Sentences with phrase «spending disparities»

Before voters approved that proposal, local property taxes provided the majority of school funding, which created large spending disparities between schools in rich and poor communities.
Comparing individual district statistics would show even greater spending disparities.
The Rodriguez case won in the federal district court, which ruled that per - pupil spending disparities between Edgewood and Alamo Heights and other districts were unconstitutional.
Gov. Arne H. Carlson of Minnesota last week signed a $ 5.2 billion education bill that seeks to reduce spending disparities among school districts.
But the requirement also could present major challenges, the publication reports, from how to categorize «potentially hundreds of education costs as either school - level costs or district - level costs,» to data software that may be «incapable of categorizing school - level funding amounts,» to spending disparity debates that «pit parent groups, board members, and neighborhoods against each other.»
Yes, schools in high - poverty neighborhoods need more money, not less — especially in states like Illinois, which has the worst school - spending disparity in the nation.
Asked about the spending disparity between unions and reform groups, U.F.T. president Michael Mulgrew said, «I'm curious where all that money comes from.
She added, though, that she was surprised by some of the spending disparities.
School districts with low levels of funding and spending disparity are able to sustain appropriate levels of funding by placing that burden directly on local property tax payers.
Fifty - nine percent of the districts studied showed these spending disparities.
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