Sentences with phrase «speed of digestion»

We've already seen that speed of digestion of protein and carbs is not necessarily as important as we once thought.
Another problem arises because the relatively pure carbohydrate results in increased speed of digestion.
The best form of protein immediately after the workout is a whey protein shake because of the high speed of digestion.
And don't worry about speed of digestion - the only individuals who REALLY need to be concerned about getting in quickly - digested proteins are endurance athletes and contest - prepping bodybuilders (since these individuals tend to engage in intense activity while the GI system is compromised, in the case of the former, or on an empty stomach, in the case of the latter).
Increased speed of digestion causes the glucose to spike up and the insulin levels to spike up.
Here is the why and when: Whey Protein For Speed Of Digestion The real advantage of whey protein is the speed -LSB-...]
Before you rush off to mix a protein shake: While protein before a workout is a great idea, speed of digestion doesn't seem to matter much.
Fiber helps in controlling the speed of digestion of foods, thus it controls the blood sugar levels and insulin in your body.
This isn't to say that you shouldn't have carbs after training, you should, but you should worry more about the quality of the source, rather than exact timing or the speed of its digestion.
First there's its speed of digestion.
The first is that it increases the speed of digestion.
Bananas also improve your digestion due to them being high in fiber, which helps regulate the speed of digestion and allows for regular bowl movements.
Refined flour and sugar increase the speed of digestion of sugar in the body giving you a sugar rush, an insulin release and a feeling of being hungry when the insulin drops.
The real advantage of whey protein is the speed of digestion and convenience.
Removal of fat, fibre and protein increases the speed of digestion.
Dark chocolate decreases the speed of digestion and keeps you feeling fuller for a longer period of time.
Hydro Whey is one of the newest protein powder formulas and is high up there when it comes to speed of digestion.
On the other hand, when the fruits are juiced, their sugars are «free» and not coming in with the fiber that helps regulate the speed of digestion.
(While GI is related to speed of digestion, it is a measurement that is also related to other aspects of food digestion.)
Fiber helps manage the speed of digestion, and by keeping digestion in check, you can better regulate the carbohydrate to sugar conversion.
This method is meant to improve the speed of digestion.
It also changes the speed of digestion, causing dysfunction at all stages.
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