Sentences with phrase «spent fuel assemblies»

At present 5,900 tons of high - level waste (HLW) in the form of spent fuel assemblies are sitting in pools next to operating reactors, together with 75 million gallons of radioactive liquid waste, plus 27 million cubic feet of trans - uranic waste (TRU).
Under the Foreign Research Reactor (FRR) program, NAC received a contract from the European Commission to remove a total of 420 HEU spent fuel assemblies from the Dutch Petten reactor located north of Amsterdam using two campaigns of five NAC - LWT casks.
The spent fuel pool provides storage space for up to 15 years of accumulated spent fuel assemblies, plus temporary storage for new fuel assemblies.
The NAC - LWT is the workhorse for U. S. commercial spent nuclear fuel transportation casks and is currently used for shipment of research reactor spent fuel, nuclear power plant spent fuel assemblies and fuel rods, and other irradiated materials.
RBT - 6 and RBT - 10 / 2 are pool - type reactors that use spent fuel assemblies of the SM reactor.
Spent fuel assemblies that have been removed relatively recently from reactors are kept in deep pools of water to cool them and shield the radiation they emit.
Within approximately 5 years, the thermal load of the spent fuel assemblies is reduced significantly, and can be moved to a secure dry storage area.
After removal from the reactor core, spent fuel assemblies are placed in dedicated spent fuel storage racks in the below ground spent fuel pool, which contains four times more water volume for cooling per fuel assembly than current designs.
The pool water volume provides a minimum of 30 days of passive cooling of the spent fuel assemblies following a loss of all electrical power without the need for additional water.
It takes about 10 days for the pool water to boil down to the top («head») of the spent fuel assemblies, and for the pressure inside the containment to rise to the design level of 0.5 MPa (abs).
The study defines as toxic waste the spent fuel assemblies from nuclear plants and the solar panels themselves, which contain similar heavy metals and toxins as other electronics, such as computers and smartphones.
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