Sentences with phrase «spending on a number of things»

Not exact matches

While there are probably a few things Millennials themselves can do to beat back perfectionism (for the love of all that is holy, spend less time on social media, for instance), the underlying causes of this shift suggested by the study, including an increasingly terrifying scramble for a shrinking number of slots in the middle class, are something we're all going to have to address together.
One the most amazing things about this budget is that one of its three focuses will actually be the opposite of what itâ $ ™ s touting. Youâ $ ™ ll likely hear that $ 14 billion will be spent on infrastructure over the next 10 years (actually you may hear much bigger numbers but they just re-announce existing programs like the -LSB-...]
For one thing, that most theologians and most publishers had severely underestimated the number of people who were willing to spend good money on serious books about religion.
Why, just today I heard that there's been an increase in the number of cosmetic surgeries being done - a sign that people are feeling more confident about the economy and are willing to spend some money on things they want, not just things they need.
PDX — It doesn't take a Genius to realize from my statements that i have read things other than the Bible you moron i have spent many hours reading and listening to scientists about their theories on the big bang, i have listened to ideas from the most revered scientists including Hawking and others, and they all admit that there are holes in their theories, that nothing fully explains their big bang theory, the physics doesn't add up let alone the concept, there are plenty of scientists hard at work trying to make the numbers fit and the theory hold weight but if you ask any of them they can not give you the answers and the reason being... there are none, the theory doesn't work, If by the observable laws of Physics, Matter in this Universe can not be created or destroyed, you can only change its state, i.e. solid to liquid, to gas... to energy... There is no explanation for how an entire reality full of Matter can be created out of nothing... Scientists know this... idiots that are atheists and simply would rather NOT believe that their lives and actions they take within their lifespan are being witnessed by an Omnipotent God do not WANT to believe... but Your belief in God does not change whether or not he exists you will be judged.
When you look at birth certificates and voter registration and spend all this time hunting, with this witch hunt that's been going on for the last number of months, I can't help but question whether the same thing would have been done from another team from another place, another race.»
I can only hope that this attempt is taken more seriously than the largely muted and clearly unsuccessful protests of late last season... although the plane writing escapade brought some much - needed attention to the matter, it failed to resonate with fence - sitters and those who had just recently fell off the Wenger truck... without a big enough showing of support the whole endeavor appeared relatively weak and poorly organized, especially to the major media outlets, whose involvement could have significantly changed what was to follow... but I get it, few wanted to turn on their club, let alone make a public display of their discord... problem is, they are preying on that vulnerability, in fact, their counting on you to keep your thoughts to yourself... who are you to tell these fat cats how to steal your money... they have worked long and hard to pull the wool over your eyes... they even went so far as to pay enormous sums of cash to your once beloved professor to be their corporate spokesmodel so that the whole thing would be more palatable... eventually the club made it appear as if this was simply a relatively small fringe group of highly radicalized supporters, which allowed the pro-Wenger element inside the club hierarchy to claim victory following the FA Cup win... unfortunately what has happened to this club can't be solved by FA Cups or a few players coming in, the very culture of this club needs to be changed and that starts at the top... in order to change the unhealthy and dysfunctional narrative that has absorbed this club we need to remove everyone who presently occupies a position of power... only then can we get back to the business of playing championship caliber football, which should always be the number one priority of this organization... on an important side note, one of the most devastating mistakes made in the final days of this hectic and poorly planned transfer window didn't have to do with the big name players like Sanchez or Lemar, but the fact that they failed to secure Jadon Sancho, who might even start for Dortmund this season... I think they might seriously regret this oversight... instead of spending so much time, energy and manpower pretending that they were desperately trying to make big moves, they once again lost the plot due to their all too familiar tunnel vision
While co-sleeper are a Godsend in my opinion, especially during those initial nights with a newborn, there are a number of things to consider before making that leap of faith in choosing the one that's right for you and your baby; mainly your child's age, how much money you're willing to spend on it, the Co-sleeper's duration of use, it's placement, and importance of avoiding toxins and chemicals.
our second was born at the end of the summer, so we spent that summer doing lots of fun things with number one... now with number four on the way and an already packed summer it's about finding time to do the jobs I need to do before baby comes!
«The first thing I did was try to get a grip on the spending and what I found was that it took a while for the department to actually give me the numbers of how much has been spent within the Levy Control Framework, which is the subsidy that's available to renewable energy until 2020.
Despite the Labour Council doubling council tax since 1997, it has wasted money on a number of things, including # 1.9 million spent on publicity and # 30,000 on the arty timepiece on the Civic Centre.
I enjoy taking all these numbers down, and laying on the couch for hours.Getting some girls phone numbers if they are local.the thing I don't like is Vibe line never gives you more than 1 trial.Because some of these if they have a lot of females on a chat line I will spend some money on it.Thats what basically I am doing is seeing with chat line is the most active.
An unknown number of singles will be spending V - day on their own, but don't fret, there are lots of things that you can do to make this Hallmark Holiday special too.
To put some sort of perspective on things, that's almost double the number of «Police Academy» films ever made — and, as someone who spent the bulk of the mid-late 80s hiding in the woods from Steve Guttenberg, I know only too well that that's a LOT of movies.
With classroom - based sessions, you are limited by things like the number of instructors you have, when your instructors have free time, whether you have free training rooms, the size of your training rooms, the amount of money you have to spend on new courses, the number of hours in the day, etc..
(A student sitting close to McKnight spent several minutes scrutinizing a pie chart showing, among other things, that he had completed 48 of 48 lessons on whole numbers and 20 of 46 on equations and fractions.)
The reading life section which allows you to view stats of your reading habits and awards you badges for things like finishing a book, adding books to your library, spending an hour or two reading etc and allows you to share such wonders on facebook seems utterly pointless and of strictly limited appeal to a very limited number of people, mostly the kind of people who wouldn't be buying this device in the first place.
The biggest thing though isn't to try to maximize spending on your credit card to maximize the number of points etc...
Your things are purchased on plastic, so it doesn't seem like real money is being spent; it's more like simply a bunch of «numbers» on paper.
In addition, you get things such as X number of points for every $ 1 spent on certain flights with certain airlines.
If you are more interested on getting the most reward value per $ 1 spent then go with the types of credit card that offer X number of points for every $ 1 spent on hotels and things of that nature.
First things first — most of us don't have tens of thousands of dollars of normal spending we can place on our credit cards every month — the kind of spending needed to earn the numbers of miles / points required to fly all over the globe for pennies.
Bali Beaches are one of the many things that make Bali such a great place to spend a summer vacation and if beaches are your cup of tea, there are a number to choose from on the paradise island.
NPD analyst Anita Frazier points out that these numbers actually work against the assumption of freebie browser Farmville-esque games being the majority of all that PC gaming, saying «there is still spending happening on the PC gaming side of things
- the 18 returning classes were chosen by seeing which popular classes would fit with the game - they also wanted to include classes to cover roles that the roster was lacked - the Pugilist class was added because the first group of classes selected did not include any with bashing and binding attacks - War Magus was added because the Medic was the only healer class in the roster at that point - they couldn't simply include all popular classes as that would have skewed the balance of the game - as for the Hero class, they with balanced offensive and defensive capabilities, but this made things to similar to other classes - this was rectified by adding after - images and other skills with good synergy - when an after - image appears, it does the same skills as the Hero, except on the following turn - it becomes possible for skills that usually can not be used multiple times in a row to be activated multiple turns in a row - it also means skills that only have an effect for one turn can be extended to two - after - images use not only the Hero's own class skills, but also their subclass skills - if the subclass is an Imperial, the Drive skill can be used multiple times in a row - when using Hero as a subclass to Nightseeker, the character can cover the Nightseeker's weaknesses of having low defense - after - images can also help increase the chances of inflicting status ailments - subclasses can be used to make up for weakness - Swordsman, a class that can learn speed and accuracy boosting skills, would be a good subclass for the Gunner - Reaper as a subclass for War Magus would allow that character to use the scythe's skills to inflict status ailments - the skill tree is slowly unlocked as a character grows - there are more skills that make jobs» individual styles stand out more, or expand the player's choices - the skill tree is also made so that there are less requirements to learn specific skills as compared to 5 - this makes it easier for players to get the skill they want without spending large numbers of skill points on lower skills - it's now easier to put points into skills, which makes re-specing easier - the team faced difficulty in balancing classes that were never meant to be alongside each other - they are doing their best to ensure that they keep the individual classes» identities intact
However, the numbers make one thing clear: people are still spending plenty of money — and time — on PC games, even if overall PC sales are down.
«Looking out for Number One is the conscious, rational effort to spend as much time as possible doing those things which bring you the greatest amount of pleasure and less time on those which cause pain.»
«There are a number of different things that feed into how much people end up spending on their animals,» author David Grimm told PolicyGenius.
There are a number of ways to improve your credit score and most of them are about spending your money wisely and not frivolously on unnecessary things.
Like many of us, I spend quite a lot of time on the web and come across a staggering number of interesting things.
It doesn't mean teachers get fired or schools close down, but it does mean kids from all walks of life could learn extremely valuable skills in things like computer programming, web design or number of any number of fields that suit their fancy without relying on teachers who correctly spent their time studying education rather than those pursuits.
Today's smartphone buyer looks at quite a number of things before deciding which phone to spend their sweet, hard - earned cash on — and one of them is the camera.
However, there are a number of things you can do to maximise your efficiency and potentially cut down the amount of time you spend on the job search.
If you could get in heaven because of your good deeds, why would JESUS had to have gone to the cross, you will not go to hell because you sinned, the bible says we all have sinned, you will go for rejecting GODS free gift, his son, JESUS, SEE, HE TOOK YOUR PLACE IF YOU EXCEPT HIS OFFER BUT IF NOT YOU PAY FOR ALL YOUR SINS, KIND OF LIKE COURT, BETTER TO TAKE AN ATTORNEY THAN REPRESENT YOURSELF, sorry for caps, GOD loved you so much he sent his son to die for you as payment for sin, you will answer to GOD for everything you do, JESUS lived a perfect life which was accepted by GOD for payment of sins, thats up to you if you except it, is bible vs man made religions, thats alot of commeon since, there are man made laws you go by or suffer for, plus, there are so many religions you can make one up to best suit you, it do nt work that way, plus, excepting JESUS is the best way to heaven, why would you think you caould live perfect your whole life, you cant, the devil will use religion to lead as many people away from CHRIST as he can, even in the garden, eve was decieved.if the bible is not true than no man has anyright to even say whats right or wrong, things some people do they think is fine and so on, is stealing your car wrong, why, who said, and why are they right, think about it, salvation is simple, man makes it hard, other religions say you have to earn it, fine, if they live that good, they should except JESUS, why not except him, my way is through JESUS, if thats wrong, what have i lost, other ways are thru something or anything else, what if they are wrong, high price to pay for opinion, what if your son took someoneles punishment, and it cost him his life, how would you feel, think about GODS feelings, you cant take a few verses from man religion and get anywhere, read the bible, if you believe theres a GOD in heaven, please do nt reject his son, all very good questions, thanks, i do nt want to be a problem, i just want you to be in heaven someday, i cant be good enough to there there on my own, so i looked to the perfect one, JESUS, you do nt worked to get saved, you work because you are get get back out in sin and backslide, but, if your really saved, the LORD lives inside you, it will bother you to do certain things, but you can get numb to it, plus, the bible says, you are not your own, you were bought with a price, JESUS BLOOD, free to you but cost him his life, GOD will chastise for repeated sin, you are his child, just like with your children, spend some time alone with GOD, ask him to show you, would love to talk to you guys over phone, i cant type, you can tell, theres so much more i can say please call me [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED] or email is [EMAILREMOVEof your good deeds, why would JESUS had to have gone to the cross, you will not go to hell because you sinned, the bible says we all have sinned, you will go for rejecting GODS free gift, his son, JESUS, SEE, HE TOOK YOUR PLACE IF YOU EXCEPT HIS OFFER BUT IF NOT YOU PAY FOR ALL YOUR SINS, KIND OF LIKE COURT, BETTER TO TAKE AN ATTORNEY THAN REPRESENT YOURSELF, sorry for caps, GOD loved you so much he sent his son to die for you as payment for sin, you will answer to GOD for everything you do, JESUS lived a perfect life which was accepted by GOD for payment of sins, thats up to you if you except it, is bible vs man made religions, thats alot of commeon since, there are man made laws you go by or suffer for, plus, there are so many religions you can make one up to best suit you, it do nt work that way, plus, excepting JESUS is the best way to heaven, why would you think you caould live perfect your whole life, you cant, the devil will use religion to lead as many people away from CHRIST as he can, even in the garden, eve was decieved.if the bible is not true than no man has anyright to even say whats right or wrong, things some people do they think is fine and so on, is stealing your car wrong, why, who said, and why are they right, think about it, salvation is simple, man makes it hard, other religions say you have to earn it, fine, if they live that good, they should except JESUS, why not except him, my way is through JESUS, if thats wrong, what have i lost, other ways are thru something or anything else, what if they are wrong, high price to pay for opinion, what if your son took someoneles punishment, and it cost him his life, how would you feel, think about GODS feelings, you cant take a few verses from man religion and get anywhere, read the bible, if you believe theres a GOD in heaven, please do nt reject his son, all very good questions, thanks, i do nt want to be a problem, i just want you to be in heaven someday, i cant be good enough to there there on my own, so i looked to the perfect one, JESUS, you do nt worked to get saved, you work because you are get get back out in sin and backslide, but, if your really saved, the LORD lives inside you, it will bother you to do certain things, but you can get numb to it, plus, the bible says, you are not your own, you were bought with a price, JESUS BLOOD, free to you but cost him his life, GOD will chastise for repeated sin, you are his child, just like with your children, spend some time alone with GOD, ask him to show you, would love to talk to you guys over phone, i cant type, you can tell, theres so much more i can say please call me [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED] or email is [EMAILREMOVEOF LIKE COURT, BETTER TO TAKE AN ATTORNEY THAN REPRESENT YOURSELF, sorry for caps, GOD loved you so much he sent his son to die for you as payment for sin, you will answer to GOD for everything you do, JESUS lived a perfect life which was accepted by GOD for payment of sins, thats up to you if you except it, is bible vs man made religions, thats alot of commeon since, there are man made laws you go by or suffer for, plus, there are so many religions you can make one up to best suit you, it do nt work that way, plus, excepting JESUS is the best way to heaven, why would you think you caould live perfect your whole life, you cant, the devil will use religion to lead as many people away from CHRIST as he can, even in the garden, eve was decieved.if the bible is not true than no man has anyright to even say whats right or wrong, things some people do they think is fine and so on, is stealing your car wrong, why, who said, and why are they right, think about it, salvation is simple, man makes it hard, other religions say you have to earn it, fine, if they live that good, they should except JESUS, why not except him, my way is through JESUS, if thats wrong, what have i lost, other ways are thru something or anything else, what if they are wrong, high price to pay for opinion, what if your son took someoneles punishment, and it cost him his life, how would you feel, think about GODS feelings, you cant take a few verses from man religion and get anywhere, read the bible, if you believe theres a GOD in heaven, please do nt reject his son, all very good questions, thanks, i do nt want to be a problem, i just want you to be in heaven someday, i cant be good enough to there there on my own, so i looked to the perfect one, JESUS, you do nt worked to get saved, you work because you are get get back out in sin and backslide, but, if your really saved, the LORD lives inside you, it will bother you to do certain things, but you can get numb to it, plus, the bible says, you are not your own, you were bought with a price, JESUS BLOOD, free to you but cost him his life, GOD will chastise for repeated sin, you are his child, just like with your children, spend some time alone with GOD, ask him to show you, would love to talk to you guys over phone, i cant type, you can tell, theres so much more i can say please call me [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED] or email is [EMAILREMOVEof sins, thats up to you if you except it, is bible vs man made religions, thats alot of commeon since, there are man made laws you go by or suffer for, plus, there are so many religions you can make one up to best suit you, it do nt work that way, plus, excepting JESUS is the best way to heaven, why would you think you caould live perfect your whole life, you cant, the devil will use religion to lead as many people away from CHRIST as he can, even in the garden, eve was decieved.if the bible is not true than no man has anyright to even say whats right or wrong, things some people do they think is fine and so on, is stealing your car wrong, why, who said, and why are they right, think about it, salvation is simple, man makes it hard, other religions say you have to earn it, fine, if they live that good, they should except JESUS, why not except him, my way is through JESUS, if thats wrong, what have i lost, other ways are thru something or anything else, what if they are wrong, high price to pay for opinion, what if your son took someoneles punishment, and it cost him his life, how would you feel, think about GODS feelings, you cant take a few verses from man religion and get anywhere, read the bible, if you believe theres a GOD in heaven, please do nt reject his son, all very good questions, thanks, i do nt want to be a problem, i just want you to be in heaven someday, i cant be good enough to there there on my own, so i looked to the perfect one, JESUS, you do nt worked to get saved, you work because you are get get back out in sin and backslide, but, if your really saved, the LORD lives inside you, it will bother you to do certain things, but you can get numb to it, plus, the bible says, you are not your own, you were bought with a price, JESUS BLOOD, free to you but cost him his life, GOD will chastise for repeated sin, you are his child, just like with your children, spend some time alone with GOD, ask him to show you, would love to talk to you guys over phone, i cant type, you can tell, theres so much more i can say please call me [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED] or email is [EMAILREMOVEof commeon since, there are man made laws you go by or suffer for, plus, there are so many religions you can make one up to best suit you, it do nt work that way, plus, excepting JESUS is the best way to heaven, why would you think you caould live perfect your whole life, you cant, the devil will use religion to lead as many people away from CHRIST as he can, even in the garden, eve was decieved.if the bible is not true than no man has anyright to even say whats right or wrong, things some people do they think is fine and so on, is stealing your car wrong, why, who said, and why are they right, think about it, salvation is simple, man makes it hard, other religions say you have to earn it, fine, if they live that good, they should except JESUS, why not except him, my way is through JESUS, if thats wrong, what have i lost, other ways are thru something or anything else, what if they are wrong, high price to pay for opinion, what if your son took someoneles punishment, and it cost him his life, how would you feel, think about GODS feelings, you cant take a few verses from man religion and get anywhere, read the bible, if you believe theres a GOD in heaven, please do nt reject his son, all very good questions, thanks, i do nt want to be a problem, i just want you to be in heaven someday, i cant be good enough to there there on my own, so i looked to the perfect one, JESUS, you do nt worked to get saved, you work because you are get get back out in sin and backslide, but, if your really saved, the LORD lives inside you, it will bother you to do certain things, but you can get numb to it, plus, the bible says, you are not your own, you were bought with a price, JESUS BLOOD, free to you but cost him his life, GOD will chastise for repeated sin, you are his child, just like with your children, spend some time alone with GOD, ask him to show you, would love to talk to you guys over phone, i cant type, you can tell, theres so much more i can say please call me [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED] or email is [EMAILREMOVED]
The excess number of Real Estate professionals isn't a good thing when it causes too much energy to be spent on prospecting, at the expense of energy that could or should be spent on service.
It's one thing to spout statistics to clients, or show them raw numbers, but depending on that client's personality, those stats may mean little or nothing,» says Rael, who has spent the last five years instructing other RE / MAX agents in regard to how RPR can interpret and represent its trove of data to best serve clients.
«Sophisticated buyers spend hours researching homes on the Internet and the number one thing they want are lots of pictures of the home.
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