Sentences with phrase «specific outcomes»

A wide range of different parenting skills were important for health, although certain aspects of parenting appeared particularly relevant for specific outcomes.
One problem is that changes made with specific outcomes in mind often have unintended consequences.
We can contact your servicer, but we can't guarantee specific outcomes.
They include standard clauses, terms and conditions which can then be applied to individual agreements to suit different situations and achieve specific outcomes.
Once you've provided a needs analysis, you can decide on specific outcomes for your lessons.
Some residential centres will help you target specific outcomes whilst others may be more generic experiences.
Our goal is to highlight the experiences of those who invest in alternatives — including which strategies they use to seek specific outcomes — to build broader understanding of this asset class.
When you say «student outcomes have remained unchanged,» what specific outcomes are you referring to?
The study outcomes were limited to self - report measures, and suicide and self - harm behaviours were not measured as specific outcomes.
By identifying specific outcome levels, teams can determine what future resources are needed.
And this isn't just a personal problem: Goal - setting and communication are also fundamental in building up company teams to meet specific outcomes.
This allowed for an examination of the utility of the same risk models across different health - risk outcomes to determine whether models predict specific outcomes or general risk behavior.
The social sciences play a principal role in determining what variables promote specific outcomes; they can not, by themselves, justify outcomes.
Don't get me wrong: weights are useful for a lot of things, and this study was only testing a few specific outcomes.
There are many specific outcomes but residential outdoor learning is particularly effective in developing confidence in young people.
In other words, it's hard to detect correlation to specific outcomes when the approved applications all scored at high levels.
An alternative, however, is to draw a strong association between specific outcomes and program participation.
Whatever specific outcome you want fits into one of those two categories.
Resource alignment is critical to target specific outcomes and to avoid the replication or complication of efforts internally as well as across institutions.
No credit company can offer or predict specific outcomes or results.
Most (59 %) of these firms offer financial incentives for undergoing the screenings, and some (14 %) tie the incentives to meeting specific outcomes such as a targeted body mass index (BMI) or cholesterol level.
who will take on board specific outcomes from each session and will apply them elsewhere in their lives.»
Use of quantified accomplishments will help you avoid succumbing to what Dib calls «the responsibilities trap,» where job duties are described in detail, but there is little evidence of specific outcomes provided.
The experimental design of the D.C. evaluation, while a methodological strength in many ways, makes it difficult to connect the context of students» educational experiences with specific outcomes in any reliable way.
Developed and implemented educational curriculums for Mentors that provided specific outcomes detailed in the Mentoring Center's guidelines
Limitations include the small sample size, the diverse nature of diagnoses in the sample, and the lack of a trauma - specific outcome measure.
Suster, who is not a Snap investor but is a big booster of LA - based tech companies, said one of its unsung victories is a shift from brand advertising to cost - per - action ads, or ads that are meant to drive specific outcomes, like an app download.
The goal of ethereum's «Turing - complete» programming language is to allow developers to write more programs in which blockchain transactions could govern and automate specific outcomes.
In addition, the immediate feedback loop, including the ability to get resident specific outcomes, is another advantage of the ACS NSQIP database.
What specific outcomes does the school aim to achieve with the primary PE and Sport Premium?
The last decade has seen a growing body of research that focuses on both the «how» of outdoor learning as well as the «why» which in turn is laying the foundations for more targeted research into specific outcomes.
As Sibme was the tool being used at the middle schools, in order for me to streamline my coaching I asked that it be the coaching tool I use with my high school teachers as well.The specific outcome that I am trying to impact are a more objective, teacher guided coaching, the video along with other coaching tools allow for a coaching conversation removed from feelings that usually surround feedback.
Put another way, rules are conclusive because when their conditions are met, they operate automatically to demand specific outcomes.
Cost - utility analysis was also conducted, which is the same type of analysis as cost - effectiveness analysis, with the exception that the net cost of an incremental QALY is calculated instead of a disorder - specific outcome measure28 using the EQ - 5D and applying the quality of life weights as described by the EuroQol Group.33 This meant that the cost - utility ICER was modelled as the ratio of the net between - group cost change difference and the net EQ - 5D change difference.
Correcting societal ills or achieving specific outcomes by working collaboratively can make for an extremely rewarding career, but these missions require long - term thinking and strategy.
Provide a brief overview of the scope of the project, and list quantifiable or other specific outcomes.
Additional research is needed to address the distinction between clinical and non-clinical populations on specific outcomes and to further explore the role of mental health outcomes as related to romantic relationship quality and breakups.
Reliance solely on topic - specific outcomes such the cost per unit improvement of maternal sensitivity or a reduction in loneliness mean that it is difficult to compare the case for different potential areas of intervention.
Drs. Gottman and Katz set out to conduct a unique longitudinal study, one which would identify the particular styles of marital behavior predictive of specific outcomes in the behaviors of their children.
As a CMO and ever - lasting student of marketing, these disciplines help you focus on achieving specific outcomes.
«LibertyQ offers investors our fundamental and quantitative expertise that drives our ability to seek specific outcomes with reduced risk, packaged within the ETF wrapper.»
By design, SLOs vary between teachers and grades because they require a teacher to identify specific outcomes and set goals they hope to achieve over a term.
Rotate between rich fiction and non-fiction books to target specific outcomes and learning needs (e.g., vividly illustrated picture book for comprehending story elements, non-fiction science book for evaluating cause and effect).
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