Sentences with phrase «spend peoples money»

It's the one where you have more people voting how to spend peoples money who work when they themselves don't contribute a dime.

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Dave Ramsey has noted in the past that people using credit cards typically spend 10 % more money than they would have otherwise, dwarfing the «1 % cash back» that you may be getting back in rewards.
Coupons encourage people to spend more money than they may have initially, because they're willing to buy products they wouldn't usually under the illusion that they're getting a «deal.»
Big insurance companies spend a ton of money trying to make people feel they're the best option.
Spending money to tell people something they already know is a bad business decision.»
When you think about it, It makes sense that when money is tight, people stay in and make their own fun rather than going out and spending money
Without it, people could potentially lie about what they spent, recycling the same money in different places — a would - be disaster.
«The $ 15 minimum is a good idea becuase it means more money in consumers» pockets and it will put more money into the economy for people to spend with us,» Howell says.
And of course leaving people alone much of the time means spending less money on advertising, which means we can keep our prices lower.
Says Durex: «When money is tight, people stay in and make their own fun rather than going out and spending money
People have a tendency to «throw good money after bad» — meaning we feel attached to bad investments because of the money we've already spent on them, and therefore we're reluctant to write off our losses and move on to better ventures.
Despite that, almost every insurance company I talked to was spending an incredible amount of time and money trying to get people to think about their insurance company more often.
The federal government's housing strategy will help some people, but it will do nothing to alter price dynamics, especially as the money will be spent over a decade.
We spent all this time and money on building this product because we just knew it was what people wanted.
For example, most people don't start saving money until they know what they want to spend it on.
People didn't have as much money to spend, so they opted for cheaper, used cars rather than brand new options.
To thrive, a business has to highlight how the products or services it offers are worth the money you want people to spend.
If rates rise across the board by one percentage point, it would amount to about $ 91 billion a year in extra income and thus extra spending money for these people and businesses.
PwC recommends, «Apart from traditional rewards such as credit vouchers for a certain amount of money spent, retailers could offer unique rewards that customers would experience in person (e.g., invite to an exclusive meet - the - designer or meet - the - chef event).»
One study discovered that people who spent their money on experiences like trips and classes, rather than material items, were happier and more satisfied with how they spent their money.
A recent study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggested that people who spend money on time - saving services feel happier.
«So, if altering slightly how people are spending their money could move them up a full rung, it's something we really want to understand, and perhaps encourage people to do.»
«What we found is that people who spent money to buy time reported being almost one full point higher on our 10 - point [happiness] ladder, compared to people who did not use money to buy time,» wrote Elizabeth Dunn, an author of the study and a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia.
The term «newcomers» is code for a couple of demographic subsets, one being women, the other aging boomers — people with time on their hands, replacement hips and money to spend.
But if you're willing to spend money to receive counseling from highly influential people, they know that you're serious about your business.
Often companies panic when their product is used in unintended ways, and then spend an untold amount of time and money trying to get the «right» people to embrace it.
Block grants would give states a set amount of money to cover people on the Medicaid program and provide flexibility in spending decisions.
People are happy to spend their money when they see there's more value in having your product than in having their money.
So spending money on other people makes us happier than buying stuff for ourselves.
... when researchers interviewed more than 150 people about their recent purchases, they found that money spent on activities — such as concerts and group dinners out — brought far more pleasure than material purchases like shoes, televisions, or expensive watches.
Not only do they love what they do, but they're earning money 24/7 through leverage, and they are free to spend their time exploring the world, indulging in their passions, and spending unlimited time with people they love.
According to a study by Michael Norton of Harvard Business School and two colleagues from the University of British Columbia, the amount of money people earn has less influence on their happiness than how they spend it, and those who spend at least some of their money on others are happier than those who do not.
We all know people who are less successful than they'd otherwise be because they spend their entire lives chasing enough money to live.
Cramton knew the accounting troubles were getting out of hand, but he was opposed to «paying people too much money to watch our money,» he says, adding: «I didn't want to spend $ 2,000 to save $ 1,000.»
Many people plan to spend money on their pets for Valentine's Day.
I don't think there is a way you can spend enough money to all of a sudden change people's mind.»
You spend a ton of money on stuff you can't charge for and that most people don't care about anyway.
People spend three times more money on iOS shopping apps than they do Android ones, but some of the Pixel's features will help close this gap, according to the bank's analysts.
Congratulations, you're one of the few people taking in more money than you spend!
«It demonstrates the paper trail these defendants left: here's people accepting this money, here's evidence showing that they got this money and here's how they spent it.
«Next year will be better than this year, because people will have more jobs and they'll have more money to spend,» said Bourema Tamboura, a Harlem resident who works for a New York car service.
These are companies that spend disproportionate amounts of time and money on people.
This means people with big ideas don't need to spend big money to turn a concept into a product.
But that wasn't our master plan and we've had to spend a lot of money on PR so people knew it actually worked.
This will keep you moving toward your financial goals and stop you from spending money on things you don't need, to impress people you don't like.
CenterCal's team begins by creating a place where community members can gather — somewhere people don't feel as if they have to spend money.
And AFarAwayGalaxy, the only person in this transaction to never spend a dime, just made enough money for lunch.
In response to a question about marketers using Adobe products to reach users on Snapchat, Shantanu did not address that platform specifically, but said, «Video is certainly becoming the biggest category of where people want to spend their money
The more people use Alexa devices, the more likely they are to spend money on Amazon.
By opening up the books and allowing others more transparency, more people on the team have a deeper understanding of how the company makes and spends money.
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