Sentences with phrase «specific skills such»

For example Texas permits unlicensed dental assistants but also recognizes registered dental assistants with formal training or certification, and requires further qualification for specific skills such as performing dental X-rays.
Studying criminology develops your understanding of the social and personal aspects of crime, victimisation and responses to crime and deviance, as well as building specific skills such as:
Some welding positions require general certifications in welding or certifications in specific skills such as inspection or robotic welding.
Mention specific skills such as Apache's Hadoop, Maven, or Spark.
It's a positive trait in your industry and a deliberate choice on his part, which he follows up with specific skills such as «recruiting effective sales professionals.»
A candidate looking for a career in hospitality industry should possess specific skills such as knowledge of food, drinks etc apart from having a pleasing personality and good communication skills.
As in the sample, include specific skills such as PALS certification or medical software, along with a variety of responsibilities from your past jobs.
The aptitude tests assess specific skills such as the ability to plan, technical insight, speed and accuracy, spatial insight and analytical insight.
This resume example starts with the applicants profile, listing in bold font specific skills such as grief counseling and experience dealing with substance abuse.
Advanced Search also allows you to search by specific skills such as «business - to - business sales» or «MS Office,» and specify the amount of experience required with that skill.
«Over the two years we have had over 16 dedicated training courses including high - level influencing and advanced presentation skills, as well as more function - specific skills such as selling and negotiation.»
Pre-employment testing focuses on «hard skill» testing, meaning specific skills such as operating machinery, accounting, software, etc..
Secondly, gear plays a prominent role in Splatoon 2 — with each piece unlocking random abilities, which act as bonus perks that enhance specific skills such as swimming speed, ink consumption, or special weapon efficiency.
For example, for the relics showcasing Shantae's skills, each one can be turned on and off, giving you the option to use specific skills such as the «metronome» and «attract.»
If you are interested in participating in competitive dog sports or if your dog needs to learn specific skills such as finding a misplaced TV remote, this class will get you ready for those challenges.
In recent years, we have also seen the growth of competency - based learning, an approach within classrooms and schools that stresses specific skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and teamwork, and paired with less reliance on seat - time, allows students to advance upon mastering competencies at their own pace.
Though her science students ultimately work toward larger projects (this year, they will collaborate on a multi-touch book for the Dallas Zoo as well as contribute to an iTunes U course called Life Science), individual classes still address specific skills such as vocabulary acquisition or research.
I do this with other non language specific skills such as social / emotional / affective as well as metacognitive and cognitive strategies.
Today, current warm - up routines for overhead athletes largely consist of modified sport specific skills such as throwing.
For instance, if the employer has mentioned a specific skill such as excellent communication skill, then mention the keyword at the time of listing your skills and not just random place anywhere.

Not exact matches

While zero - hours contracts are particularly common in fast food and retail, other sectors where workflow is unpredictable, such as the creative industries (advertising, PR, film and design), have long employed «per project contract» freelance talent to deal with the ups and downs, and the specific skill requirements of individual projects.
Your application should ask for specific information such as name, address, and phone number; educational background; work experience, including salary levels; awards or honors; whether the applicant can work full or part time as well as available hours; and any special skills relevant to the job (foreign languages, familiarity with software programs, etc.).
A «community,» meanwhile, organizes engineers based on their specific programming skillssuch as iOS or PHP development — giving less experienced coders a chance to lean on their more knowledgeable coworkers for technical advice.
Most leaders start out in business with a specific skill, such as selling or accounting or designing software.
Hometeam, which operates across New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, has a proprietary algorithm that matches aides with patients, considering factors such as the language spoken, personal hobbies, and the skill set required to tend to specific medical conditions.
Aside from the few who among us who had master's degrees in business administration, most of my classmates brought to the table the skills and experience specific to theor venture, such as backgrounds in fashion, architecture, medicine, food service and so forth.
Unfortunately for the Japanese labour markets, as with many other countries, many young intellectuals seek further study elsewhere in countries like the UK that have renowned Universities and research facilities, taking a large portion of the skilled labour force the Japanese markets need, into other areas of work such as research and academia, a less hands on field that benefits the computer science industry on the whole but does not help specific firms achieve their targets directly.
Classes include courses in specific techniques such as knife skills, as well as hands - on classes.
Doms was given a gap plan for her «off weeks,» which consists of six days of drills and routines to hone specific skills, such as finishing penalty kicks, which some national team games come down to.
Develops interest in more specific motor skills such as skating, bicycling, running and gymnastics.
Use consequences that teach specific skills, such as problem - solving skills, impulse control, and self - discipline.
Homework is assigned for specific purposes: to review and reinforce class work; to assist in developing organizational skills and self - discipline; to allow the student to exercise inner creativity and deepen thought; and to bring subjects, such as music, into the home and daily life.
These tests cover specific aspects such as social, emotional, and cognitive skills.
Developmental milestones are the set of behavioral or functional skills (such as taking the first step, first smile or gaining head control) that most babies can perform within a specific age range.
Volunteers with specific skills were given demand driven work in the education, health, justice, community and private sectors alongside partners such as SURF, the Survivors Fund which supports survivors of the Rwandan genocide.
Beyond honing communications skills, participants said while the discussions often started off with broad trends in climate science, invariably the exchanges shifted to specific local issues such as wildfires, ozone levels, crop rotations, sea level rise, droughts and air quality.
The studies tested interventions such as training GPs in specific communication skills to establish patients» concerns and beliefs about the need for antibiotics, their harms and benefits, and to agree a management plan with patients.
But, since the job does not require a specific set of qualifications (such as a journalism background), how can you develop, during your scientific training, the skills that may set you apart from other candidates who may have no prior editorial experience?
The study used six different training tasks, designed to measure specific cognitive skills such as memory, attention and task - switching.
Morris sees the clarification as a positive sign because it «shows that NIH knows this is an issue, that postdocs and grad students are not getting specific instruction in soft skills such that they can transition successfully to their next jobs» — whatever those jobs may be.
When it comes to animals, the problem is compounded for two main reasons: First, it is very difficult to design and administer tests that pick up on overall smarts instead of specific skills, such as the keen memories of food - hoarding birds or the fine motor skills of chimpanzees that make tools for finding insects in trees.
It teaches patients specific coping skills, such as mindfulness (observing their own thoughts and feelings nonjudgmentally), tolerating distress and mastering negative emotions.
Reality: Some video games can be a good vehicle for training specific skills, such as enhancing short - term memory, agility or reaction time.
Long - distance travel can affect specific — and at times, crucial — baseball skills such as pitching and base running, a new study finds.
The software suite will permit end - users (irrespective of their computational skills) to easily access and use the algorithms for their own specific purposes, such as for improving metabolic conditions in organisms used to produce nutraceutical ingredients.
He found two types of games that lead to substantial improvements in specific cognitive skills: first person shooter games and spatial puzzle games (such as Tetris).
Specific interventions should focus upon improving the decision - making skills of adolescents for engaging in gambling activities and techniques to negotiate safer sex attitudes with potential sexual partners, such as using condoms.
However, for more specific information, such as how to identify companies in the materials sector that would need your language skills, it would be worth asking RSC or IOMMM whether they have directories or staff who could help you with this.
The researchers say that the apparent similarity between human children and young chimpanzees in the observed male bias in object manipulation, and manipulation during play in particular, may suggest that object play functions as motor skill practice for male - specific behaviours such as dominance displays, which sometimes involve the aimed throwing of objects, rather than purely to develop tool use skills.
An annual meeting coincident with the Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, ENDO, where members can network and participate in programming created to address specific aspects of maintaining an academic Division of Endocrinology, such as negotiating skills, fundraising, research support, etc..
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