Sentences with phrase «specific place and time»

What actually does something is the specific temperature at a specific place and time, in combination with all the other specific temperatures.
While the work's use of text is a departure from the other pieces in the show, «Rebuild South Central» imparts a sense of specific place and time to the paintings that follow.
Khalili further develops the conceit of time in her mixed - media installation Foreign Office (2015), where the evocation of a specific place and time — Algiers, 1962 to 1972 — intimates the possibility of contemporary global solidarity.
For his site - specific project East Meets West, Finch traveled to the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, where he used a colorimeter — a device that measures the average color and temperature of light that exists naturally in a specific place and time — to calculate the color of the light on the oceans.
In the new works, Lowe has expanded his compositions to include a definitive environment which situates his characters in a more specific place and time.
Unlike the characters in Wittig's novel, the women portrayed in Santiago Muñoz's video are real, and the story is rooted in the specific place and time that they inhabit — including Caribbean cities, bankrupted states, and coastal towns.
The only thing needed to get a proposal onto the agenda is a willing «convener,» whose job is being at a specific place and time and taking notes about what's discussed.
These new maps on the right provide additional information by placing the temperature anomaly observed for a specific place and time period into historical perspective, showing how the most current month, season or year compares with the past.
These provide additional information by placing the temperature anomaly observed for a specific place and time period into historical perspective, showing how the most current month, season, or year compares with the past.
The difference is that in weather forecasting, meteorologists try to predict conditions, such as major storms, at specific places and times.
The idea is to let your dog know it is only to be done at specific places and times and not on your living room rug, bathroom floor, or bedspread.
At the very least, there will be a group arrival and group departure date, meaning all members of the group are required to both arrive and leave at specific places and times.

Not exact matches

Contractors should all have specific self - determining kinds of work to do, normally in a finite time period, with defined deliverables, using their own place of work and so forth.
It is important to note that while these are the levels we are focused on hitting and we have plans in place to achieve them, our prior experience on the Model 3 ramp has demonstrated the difficulty of accurately forecasting specific production rates at specific points in time.
If the leather journal company analyzed its sales history and saw the most conversions taking place from 11 AM to 1 PM during the workweek, it would be recommended that they set a bid adjustment to increase their bid for that specific time.
The casual - dining chain, which operates 550 locations across the U.S. and Canada, says online orders booked via will let diners place orders with a specific pick - up time, prepay for those orders, and also feature customization of the burgers in a way that mirrors the experience in the brick - and - mortar restaurant locations.
It was a subtle way of telling both yourself and the world around you, «I have places to be and specific times I'd like to be there by.»
While he took great pains to point out that it's still months away from his July start date and by that time «the UK economy might be in an entirely different place,» he did attempt to clarify his position on specific points such as inflation (he supports a continued course of «flexible regulation») and further stimulus (he's for it, should the British economy need it).
Saves time: Marketers can manage multiple social media channels and design a complete user journey based on specific triggers, all from one place.
Suppose you knew ahead of time that a specific market or commodity like oil, gold, or technology was expected to jump an average of $ 1.75 per share on a specific date, and that move was going to take place over a precisely detailed period of time?
Suppose you knew ahead of time that just one of the top 325 stocks or ETFs was expected to jump an average of $ 1.75 per share on a specific date, and that move was going to take place over a precisely detailed period of time?
-- a man would see a brilliant light during his lifetime that no one else saw — a man would hear a voice of another man no one else saw — all the other men would hear the same voice — all the other men would not see the brilliant light — Saul would be renamed to Paul and go through with it — Paul would arrive at a place where another man shows up at a specific time — the other man placing his hand on him and telling him he will be healed — Paul can now see, previously blind since the brilliant light event
This striking transformation of life into lifestyle, the way in which the tools, garments, and attitudes specific to particular times and places become commodities to be marketed to anonymous and rootless consumers: they are the natural (if also banal) expressions of our normal nihilism.»
also the antichrist put a specific picture for every human god to be easier for him to persuade the followers that he is the same god they were waiting for as he will appear for every one of thos at the same time in different places with the same picture and with the same mirecles they belive in.
In this «Southernness» lies an anthropology beyond both the American and, at least since Descartes, the European species of anthropology» a recognition of the wayfarer as created intellect lost and wandering in the desert until he becomes oriented to reality through such signs as may rest their limited significance in specific time and place, as that complex is governed by the Word.
The ethical definitions are always specific to the time and place in which they are created.
Some folks I have read say that this is the «objectivity» of Gospel — that is, it is an event which happens in a specific time and place which we can refer to historically and without regard to ourselves.
Your holiest look down upon the sinners, your prayers are scripted, your music is pre-planned out, you adhere to a schedule and you meet at specific times on a specific day as if to say... «if we arrive at church at 9:30 Sunday morning, God will meet us in this place
You have yet to directly respond to the specific points I've made at least three times now, i.e.: 1) the immutable good nature argument is simply unsupported definitional fiat (god can be equally described as malevolent or apathetic with equal support); 2) the immutable good nature argument presents a source of morality beyond god's direct control placing the argument in the god says so because it is good prong of the dilemma; and 3) the argument suggests god is not omnipotent because god is constrained to only a limited set of potential behaviors.
Each significant relationship is ordained by God for a specific time, place and very specific purpose: making us more like Jesus.
Naturally, the correct answer here will be highly relative to specific times and places, and I can imagine few tasks more difficult than offering guidance to the universal Church on issues as particularized as these.
He was a man of his times and did not attack the specific role definitions placed on women any more than he did other forms of slavery.
His theological writings, letters and papers have a timeless and universal appeal, despite the fact that they were written in a very specific time and place.
Those concrete particulars are historically specific: they exist in particular times and places.
A proposition is on Whitehead's terms what we consciously experience, specific sensory qualities located at a definite place and time.
For when Santayana explains what it is for an essence to be exemplified, or for a truth to be about something, he typically talks of their instances or objects as «facts,» meaning by this some particular bit of the natural world as it is at a specific time and place (as it is directly if physical or derivatively if mental).
The story of the fall, told in Genesis, is to be taken as something true of each of us, not as a historical account of how sin came into the world at a specific time and place in human history.
For the conservative evangelical, this choosing is dramatically expressed in an emphasis on a time - and place - specific conversion, a «decision for Christ.»
It has its specific location, so to say, in this or that particular time and place, centering in this or that particular person — what that person said and did; how that person was understood; what response was made to him and to his words and deeds.
Another is that some verses restricting women's roles were «culturally and historically specific, not universal principles for all times and places
Indeed, ethical discourse is related to the concrete, the specific, the event in time and place.
Jesus Christ came into a real world, into a specific time and place; he interacted with actual people and participated in concrete events.
Jesus keeps it simple plus we can avoid judgments and speculation about biblical accounts of war, slavery etc. that related to a specific nomadic tribal people or at a minimum require taking into account a people, time and place some say never existed.
With a priori alienation (Verfremdung) from the text as the starting point, the intelligibility of mind, laboring in and through methodology, would transport the interpreter into the realm of another time and place and by the determination of meaning in relation to a specific historical context would illuminate the obscure text.
So even in the case of the 10 Commandments, all biblical «laws» are specific to a time and place and people, and they have a history behind how these laws were developed so that those people living in that time at that place could maintain peace and stability.
Every law in the Bible is specific to a time and place and people.
In the pulpit, however, preachers tell the story because God got involved with a particular people in a specific time and place, and that involvement generated a history in which we are privileged to participate by faith, baptism and the common life.
Then we schedule a time and place to meet the person and give them the specific thing they need (blankets, tarps, shoes, socks, gloves, hats, jackets).
Today's American Jewish denominations are very much the products of their time and place and of the specific circumstances of American religious life as a whole, heavily shaped as that life has been by essentially Protestant nomenclature and modes of organization.
Throughout church history there have been 3 basic schools of thought: The soul is is created at conception, it is genetically passed on from the parents, or God created all souls at some specific time in the past and places them in the individual.
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