Sentences with phrase «specific weather events»

Scientists have been reluctant to attribute specific weather events to climate change.
I've written before that we can't blame climate change for specific weather events, but that shouldn't stop us from worrying.
Following up on Jennifer's comments, and with my regional blinkers on, it's important to point to the expected increases in interannual variability in total ice extent, but also keep in mind that at the regional level, the thickness distribution of sea ice plays an important role in determining how a particular summer or even specific weather events like storms or stretches of calm sunny weather play out.
To confidently link specific weather events to climate change, researchers need an understanding of the underlying physical causes of weather events, enough observational data to place a specific event within a historical context and the ability to replicate an event with computer models.
The study, published in the journal Weather, also found that musicians were inspired by specific weather events.
Between the record - breaking heat around the world, and other extreme weather phenomena, you can understand how global warming has moved up into the number two spot on Regator's Environmentalism page... got to be on a lot of people's minds (even though, of course, you can't attribute specific weather event directly to climate change...).
The journal also reports that a group of British and American researchers are laying the foundation for a system to assess in near - real time how much specific weather events are connected to climate change.
Your Boston mobile home insurance carrier may cover weather - related damage as part of a basic policy, or may require you to purchase separate riders, or endorsements, to cover specific weather events.
1:33 p.m. Updated And over at Climate Central, as noted in the comments below, one of Dr. Meehl's co-authors has written an item explaining why scientists have such difficulty linking specific weather events to climate change.
While no specific weather event like this can be directly attributed to global warming, it does fit the pattern of increased hurricane activity overall since the 1970s, coinciding with a rise in sea temperature.
The study, led by the University of Southampton, together with the Universities of Oxford, Manchester, Newcastle (all part of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research) and the University of Reading analysed the weather through lyrics, musical genre, keys and links to specific weather events.
It says although there is no scientific evidence to show a specific weather event would not have happened without climate change, scientists can estimate whether it increases the risk of an event.
Even a decade ago, many scientists argued that research could not confidently tie any specific weather events to climate change, which the committee reports today is no longer true today.
The findings can't pin any specific weather event on climate change, says Sebastian Sippel.
Scientists have been saying for decades that you can't blame any specific weather event on climate change.
It is perhaps the most definitive statement climate scientists have made tying a specific weather event to global warming.
And yes by analogy we can't say a specific weather event is caused by climate change (although I think this is changing, and one or two have been for example flooding in the UK recently I think)
It's not in doubt that global warming is changing the planet for the worse, but it's difficult to identify which, if any, specific weather events we can definitively link to it.
It is perhaps the most definitive statement climate scientists have made tying a specific weather event to global warming.
Using high - powered models and complex statistical analysis of observations, credible scientific statements can now be made about how climate change affect the frequency or intensity of a specific weather event.
«As always, we can't point to climate change as the cause of one specific weather event.
Most scientists are careful not to link specific weather events to climate change trends, but NASA's James Hansen and two colleagues from the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Columbia University have taken that plunge.
Most climate scientists are beyond reluctant to attribute a specific weather event to global warming.
The report is the first attempt to calculate the extent to which human activity has affected the chances of a specific weather event occurring.
Such a statement can be interpreted to mean that human - induced climate change could never be shown to be at least partly responsible for any specific weather event, either the probability of its occurrence or its magnitude.
Though the report still says, rightly, that any specific weather event can not be solely tied to climate change — be it the totally unseasonable snowfall that hit the Northeast this past weekend, the devastating flooding in Thailand, etc. — but that scientists now are 99 % certain that climate change will cause more extreme heat waves, fewer extreme spells of cold weather, and more intense downpours.
As always, it's difficult to pin any specific weather event on global warming.
Two specific weather events that are NOT covered on a homeowners policy are flooding and earthquakes.
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