Sentences with phrase «spending time on bp»

I can't imagine anything Ms. Thompson can teach you can't be learned if you spend some time on BP.
I've been to several free REI seminars / guru pitch fests, the free info was great, but I wish now that I could have spent that time on BP.

Not exact matches

In the exposed daughters, BPS treatment increased time spent nest building on one of the observation days, which «may indicate a repetitive or OCD - like behavior.»
They report that females exposed to the higher dose of BPS during pregnancy and lactation spent significantly more time on the nest than controls at one observation point, an unexpected finding given that mouse mothers usually spend less time on the nest as pups grow and develop.
BPS - exposed daughters spent significantly less time on the nest compared to unexposed controls.
Curiously, a film that spends time hashing out all the gory details never manages to open up a dialogue on the ecological damage caused by BP's alarming two - month long, three - million - gallon whoopsie.
Just imagine if John Browne had used the time and resources BP spent on climate alarmism and «beyond petroleum» on real safety and environmental issues.
J Scott First thank you for doing this, I am amazed over and over again at how much time folks on BP spend helping others.
We are completely new to marketing, I have spent a ton of time on BP over the last 3 - 4 mos soaking up as much info as possible.
My theory was that perhaps limited income is why many realtors don't invest (they need to spend more time on BP and learn how).
There are many, many, many experienced investors here on BP that spend a good deal of time on BP offering free advice and feed - back.
My wife and I are just getting started in the world of Real Estate Investing - right now I'm trying to read everything that I can and I spend a lot of time on BP trying to absorb as much as possible.
I'm fairly new to BP, trying to spend 1/2 hour or so on couple times a week.
If you want to learn the note business, which is more complicated than real property in its nature, then spend some time as suggested in this thread on BP.
I'm referring to those who have been spending sizable amounts of time on BP and still haven't bought your first property.
I'm not trying to tell you how you should feel, but I would recommend spending some more time reading on BP.
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