for a city that has seen nothing but headaches and struggle with their Breed Specific Ordinance.
If someone is injured by a dog not covered by the breed specific ordinance, the ordinance does not apply.
But the local kennel clubs, Mississippi State Kennel Club and Brandon Kennel Club of Mississippi were alert and organized immediately to prevent passage of a breed specific ordinance.
We understand that taking on a proposed breed specific ordinance can be an intimidating experience.
Even if you don't live in the area where a breed specific ordinance has been proposed, please speak out against it.
Politely ask the animal control officer what specific ordinance requires you to trap the cats.
Interestingly, Tulsa does not appear to have a specific Ordinance for such violations, but instead appears to rely upon our State law for such.
An Orland Park - specific ordinance would also give the village authority to enforce whatever restrictions it decides on, Calandriello said.
Earlier efforts by the Humane Society to get the owner to clean up the store met with only limited success because there were no specific ordinances to enforce, except animal cruelty statutes, Shook said.
The case in Brampton represents basically everything that is wrong with breed specific ordinances:
Many practical alternatives to breed - specific ordinances exist and hold promise for prevention of dog bites.»
Two more states have prohibited cities from enacting breed - specific ordinances and many cities have come to the same decision on their own and repealed their ordinances.
In the process, they wrote a very compelling testimony about why they repealed the law — including noting that those who support breed specific ordinances relay on skewed and inaccurate statistics.
In the eyes of the State of Idaho, the responsibility falls on the property owner unless the county or city they reside in has their own specific ordinances for feral cat care.
More and more communities are enacting breed neutral ordinances in large part due to citizens taking a stand and offering education and workable solutions to the officials proposing breed specific ordinances.
* Breed specific ordinances are difficult, if not impossible, to enforce.
A review of various breed specific ordinances in Tennessee reveals that pit bull owners are not the only ones who should be concerned about BSL.
Its important to note that most cities in Tennessee with breed specific ordinances use an ordinance provided by MTAS (Municipal Technical Advisory Service), a branch of the University of Tennessee Institute for Public Service.
Breed specific ordinances are quick fixes and not a sufficient long term solution for the following reasons:
In 2015, a Washington state legislator who sponsored a state preemption bill, falsely stated that a U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1920, Nicchia v. New York, found that it was «unconstitutional to have breed - specific ordinances
However, she did cite one case by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1920, Nicchia v. New York, and alleged that the decision found that it was «unconstitutional to have breed - specific ordinances» (her exact words).
Much less commonly, breed - specific ordinances target rottweilers, the second most lethal dog breed in the United States.
Learn more about early breed - specific ordinances, social attitudes and vicious attacks by pit bulls in written testimony by for the Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee (February 6, 2014).
The combination of citing Nicchia and Sentell by appellate courts pertaining to upholding well - written breed - specific ordinances was done as recently as 2007 (American Canine Foundation v. Sun, Dist.
This is why The UK, which was the «leader» in Breed Specific Ordinances when they banned four different breeds of dogs, has seen a 34 % increase in hospitalizations due to dog bites since their Dangerous Dogs Act was last updated in 1997.
Our legal team devotes substantial time to understanding the specific ordinances for the use of sidewalks and roads in communities where fatal or catastrophic bicycle accidents occurred.
Most city (or county) websites have their specific ordinances listed with their Animal Control Services so acquainting yourself with local pet - ownership laws is as easy as a few clicks.

Not exact matches

This is strictly an Old Testament ordinance on the increase of crops and livestock for a specific reason.
But the village's public indecency and disorderly conduct ordinances have no specific language applying to public urination, which can make violations harder to enforce and easier to challenge in court, he said.
But the village's public indecency and disorderly conduct ordinances have no specific language applying to public urination,...
Products with GREENGUARD Certification or GREENGUARD Gold Certification can contribute to the achievement of points in established green building rating systems, satisfy code or ordinance criteria and meet indoor air quality specific RFP requirements.
Despite Tulsa's absence of a specific animal abuse Ordinance, the Tulsa Animal Welfare website is extremely helpful in understanding how to identify abuse and neglect and how to properly report it.
The Lawrence Humane Society has indicated that they do not support a breed specific ban, while supporting strengthening the existing ordinance.
CASSELBERRY — A stringent ordinance proposed by city animal control officials would give the city its first specific guidelines to control pet stores and would be among a handful of similar laws in the state.
State of Oklahoma Oklahoma Animal Cruelty Statutes — Department of Agriculture Oklahoma Cruelty Statutes — Animal Legal and Historical Center Oklahoma State Board of Commercial Pet Breeders Oklahoma Municode — look up ordinances for all cities in Oklahoma Breed - Specific Legislation is NOT LEGAL in Oklahoma.
Learn more about breed specific legislation and the ordinance pertaining to dogs in Des Moines.
Next Wednesday, MPP Cheri DiNovo plans to introduce a bill that would keep the Dog Owner's Liability Act with one major change, which is to get rid of the breed - specific part of the ordinance.
The City is looking at instituting a dog advisory panel to provide recommendations for what the new dangerous dog ordinance would look like without being breed specific.
In the mid-1980s and early 1990s, breed - specific legislation, pooper - scooper regulations, and anti-barking ordinances increased in numbers, but then the dam burst with a flood of attempts to restrict dog ownership.
The proposal came before a Missouri bill banning breed - specific local ordinances passed by an overwhelming majority in the House.
She also notes that the breed specific law has not provided more safety to citizens (even citing that bites and deaths have actually gone up since the ordinance was put in place).
A dog attacks, and city - council members want the city attorney to react — sometimes by drafting an ordinance that restricts or outlaws a specific breed of dog, most often the maligned pit bull terrier.1 After such an ordinance is passed, authorities must then ferret out and kill any dog that slightly resembles a pit bull terrier.
Because it was targeted only at pit bulls, the spay and neuter ordinance required a change in state law to allow cities and counties to impose «breed specific» requirements.
The Carroll County Code of Public Local Laws and Ordinances has specific regulations for keeping dogs in the confines of one's property, including stating that such animals must be kept restrained...
«I think Town and Country is following a trend we are seeing to remove breed - specific language from municipal ordinances and make it behavior - based.»
Tagged animal control, breed specific legislation, city council, court, dangerous, dog, ordinance, pit bull
Tagged animal control, ban, breed specific legislation, city council, community, dog, meeting, ordinance, pit bull
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