Sentences with phrase «specific type of food»

But when appetite is present and your older child has a chance to choose between soup, a piece of sausage and porridge, he will pick very specific types of food.
And depending on which your dominant type is, you are encouraged to eat specific types of foods.
If we can find out which specific types of food affect mood in a really positive way, that would be something helpful for sure.
Sometimes I'll make specific types of food just because it's an excuse to eat ketchup.
Not really so much that I just want to eat one thing over and over, but I've definitely been craving a few specific types of food lately.
Studies have been done with both fruits and candy showing that the closer you keep specific types of food, the more of it you are going to eat.
Each of these groups traditionally had its own specific types of food fermentation, which reflected their respective staple diets and raw food availability in the region.
The numbers beside each enzyme represent their capacity for breaking down specific types of food molecules.
Unlike other diets, a bodybuilder needs specific types of foods at certain times during the day.
As for specific types of foods, you should try to aim for 80 % healthy, wholesome and nutritious foods like lean meats, fruits, veggies, nuts, along with carb sources like rice, pasta, and potatoes.
Beet fiber (along with carrot fiber) are two specific types of food fiber that may provide special health benefits, particularly with respect to health of our digestive tract (including prevention of colon cancer) and our cardiovascular system.
So you can still eat small bites of specific types of food to keep the hunger pangs at bay.
More stomach acid: People with type O blood tend to have a higher level of hydrochloric acid in their stomachs making it easier for them to digest specific types of food.
One specific type of food allergy in the stomach is called allergic eosinophilic gastroenteritis.
For example, struvite stones can usually be dissolved by feeding dogs specific type of foods or giving them urinary acidifiers, but surgery is necessary to remove other types of stones.
Food cravings are defined as frequent intense urges to eat specific types of food.
If your body craves a specific type of food such as fruit or red meat, follow those cravings since it is your body telling you exactly what it needs to help nourish you and your growing baby.
Sugar addiction is a specific type of food addiction and has been shown to develop in animal studies and to have similarities with certain kinds of drug addiction.
While you know that too many total calories is the cause of weight gain, the above specific foods and specific types of foods are the most common sources of those excess calories.
It's important to note that IF does not stipulate any specific type of foods that you should eat, only when you should eat.
If you have an allergy to a specific type of food, you will also be allergic to any oils that might make up that food.
While various foods can be healthy, we have a need for essential nutrients rather than specific types of food.
So, yes; there are specific types of food which makes you get fat faster.
In other words, eating too much food, or too many carbohydrates can definitely prevent fat loss, but the specific types of foods you eat to meet your needs is much less relevant.
He takes his own sweet time about it, and each volume of this series is based on a specific type of food (except the first, which is a mix).
Specific ailments, such as arthritis, kidney disease, liver disease, etc, may require a specific type of food.
French bulldogs need a specific type of food to avoid common allergies, dietary sensitivities and more.
However, if your dog has a previously diagnosised condition that may require or benefit from a specific type of food, talk to your vet about what other foods are available that may work better for him.
This is a specific type of food intolerance that zeroes in on dairy products.
For details on symptoms associated with a specific type of food, click on it using the list above.
There are specific types of food for Dwarf hamsters which consist of smaller seeds, making it easier for them to eat.
While not every breed requires a specific type of food, Royal Canin offers this product for Beagles because it knows it's necessary to maintain optimum health in them.
As we've seen, when it is allergic to a specific type of food, a dog's body will reject it once digested.
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