Sentences with phrase «specific type of identification»

Not exact matches

«The benefit of the study is it may help in the identification of a high - risk group of children who may require specific interventions to prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes later in life,» she says.
Some teachers may feel threatened by being unable to identify specific species, but it is possible to turn this into identification of the differences between different types of leaf, for instance, with an opportunity to reference a book or more informed individual at a later point.
The identification of specific stressors, especially non-hostile stressors, labeled Type 2 by the researchers, will lead to better interventions and support of adolescents growing up in the digital world.
ALL OPTIONS LISTED FOR THIS VEHICLE MAY NOT APPY TO THIS SPECIFIC VEHICLE.OPTIONS ARE THOSE COMMON TO THIS TYPE OF VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER LISTED BY THE MANUFACTURER PLEASE CONSULT WUTH SLAES PROFESSIOAL TO CONFIRM ACCURACY OF OPTIONS Please confirm the accuracy of the included equipment by calling us prior to purchasOF VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER LISTED BY THE MANUFACTURER PLEASE CONSULT WUTH SLAES PROFESSIOAL TO CONFIRM ACCURACY OF OPTIONS Please confirm the accuracy of the included equipment by calling us prior to purchasOF OPTIONS Please confirm the accuracy of the included equipment by calling us prior to purchasof the included equipment by calling us prior to purchase.
This is the specific type of essay writing that requires identification, critics, and analysis of the scientific article.
There are different types of cost basis methods: average cost, FIFO (First in, First out), and specific identification.
The population of dogs coming into the sheltering population in Richmond, VA, may be different than elsewhere, but at least at the Richmond SPCA, with a specific look and type, staff were quite good at breed identification — correctly identifying 96 % of the dogs in the study as having at least 25 % of the breeds noted above.
When a lost pet is found, animal shelters and veterinary clinics can scan the pet with a specific type of scanner (using radio frequency identification technology), which will bring up a unique number that is matched in a database to an owner's contact information.
When it is scanned with a specific type of scanner (using radio frequency identification technology), it will bring up a unique number that is matched in a database to an owner's contact information.
However, as long as the establishment follows the rules for acceptable ID, they escape liability if in fact they sell alcohol to a minor: the license holder is legally allowed to accept an identification of the specific type.
The index is organized by category and subcategory allowing for quick identification of appellate opinions relating to a specific type of case.
The memo has some interesting suggestions on how social media can be used to interact with citizens, and gives some specific direction about what types of personal identification information can be collected when communicating with the public.
For instance, your DMV driving history will not contain specific vehicle information, such as the type of car you drive or its vehicle identification number (VIN).
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