Sentences with phrase «specific type of scene»

Instead of searching for a specific genre, for instance, you could ostensibly search for what movies in that genre have a specific type of scene.
To demonstrate why he hates acting two specific types of scenes, Robert Downey Jr. directed Jimmy Fallon on «The Tonight Show.»
Subjects vary - superrealist artists tend to specialize in specific types of scene, human figure or portrait - but invariably the subject matter is relatively prosaic and devoid of special interest: it may even be selected purely for its technical difficulty.

Not exact matches

As cryptocurrencies and ICO's burst on to the scene, many users / traders have become frustrated with the way most platforms only trade in a specific type of Cryptocurrency.
Dr. Michelle offers a fresh take on the dating scene by outlining 10 specific types of daters who get in their own way by making the same common mistakes.
«Don't Think Twice» Mike Birbiglia's film about a tight - knit improv troupe that's split when one of its members ascends to an SNL - type show was full of top comedians (Birbiglia, Chris Gethard, Tammy Sagher, Keegan Michael Key, Kate Micucci and Gillian Jacobs make up the group) doing hysterical improv, but more impressively bringing so much heart and smart observation to this very specific scene and age group.
More Efficient Use of Your Time Modern Class IV lasers employ sophisticated software that helps technicians apply a tailored protocol that adjusts the light intensity, wavelength, and pulse frequency based on the specific tissue - types they are treating, but all behind the scenes of an easy - to - use, touchscreen user interface.
«Thanks to some of the shortcomings imposed by the political and socioeconomic context here, the art scene has developed its own specific type of artistic production and a wide range of self - managed independent projects,» Converti tells me, before rattling off some of the new leadership moving art forwards at cultural and contemporary arts institutions.
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