Sentences with phrase «spending groups»

Almost $ 300,000 was spent by outside spending groups to influence the election of the three school district directors in a race defined by debates on charter schools.
For instance, an independent spending group could not be founded by a family member of a candidate.
The bulk of the money among the highest spending groups was used on advertising and events, not lobbyist retention or compensation.
Our readership profile tells us our appeal is very broad and more than 80 % of our readers are women in the prime spending group of 25 to 55.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed an ethics reform package on Wednesday that would impose tight new restrictions on deep - pocketed outside spending groups in New York elections, but has also drawn criticism for sweeping new disclosure requirements it will place on nonprofit lobbying groups and donors.
Superstar fullback and all - around general soccer genius Philipp Lahm spent the group stage in the midfield before moving to the defensive line.
His unrivaled negotiating skills and ties to big spending groups have for over a decade assured that budgets always had deficits, increased debt, added new taxes, and reflected a consistently anti-business bias.
Outside spending groups like Rove's American Crossroads super PAC are the progeny of the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United decision, which allowed corporations and unions to spend unlimited sums for and against individual candidates.
Jobs for New York Inc., the outside spending group created by New York City - based real estate industry, is hitting the airwaves for the first time this election cycle with a TV ad in support of former Assemblyman George Amedore, the Republican candidate in the 46th Senate District.
With outside spending groups expected to again play a major role in New York's 2016 elections, the state Board of Elections has posted for public comment draft rules regulating such independent expenditure committees.
I don't believe NY - LEAD is going to become a fundraising or a fund spending group
Yet Gibson already has some help in the fundraising department: Outside spending group Empower New Yorkers — which states it «support (s) people like Chris Gibson who are leading on the challenges of our time» — filed with the state Board of Elections in January.
Overall, there was approximately a 7 percent difference in spending between physicians trained in the highest and lowest training HRR spending groups, corresponding to an estimated $ 522 difference between low - and high - spending training regions.
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The 5 - point plan includes independent expenditure reforms that would prevent independent spending groups to be formed or run by a candidate's family members and the public disclosure of anyone in control of a group.
The initiatives attempt to crack down on illegal coordination between outside spending groups in New York, which face no spending limits, and political campaigns that do face donation caps.
Six former staffers of the dozen - or - so - person team have departed in as many months in the wake of a series of scathing reports by Crain's New York Business and other outlets into allegations of illicit coordination between the firm's candidates for office and the outside spending groups it represented, among other issues.
Although similar nonprofits engaged in politics in past elections, their use exploded in 2010, particularly in tandem with super PACs, taking advantage of federal court rulings that paved the way for a new role for outside - spending groups in elections.
Liberal groups have been hobbled by widespread reluctance among Democrats to support unlimited - spending groups, which have been criticized by President Obama and others as unhealthy for democracy.
Although Republicans in Congress and on the campaign trail have expressed support for more transparency and disclosure for big - spending groups, as well as overhauling the FEC, End Citizens United is backing only Democrats.
Training and practice HRRs were categorized into low -, average -, and high - spending groups, with approximately equal distribution of beneficiary numbers.
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Mercer was reportedly the third biggest donor to conservative outside - spending groups this election cycle, behind casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and hedge fund manager Paul Singer, and The Washington Post named him one of the «top 10 most influential billionaires in politics,» alongside Rupert Murdoch, the Koch brothers and President - elect Trump.
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