Sentences with phrase «specific time in the future»

An option that allows the policyholder the right to buy additional life insurance at specific times in the future, without having to answer questions about his or her health.
This $ 70,000 Merit Award will fund her research on strategies to improve prospective memory, the ability to remember to perform an intended action at a specific time in the future.
Futures are standardized contracts wherein you purchase commodities and other forms of financial instruments in today's price, to be traded in a specific time in the future.
As a form of investment there are contracts to buy commodities at a specific time in the future or at a specific price.
The LIBOR is frequently the basis of investments including interest swap agreements (two parties agree to pay each other's interest based on an imaginary amount of money, or principal), bonds with a variable interest yield, and forward contracts (investors use these to hedge risk based on what they believe interest rates will be at a specific time in the future).
Forward contracts are agreements between two parties to exchange two designated currencies at a specific time in the future.
To ensure agency costs are limited, management should publically state they will either (i) distribute this excess cash immediately, or (ii) structure a deal similar to the MediciNova deal that offers shareholders an exit option for a specific amount and at a specific time in the future.
So if you need a certain amount of money at a specific time in the future, the CD is a more reliable way of getting it.
In November 2014, an arbitrator upheld the grievances in part, but did not grant the officer a remedy requiring the employment restrictions to be lifted, either at that time or at a specific time in the future.
At a specific time in the future you will most likely not have the same obligations or responsibilities that you do today.
You turn over a certain amount of money and in return the life insurance company pays you a guaranteed income beginning immediately or at a specific time in the future.
Whereas CLTV locks bitcoins up until a specific time in the future, CSV locks bitcoins up for a specific amount of time after a CSV transaction is included in a block.
A futures contract is an agreement to sell or buy an asset at a specific time in the future for the current price.
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