Sentences with phrase «spectacular feat»

This steam train route has everything — mountains, lakes, sea views and spectacular feats of railway engineering.
Gamers are achieving unbelievable and spectacular feats in the game already and the list continues to grow.
Dr Alexandre Courtiol, co-first author of this study, and a researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, comments, «Our findings suggest that males evolve to divest from the construction of powerful bodies and the demonstration of spectacular feats when females do not use these characteristics to discriminate (e.g. in our experiments, they were prevented to do so).»
Nevertheless, the atrium is a spectacular feat of design and, as such, has already attracted an average of 15,000 visitors on weekends.
Only Chelsea star Cesc Fabregas can better Ozil's assist record since arriving in the Premier League — a spectacular feat for an under - fire playmaker.
But it was much more than a spectacular feat of arms.
But it's also a spectacular feat of engineering, and the arena of choice for international culinary conflict.
Rocketed into space on 2 March 1972, Pioneer 10 crossed the asteroid belt later that year, regarded as a spectacular feat at the time.
Although it was a spectacular feat in special effects for its time, the injection of, dare I say, «humanity» in this creature feature makes what could have been rather exploitative into one of the most riveting, and tragic, stories that has ever graced the silver screen.
The Hugo 2 is a spectacular feat of engineering, performing better than many desktop audio systems that require a permanent tether to a power outlet.
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