Sentences with phrase «spend more time with people»

For example, spend more time with the people who are already doing the kind of work you want to do.
Do you want to move into a tiny house because you want to change your career, hate your job, don't like where you live, are frustrated with corrupt corporations, or maybe just because you just want to spend more time with the people in your life?
They're important because they're a way we can spend more time with the people we love.
I want to own my time so I can make more good around me, so I can take care of my family and spend more time with the people I love.
Some also might complain that the Canadians» role in the rescue operation is heavily downplayed in the film, but as this is a rescue picture, an entertainment and not solely a documentarian dramatization, we do need to spend more time with the people moving around on the ground than with those sitting in place.
As women age, they are desperate to live their lives their way and spend more time with people they are comfortable with.
You spend more time with the people who work beside you than you spend with anyone else in your life.
As a member (and, currently, co-chair) of the Gladstone Postdoc Advisory Committee, I get to spend more time with people outside of my own institute (Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology), and everyone I've met here is a delight to talk to and work with.
«One Tech Action» empowers non-techie, busy professionals to easily take advantage of technology to multiply their efforts at home and work, increase efficiency, and spend more time with the people who matter the most to them.
Because my schedule wasn't as packed, I was able to spend more time with people who I really needed to spend time with.
However, the truth is that you spend more time with the people you work with than, well, just about anyone else.
We will spend more time with these people than any other group of people all week long.
We spend more time with the people we work with than almost anyone else, but nothing in school or family really prepares you to handle those business relationships.
So, here's to spending more time with the people that I love.
The finding could help explain the biological roots of monogamy in humans: Being in a long - term relationship raises a person's oxytocin levels, which in turn increase the psychological reward of spending more time with that person.
If you're moving in with your significant other, you might be looking forward to lazy Sunday's, home - cooked meals together and spending more time with the person you care most about.
But if you go on a date with a girl and you really enjoy her company and are thinking that you want to spend more time with this person then just between the sheets, but you do nt have sex on the first date then you might want to start thinking about when to have sex while dating.
When we're really into somebody, we want to spend more time with that person.
I am just a caring guy who would like to spend more time with the person who I love.
The event lasts around one - two hours in which you speak privately to a roster of potential matches (6 - 15) for a designated period of time (usually 3 - 7 minutes, or basically, just enough time to decide whether you'd be interested in spending more time with that person).
All you need to do is to spend more time with the person.
This made the set - up more naturalistic for the dogs and helped the team test whether dogs not only paid more attention to dog speak but were motivated to spend more time with the person who had spoken to them in that way
Not only did the dogs spend more time with the person doing the petting, they did so even when it was their owner doing the praising, and a stranger doing the petting.
That being said, many indoor dogs are quite content spending more time with people, after all; they are pack animals and companionship is one of the things they crave.
I am starting out on my next adventure and perhaps I can come to some happy medium spending much less time updating family and friends on my whereabouts and spending more time with the people whose country I am visiting.
You should not be spending more time with another person or engaging in conversation or actions that imply that you are looking for a different romantic partner.

Not exact matches

A joint study by AOL and Nielsen found that people spend more than 50 percent of their time online with content and an additional 30 percent of their time on social channels where content can be shared.
Five minutes spent fully engaging with one person as if he or she is the only thing in the room at the moment is worth 10 times more than 15 minutes half - heartedly tittering on about the dullest subjects.
It's obvious that with higher quality content, people will spend more time on your site.
They care more about the quality of people they are spending time with.
Leaders thrive when they strengthen relationships with their people by spending more one - on - one time with them to hear their suggestions, ideas, problems and issues as well as talking about performance issues and their work.
He has more spare time to play sports and spend time with people in his life.
«What finally convinced me,» she says, «was that we had both seen so many people in our practices who put off doing things they love or spending more time with their spouses until they retired.
People spend the majority of their time in the office, more than with their family, friends and hobbies.
FIRE means having more time on your hands so you can spend more time with your kids, your partner, and other important people in your life.
Engagement levels are higher with video, meaning people tend to spend more time with them, and therefore they are seen as being more valuable.
«We are hearing loud and clear from people that they are valuing vacation experiences more than ever as an opportunity to spend truly meaningful down time with family and friends and they want to be able to have shared experiences that are genuinely fun and memorable,» said the spokesperson.
This requires being more like a consultant and spending time with customers to educate them on real - world applications of high - value features — on the phone, via video conference or in - person.
Currently, I practice going to meetings with an open mind and spending more time listening to people's points of view without quick reactions.
When you're in a role that's fulfilling or working with a team of people you're excited to see every day, you tend to enjoy spending more time at work.
«People spending a lot of time commuting spend less time with loved ones, less time exercising, and are more likely to frequently eat junk food or microwave meals.
Everyone spends more time than ever before in the workplace and, with most first marriages taking place in people's mid - to late 20s, falling in love at the office would seem inevitable, rather than a corporate misdemeanor.
The company's research said people are spending more time interacting with apps, with 3.5 trillion hours expected to be logged in 2021.
You have to be scrappy, and you'll spend far more time leveraging soft skills, such as being patient, managing change, connecting with people, and making tough decisions, than doing the accounting.
This year's show featured more than 150 exhibitors with state - of - the - art technology for people who spend as much time in the digital world than they do in the real one.
According to The Wall Street Journal, desktop Internet use had its highest active month over the past three years back in March of 2015 with 567 billion total minutes of measured Web activity in the U.S. Not only have we not seen that figure go up over the past year or so, but the amount of time people are spending browsing the Web on their mobile devices is trouncing desktops: more than one trillion minutes in March of this year.
While people using this strategy need to be more disciplined about their spending, cutting back when times are tight and not going quite as wild during up years, the idea ensures you've planned for worst - case scenarios with your floor scenario.
People who gave us permission to use their Facebook data were on average younger (48 years vs. 57 years), more educated, more likely to be female (58 % vs. 50 %), and more likely to be unmarried (66 % vs. 71 %), with slightly lower scores on mental health and life satisfaction, significantly more self - reported friends (4.5 vs. 4.0), and less time spent interacting in person with real - world friends.
In the end, it's all the same game: Accumulating good assets that are structured intelligently and throw off fresh funds for you to spend, reinvest, save, gift, or donate, empowering you to arrange your day doing what it is you enjoy, and spending time with the people you love, rather than selling more hours of your life.
That means less friction in opening articles on the Facebook newsfeed, which makes it more likely that people check out the content and spend time with it.
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