Sentences with phrase «spend time each day»

Think about it — those who start forums are asking potential and current members to spend time each day doing something they don't normally do, which is going into the forum on a separate site and engage in conversation.
First and foremost, you want to know how they spend their time each day.
Once placed, spend time each day with your new dream board.
It's looking at how I spent my time that day and looking at the next few days.
I spent time each day reaching out to anyone I thought would enjoy the book, and because I have a large social following, I was able to add an average of three reviews per day in the first month of release.
It's especially important when you account to yourself for how you've spent your time each day, and what you plan to do next.
Part of your plan should include spending time each day on your business's expansion.
It's fascinating to see how some of our favorite entrepreneurs, creatives, and thought leaders spend their time every day.
The Methodist members did not use Bibles, but many Baptists carried theirs to church, often had them in their briefcases and would spend some time each day reading them.
Several years ago, a friend of mine challenged me to spend time every day for a month thanking God for all that was in my life.
I do pray, read the Bible and like to spend time each day with my friend Jesus as we try to build relationships with the people who cross our paths.
It was a strange accusation because I spent time every day listening to all of her problems.
Spend some time that day decorating the boxes to look like cars.
Spend some time each day with just your older child, even if it's only a few minutes of drawing or reading.
Spend some time each day with just your older child, even if it's only a few minutes of drawing or building with blocks.
On the positive side, you get to continue working as a professional and you spend time each day with your peers.
More and more infants and toddlers are spending time each day in some type of child care setting.
Although he does not yet know how to read text, he spends time every day looking at books with spooky ghosts, goblins, and skeletons.
Spend some time each day with just your toddler, even if it's only a few minutes of drawing or building with blocks.
Your healthcare provider may recommend that you spend some time each day counting your baby's kicks — find out how to do «kick counts.»
Rather than spend time every day re-assigning them to individual containers, consider one big bin or this fun Swoop Bag, which also works wonders for LEGO, train sets, and play food.
One of the best ways to do this from the toddler years on is to spend time every day being receptive to the many opportunities your child gives you to smile or laugh.
Once you're in the third trimester, your doctor may recommend doing «kick counts,» or spending some time each day counting kicks, jabs, position changes, etc..
Your child will have a chance to get a little dirty, make new friends, build self - esteem, spend time every day in the great outdoors, be part of a team, and have a sense of belonging.
Bob Kustra spends his time these days spearheading a $ 175 - million fundraising initiative, leading a faculty and staff of 2,400 and rooting for his Boise State Broncos, a top - tier football sensation.
But by helping your child or teen spend time each day exercising his «mindfulness muscles» through meditation, focusing techniques, a pastime that requires focus, or other similar strategies, you will be at the very least providing an oasis of calm from the constant disruptions of daily life, and at best, you will be equipping your child or teen with a capacity to focus that will serve him well throughout his life.
This means spend time each day systematically balancing and renewing your inner resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable, long - term, effective life.
Spend time each day thinking about why you're working out in the first place.
When I really attune to my husband and what's happening for him, give him my undivided attention, touch him often and with intention, and spend the time each day to get current emotionally with him, we get along great.
For example, if your short term exercise goal is to do 12 pull ups and you can only mange 8 at the moment you should spend time every day visualizing reaching 12.
Spend some time every day reaffirming why you're on your Hashimoto's hypothyroidism management journey and the positive things you expect to gain from it.
Spend some time every day reaffirming why you're on your health journey and the positive things you expect to gain from it.
And spend time every day doing something that brings you happiness — even if it's something as simple as sitting in solitude with a cup of tea.
Spending time each day on your ball can help strengthen your core muscles and bring everything back into alignment.
When you don't want to get out of your favourite pj's, drinking coffee and spending some me time all day long — this obviously calls for a casual outfit!
I spend time each day watching the birds and animals, and watching the tree change so rapidly.
I also make it a point to spend some time each day at one (or more) of our venues.
Spend time each day and work two sites.
He spends time every day carefully browsing through profiles and looking for women who he feels share his same interests.
Aren't a lot of us educators worried about how kids spend their time these days?
Elmore's efforts to change this began during his work in a New York City school district, where professional development for principals included spending time every day inside classrooms to re-familiarize themselves with the teaching environment.
WINGS instructor Sylvia Hayes (center) spends time each day having fun with the children in her «nest,» like first - grader Tasmine.
He explained, «I'm spending time every day, including this morning, talking to Republican members of the House and Senate to try and encourage them to be supportive... This should absolutely be a non-political, non-ideological investment.»
Students spend time each day on computers in what are called Learning Labs supervised by the equivalent of teaching assistants.
Individual school or college policies should cover most questions, so it's worth spending some time each day familiarising yourself with these.
Principals first need help in recognizing how they are actually spending their time each day and week.
I strongly believe that we must spend some time each day to improve our mental and physical health.
Students at Rocketship schools spend time every day in computer labs.
You can then spend some time each day and write a new section, as I have done with several eBooks I have written on various topics since coming online.
I spend time every day doing some form of promotion and it pays off.
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