Sentences with phrase «specific sequences»

This is useful for gamers who utilize specific sequences of abilities in MMOs or want to select a certain structure and pump out a certain complement of units in an RTS.
These works (later known as Equivalents) influenced Ansel Adams and Minor White — both artists created specific sequences to evoke the rhythms of nature or the poetry of time passing.
The four characters have special abilities that will come in handy during specific sequences in battle, or even when your stuck and you need to take flight.
If they had simplified it to only fighting during boss fights or specific sequences it'd work well, but in puzzle sections, it detracts from the experience.
Genes are specific sequences of DNA material that actually control the characteristics of living beings.
In fact, while in that mode, «the page» arguably becomes irrelevant as panels are strung together into one linear sequence, rather than into a series of page - specific sequences.
The «Visual Effects» section is incredibly in - depth as Kevin Haug, visual effects supervisor and Leslie McMinn, visual effects coordinator, discuss how the elaborate shots and special effects were done by examining 19 specific sequences.
From the staging to the style to specific sequences, Ratner has clearly modelled his vision of swords and sandals in the Game of Thrones fashion — the heightened narrative of tragic backstories and double crossing, the repetitive imagery of montages of training and fighting, and the multiple instances of royal infighting among them.
As I travel throughout India and the United States to research yoga therapy, I notice that even masters who write books and articles recommending specific sequences for particular conditions often don't use these sequences when they work with students.
Even a style like Kundalini Yoga (in the style of Yogi Bhajan), which recommends specific sequences (called kriyas) for particular conditions, suggests that teachers use their discretion in deciding when a kriya is appropriate and whether the recommended timings should be modified.
It is literally the linking of body movement with breath specific sequences, the setting of an intention for one's personal yoga practice, and taking the necessary steps toward reaching that goal.
Specific sequences are used to target the meridians: the subtle channels described in Chinese medicine, similar to yoga's nadis.
Ashtanga yoga is an intense style of yoga that focuses on specific sequences of postures and breathing techniques.
Our findings add empirical support to the contribution of low - frequency variants in complex traits, demonstrate the advantage of including population - specific sequences in imputation panels and exemplify the power gains afforded by population isolates.
This could be remedied by using a threshold - dependent underdominance gene drive to «recode» specific sequences of a local population, which then could be selectively targeted for removal using a subsequent RNA - guided suppression drive.
According to the previous study, the Cas13a enzyme can be programmed to target specific sequences in viral and bacterial cells and still remain active afterwards.
In the lab, DNA can be edited at will, changing specific sequences, or adding new ones.
An entire class of proteins called transcription factors, which regulate the activity of certain genes by interacting with specific sequences of DNA, has largely been ignored by the pharmaceutical industry because it's difficult to design and screen drugs against them.
As frightening as that sounds, most of us were born with a defense against exposure to mercury, initiated by specific sequences of genetic code that cause most people to expel the metal in 30 to 40 days.
An article published on June 26th in PLOS Pathogens now reports that a mini antibody called 3D8 scFv can degrade (or chew up) viral DNA and RNA regardless of specific sequences and protect mammalian cells and genetically manipulated mice against different viruses.
CRISPR, originally discovered by biologists studying the bacterial immune system, consists of a DNA - cutting enzyme called Cas9 and short RNA guide strands that target specific sequences of the genome, telling Cas9 where to make its cuts.
Different research methods confirmed the same conclusion: the specific sequences are not due to contamination, but they are part of the sweet potato genome.
After watching the behaviour of many strains, Saxe and colleagues were able to break the communication data into blocks containing specific sequences of calls that occurred repeatedly across different samples.
TAL effectors are produced in nature by certain bacteria that infect plants and are able to bind to specific sequences in the plant DNA, thereby neutralizing the plant's defense mechanisms.
One of these proteins, a DNA - cutting enzyme called Cas9, binds to short RNA guide strands that target specific sequences, telling Cas9 where to make its cuts.
Hybridization in situ of SV40 plaques: detection of recombinant SV40 virus carrying specific sequences of nonviral DNA
Gorillas and chimpanzees have been taught to form signs in sign language, arrange physical tokens in specific sequences, and operate lexigrams (keyboards with symbols on them).
By Kindergarten, your preschooler will be asked to recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters.
I have followed Polanyi's contention that there are organizational principles operative in the universe which formatively influence the specific sequences of nucleic acids in DNA, and with Sheldrake I have postulated the existence of morphogenetic fields which canalize the processes of growth and development in organisms.
This is a simple example, but it's illustrative of the many ways we slow down our progress because we're attached to things unfolding in a specific sequence.
AutoModular builds engine components that need to be shipped in a specific sequence, and in accordance with a rigorous timetable, to Ford's vast local assembly plant.
In order to save their lives, the astronauts aboard Apollo 13, for example, had to manually shut down and restart the command module in a specific sequence, and gain access to and activate the lunar module to supply themselves with oxygen — incredibly difficult tasks for anyone but a trained astronaut.
Still is it not possible that the specific sequence of base - pairs in a DNA molecule is extraneous to the chemistry which bonds the nucleic acids to one another?
The letters on the page before you have a very specific sequence.
The specific sequence of nucleotides determines the various kinds of life that appear in evolution.
Or is there not something extraneous to chemistry that gives the specific sequence?
Rather it is the specific sequence of base pairs that bears the «meaning.»
Is it not legitimate to go beyond the chemical factors involved and to ask what factors may be involved in determining the specific sequence in the code of life?
It is clear that the meaning or information you are receiving now is primarily a result of the specific sequence of letters on this page and not of the chemistry of ink and paper.
The meaning of this chapter has been made «incarnate» by the author in a specific sequence of letters of a code whose variability has allowed him to arrange them in the pattern you see before you.
«Where the «historical context» and the «specific sequence of events leading up» to the adoption of the challenged Executive Order are as full of religious animus, invective, and obvious pretext as is the record here, it is no wonder that the Government urges the Court to altogether ignore that history and context,» Watson wrote.
As baby grows, she can push the tentacles in a specific sequence to play a song.
There is no evidence for a benefit to introducing complementary foods in any specific sequence or at any specific rate.
«It's a type of molecule called an antisense oligonucleotide, or ASO, that essentially is synthetic string of nucleic acid that binds a specific sequence in the gene.»
His team synthesised small pieces of DNA with a specific sequence, and then joined them together to create an entire genome.
Sosa and I pulled on latex gloves and carefully pipetted liquids into tubes to make our guide RNA from scratch — we first synthesized DNA strands with a specific sequence we wanted, used that as a template for the RNA, then destroyed the DNA and isolated the guide RNA from our test tube mixture.
In the beginning, there are very few rafts, and if you want to give someone directions to get to a particular raft, you might tell them to travel over a specific sequence of intermediate rafts that have names.
She found that, in order to be transported, the adhesin protein needed to be modified with specific sugars by three enzymes acting in a specific sequence.
Poznik et al. (p. 562) examined 9.9 Mb of the Y chromosome from 69 men from nine globally divergent populations — identifying population and individual specific sequence variants that elucidate the evolution of the Y chromosome.
This requires the development of powerful bioinformatic approaches that allow prediction of haplotypes from numerous variants, and the classification of haplotypes into functionally related categories, in order to identify those specific sequence variants, or combinations of variants, associated with the disease phenotype.
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