Sentences with phrase «spent hunched»

With access to apps that instantly connect us to millions of users, much of our day is spent hunched over a screen.

Not exact matches

We're either slightly hunched over (this is becoming more common thanks to all the time we spend looking at screens), in a «pelvic posture,» with hips trust forward like someone wearing high heels, or in what he terms «the heart posture.»
«Instead of spending months or even years on a hunch that may turn out to be wrong, you're able to answer your questions really quickly — to stop debating in the abstract, and start making progress.»
But when it comes to spending that money, people are often content to rely on their hunches about what will make them happy.
I am sure she was very grateful to me because there was nothing she wanted more for the last trimester of a cold winter pregnancy than to spend her Saturday afternoons perched on a metal folding chair in the backroom of a knitting shop, hunched over needles while Shirley rolled her eyes at our ineptitude.
As much as I wish our work on the farm could be grouped into the «romantic picnic for two» category, in reality my husband and I spend most summer days hunched over the dirt, farming our little hearts out and ready to pass out from the 90 - degree temperatures at any given moment.
If you have a crappy peeler or don't feel like spending your time hunched over a garbage can, try this.
The Hawks spent Saturday hunched over their Game Boys in the Atlanta airport as rain held up their flight for four hours.
Tummy time is great for adults too - we spend too much time hunched over in chairs / cars all day.
The straps can be adjusted very easily, so you do not have to spend a bunch of time hunched over trying to frustratingly adjust the straps.
Edwards said that based on what he'd observed during the many hours he'd spent analyzing the mosaics, he had a hunch they would see some evidence for non-random clustering.
Kids who spend hours hunched in front of television or computer screens may look as healthy as their active brothers and sisters.
HUNCH confirmed: mammals spent their first 100 million years in the dark, and only came out in the day when the dinosaurs disappeared.
The same is true in China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea — all places where kids now spend far more time hunched over a desk or computer than did previous generations.
It's 2017, and our jobs typically require us to hunch over a computer rather than spend our days hunting and gathering.
But if you don't safely store your leftovers, you'll be spending Black Friday hunched over your toilet bowl instead of scouting deals at the mall.
When we spend too much time hunched over a computer screen or sitting in traffic, pain and discomfort can result, often in our backs and hips.
If you spend all day sitting at a desk, hunched over a keyboard, those rubber bands have gone almost completely unused.
Because most of use spend a lot of time hunched over a computer, driving in a car, texting, or watching TV, the muscles in our back often get neglected, which is a big reason a lot of folks suffer from neck, shoulder, or low back pain.
While it is nearly impossible to avoid the technologies that cause these issues, individuals should make an effort to look at their phones with a neutral spine and avoid spending hours each day hunched over.»
We spend so long hunched over lap tops or iPads that our backs are constantly in a bent position.
If you spend hours sitting at a desk reading and / or working on a computer every day, then the answer is probably no... Protracted, hunched shoulders, excessive anterior pelvic tilt, and other postural problems are extremely common these days.
After spending a decade experimenting and digging through research at medical libraries I finally refined my diet — not a perfect diet based on hunches, but anyone's perfect diet based on real science.
You probably spend much of your day hunched over at your desk, which compromises your ability to perform these very movement patterns.
Another hunch that I've harbored since my youngest summer days spent at my Grandparent's farm in Minnesota is that people love to farm.
Whether we're driving in a car, sitting at a computer or hunched over our smart - phones, most of us spend a good portion of the day with our backs completely relaxed and our arms and shoulders pulled forward in front of us.
I once had a yoga student who spent her workdays hunched over a microscope all day.
Many of my yoga students appreciate chest openers and shoulder releases to relieve the tension of spending so much time hunched over.
Most of us spend a lot of the day sitting while hunched over computers, driving, watching television, eating and looking down at handheld computer devices.
Best of all, this shape is the exact opposite of how most of us spend our days — hunched over a computer or slouched looking down at a phone.
Spend a lot of time hunched over a desk or just have bad posture?
Our modern posture has gone from homo - erectus to «homo - hunchy - textus» with most of us spending time hunched over a computer or slouching over our cell phones.
Many of us spend the majority of our days sitting at a desk, hunched over a computer, rounding our spines, closing off our chests and hearts and...
In short: people spend a lot of time hunched over devices and desks.
Proper lumbar stability is a growing opportunity in today's society as many people spend hours hunched over their cell phones or working long hours.
I wonder if it's because I spend so much of my day indoors, hunched over a computer or a lab bench, that it brings back a smidge of the nature I crave into my day.
It's making it a little harder to deal with the little guy because, as any mom will tell you, you spend a good amount of time hunched over for feedings and rocking sessions.
My hunch is that Pitt and his team tried it Brooks's way and couldn't make it work, and so went back — with tons of money having already been spent — to what they knew: One hero, one arc, one overriding motivation.
Dave (Jason Lee) is recuperating in a London hospital after being hit over the head with a giant concert prop and the threesome have been left in the care of Toby (Zachary Levi), a relative who spends his entire day hunched over a game remote.
Victor Frankenstein takes place in 19th century England, where a nameless, hunched - over young man (Daniel Radcliffe) spends his free time studying and learning about human anatomy - when he's not performing as a lowly circus clown and being cruelly mocked by his peers (both inside and outside the ring).
In the meantime, prepare to spend even more time hunched over your 3DS engrossed in a whole new world!
My eyes were heavy and my vision unfocused, not surprising given that I'd spent the night hunched over a mirror snorting away the bars of white powder that kept my face trapped in the glass.
Stromberg has held positions at a start - up called Hunch that was acquired by eBay and as an adviser at venture capital fund Founder Collective; Andrew Brown, another of the co-founders, has held positions at Google and Microsoft; and the third, Willem Van Lancker, has spent time at Google and Apple.
But I have a hunch that for most of you spending miles sounds much much better than spending $.
He sat, hunched over, and spent a minute drawing a moon.
On the other hand, if you have strange dreams about nailing the perfect run and spending hours hunched over a piece of grid paper planning optimal routes, then rejoice: Volume takes that pared - down formula, pares it down, and then pares it down again for good measure.
I can not say what it is specifically about this release that got me back into spending nights when I should be getting rested for school, hunched over my PC trying to figure out how to progress to the next year in the shoes of Manny Calavera, whose job is to sell the recently dead the best (and most expensive, I mean exclusive...) ticket to the Ninth Underworld, the infamous Number Nine.
But a lot of people still have the idea that if they invest in a PC they're doomed to spend the rest of their gaming days hunched over a keyboard looking closely at a screen.
Not to mention that stretching and strengthening your muscles, specifically your core, can do wonders to counteract the physical impact of an artist's lifestyle: the hours spent in front of a computer or easel or sculpting table, hunched over a guitar or sewing machine, or whatever your work entails.
There are real health consequences to spending hours hunched over your laptop.
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