Sentences with phrase «spend months or years»

We take a solution - focused approach, since no one wants to spend months or years in therapy.
Before you spend months or years devoted to finding a job or working in a less - than - fulfilling position, you need to evaluate the best career path for you.
In my experience, about half of all trial teams spend months or years preparing and testing themes, rhetorical strategies, and different approaches to their visual trial presentation.
So now the parents spend months or years taking classes, doing services, and generally getting their life straightened out.
I wonder how many people who got offended would spend months or years writing blog posts for $ 0.00 in order to get their name and art out there.
Some pets spend months or years in a shelter waiting for a home even though they're perfectly adoptable.
I often meet with people who spend months or years peeling the debt Band - Aid off millimeters at a time instead of yanking it off at once.
This leads to an incentive to crank out books without regard to quality and depth, which unfairly competes against the fiction writer who might spend months or years on their novel.
You have to spend months or years (for a book) writing and editing to make sure it is perfect.
As a writer, why should I spend months or years writing a book only to get, if I'm lucky, 25 % of net and, from that, having to pay for my own editing (if I want to make sure it is edited properly) and my own promotion when I can get 70 % if I self - publish through Amazon?
Well, some rejection letters have caused authors to spend months or years rewriting their books... or give up on their writing completely.
The next time another author questions my ability to write because I don't spend months or years on a single title, I'm going to refer them to this blog.
These people do not want to spend months or years in this platform.
This is poor training economy, why spend months or years teaching an athlete methods that could be replaced by exercises you can teach in a single day?
As a devoted parent, you may have spent months or years in a sleep - deprived fog attending to your child's sleep issues.
Outliers can be extremely frustrating if you have spent months or years designing your study.
Gladiatorial schools purchased the finest physical specimens and then spent months or years training them in armed and unarmed combat.
All breakups have challenges, but the shame that comes from realizing you spent months or years of your life abandoning your values, your boundaries, and yourself can take a long time to move through.
It was lengthy process and even after spending months or years with the person all of sudden you came to know that the person is just not suits your mindset and eventually you have to go for separation.
Individual advisors may have spent months or years supporting particular schools only to have them handed over to a sponsor, potentially one without any proven track record of school improvement in that area.
You've spent months or years writing your book.
But if you have spent months or years writing your book, you may not want the narrator to make as much as you do off of your story.
It's astonishing, really, when you think that after spending months or years crafting a novel, a writer would quickly pound out a query letter and launch it into the world where creativity and originality of voice means everything.
What do you get when you cross the challenge of properly formatting the Look Inside with the lack of a Look Inside preview and indie authors who have spent months or years writing, editing, and formatting their work?
Aspiring authors see this happening with increasing frequency and they're beginning to realise that a well received self published book can be a faster and easier way to get a publishers attention than that traditional path of spending months or years querying to get an agent, and then more months or years trying to sell something through the agent.
If their work can be widely distributed for little or no money, how does an author get rewarded for spending months or years of their life producing something if hundreds or thousands of people can look at it and the author gets no remuneration?
I can only imagine we are not alone and large number of cats are not adopted, spending months or years confined in tiny cages rather than have a nice «forever home».
One that takes just days to do what other modders spent months or years on.
In the 1960s he began employing brighter colors and scraping down entire canvases rather than working on top of previous attempts, thus beginning the entire image afresh at each session and often spending months or years on a single painting.
They spend months or year (s) together in planning, drafting and negotiating the agreement before the deal gets implemented or executed.
Resumes are the key to your success, and without a proper resume, you'll end up spending months or years conducting your job search.
No wonder these folks hate to take vacations — it breaks the momentum they've spent months or years creating and they know it takes time to get it going again.

Not exact matches

He shares the consensus view that the 30 - year bull market in bonds is now spent and recommends buying floating - rate notes issued by corporations that reset their coupon according to market rates every three or six months.
Thanks to tools like Jobbatical and other services aimed at making spending a stint abroad more financially and logistically manageable, leaving home for months or years might be more doable than you imagine.
They either create the product first and then find a market for it later, or they spend months, even years, perfecting the product before selling it.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was offered $ 60 million by Congress from Defense Department funds last year to fight Russian election interference efforts — but after Tillerson waited for seven months trying to decide whether he wanted to spend it or not, the offer was withdrawn, and none of the money was used, according to The New York Times.
Some people spend months, years or even an entire lifetime researching, developing and perfecting one great idea.
The money doesn't have to be invested within a month or two, so if it takes you a year to figure out a long - term spending and investment plan, so what?
And while requiring people to spend months working for free does put a substantial barrier in the way of someone who can't get financial assistance from his parents, requiring someone to spend a year or two paying many thousands of dollars to a school creates a much larger barrier.
What about that time you found out that your killer product idea, the one you've spent months, or even years, developing, has just been launched, by someone else.
«Instead of spending months or even years on a hunch that may turn out to be wrong, you're able to answer your questions really quickly — to stop debating in the abstract, and start making progress.»
According to The Wall Street Journal, desktop Internet use had its highest active month over the past three years back in March of 2015 with 567 billion total minutes of measured Web activity in the U.S. Not only have we not seen that figure go up over the past year or so, but the amount of time people are spending browsing the Web on their mobile devices is trouncing desktops: more than one trillion minutes in March of this year.
But how many go without realizing how much they're actually spending each month (or each year) with this habit?
Let's say on average I'd spend $ 3.50 on coffee daily, which would cost me $ 24.50 a week, $ 105 a month, and $ 1,277.50 a year (give or take some).
Practically speaking, this means not spending weeks, months or years beating yourself up for a mistake you made, a bankruptcy you went through, a test you failed, or a startup that crashed and burned.
Some worthwhile contenders include the «Discover it» card, which will double your cash back at the end of the first year, or Citi Double Cash, which gives you 2 percent cash back on everything with no annual fees, or Chase Freedom, which offers a $ 150 bonus if you spend $ 500 in the first three months, Schulz said.
So, you've spent months or maybe even years searching for the perfect small business idea, and now you think you've found it.
It's a time - consuming process that sometimes takes months or years, depending on your sales cycle, so salespeople should make sure that they're only spending time with prospects whose pain points align with your product's solution.
If you're spending many months or years on an idea and not making any real progress, you're either dealing with fears, lacking a roadmap to follow, or a combination of these.
The fact that interest rates are low for six months or a year probably does not have much impact on households» expectations of their long - term interest income and thus, does not have much of an impact on consumer spending.
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