Sentences with phrase «specific postures»

It was refreshing to spend time focusing on specific postures instead of rushing through them.
I had heard stories of practitioners who spoke of the connection between physical and emotional releases, as a result of deep work in specific postures.
Yoga is really all about getting a method to push yourself to fulfill specific postures, which are assumed to stretch out muscle tissue and analyze your personal power.
What's more, specific posture weaknesses could lead to more direct symptoms.
He helps the ma'am to breathe, maintain calmness or to change and keep specific postures with the primary aim being aid in pain management.
Another option is the Egoscue Method, which is a series of very specific posture stretches and special exercises tailored to each person's specific needs.
3 Hypopressive Exercise this is a series of specific postures and breathing techniques that create a lower pressure system to the abdomino - pelvic area while reflexively recruiting the pelvic floor muscles.
In our leadership work we show our leaders how to transmit a precise type of leadership impact to meet different business outcomes by using various specific postures and facial expressions that prime your behaviors to achieve the particular business outcome, as well as signal to others how your behaviors will change outcomes.
Meditation techniques include specific postures and / or attention to breathing patterns.
You are able to have a deeper insight into specific postures or categories of postures that interest you.
We can discuss sequencing, specific postures for opening regions of the body, hands on adjustments, yogic philosophy, yogic diet or anything else you need.
She pointed to Light on Yoga, the bible for Iyengar students, in which B.K.S. Iyengar offers detailed descriptions about breathing during the practice of specific postures.
Static Stability: Maintaining a specific posture with control and without wavering ie.)
Sometimes, the «unacceptable» parts are locked in our bodies, perhaps through clenching particular muscles, and by adopting a specific posture.
Dogs that are frightened have specific postures and behaviors.
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