Sentences with phrase «spent more time on computers»

Forty - four percent of the respondents think the effects would be positive if students spent more time on computers at school, while 35 % think the effect would be negative.
The weather is cold, so people are spending more time on the computer and less time out meeting new people.
School students are spending more time on computers at school and at home than ever before.
We had parent - teacher meetings last week, where it was suggested my kids spend more time on the computer.

Not exact matches

They were also more likely than millennials to stay on their phones at the dinner table and spend more time on every type of device — phone, computer, or tablet.
However, teens who spent more time on the internet, playing computer games, on social media, texting, using video chat, or watching TV were less happy.
I'd rather spend more time in the kitchen and less time on the computer.
I've been (mistakenly) thinking that it's OK to spend a little more time on the computer getting things done while my kids are occupied.
Lately, I've been wanting to spend a little more time working on the blog, and in my mind I guess I equated that with spending 5 minutes extra here and 10 minutes extra there on the computer, but I'm realizing that that's just stressing me out.
On average, they found that teens who spent more time in front of screen devices — playing computer games, using social media, texting and video chatting — were less happy than those who invested more time in non-screen activities like sports, reading newspapers and magazines, and face - to - face social interaction.
Considering that children average more than 40 hours of screen time a week, not counting time spent on a computer at school, even small changes can make a difference, researchers said.
... more and more people are in my situation, working from home and / or spending too much time on a computer at a desk.
This rapid weight gain is primarily due to increased time spent in front of the television, playing on the computer, and eating more fattening snacks.
Limit screen time to no more than two hours a day (this includes time spent on the computer, iPad, in front of the TV, etc..)
This helps explain why people who spend a lot of time on their computer or reading on a tablet at night before going to bed have either more problem falling asleep or report poor sleep quality.
2) I spend far too much time on this blog (behind the computer) and there are more things in life.
Mind you on any dating site, as in life (I have friends who have practiced online dating for years, have spent a mint, have been matched by physiological profiles, computer algorithms & plain ole physical attraction but have still come up short) so finding the ONE may take time, patience, and a lot of focusing on YOU and your own beliefs about what you deserve (email me personally & we can talk more in depth about this if you'd like), but I believe any and all things are possible, including your finding your prince, online or around the corner.
If there's one thing that everyone can agree on its this: it would be great to spend LESS time behind a computer, and MORE time meeting new people and doing fun things together with them!
As the young subjects are encouraged to spend less time on their computers and more time in the real world, they discuss the many reasons they feel drawn to online communities, and how they've become increasingly isolated from their friends and families.
So while Annihilation bypasses cinemas in this country, do call out the movie industry for its lack of faith in filmmakers and film lovers; petition Netflix to team up with Curzon cinemas more to release its original movies theatrically in the UK; support smaller titles that do have cinema releases where possible; but don't spend your time lamenting the decline of cinema when the art of the visual medium is alive and kicking through Annihilation, in US theatres and on UK computers, phones, tablets and TVs.
Forty - four percent of respondents believe that having students spend more time using computers or other digital devices would have a generally positive effect on student learning, while 35 % believe the effect would be negative.
Among the more salient conclusions are: 1) that what children bring to school is vastly more important than what happens thereafter, as the Coleman Report found; 2) in examining all of the variables that impinge on student academic performance (teacher effectiveness, socio - economic advantage, appropriate evaluation criteria, etc.), none is demonstrably more significant than time spent learning «one - on - one»; and 3) that only an individualized computer program can address all these issues effectively and simultaneously.
Students should be provided with calculators and access to computers beginning in kindergarten, and teachers should spend less time on computational skills and more on mathematical concepts and problem - solving, according to the nation's largest organization of mathematics teachers.
When respondents were asked whether they favored «students spending more of their time at school receiving instruction independently through or on a computer,» opinion was evenly divided.
One emphasizes accident — for example, that Bill Gates had access to a computer in 1968 when there were few around and to another more advanced one at the University of Washington when it was not easy to spend endless time free on a computer, and this helped make him what he became.
Add in the tens of million spent by local school districts on computers and internet expansion so that students can take the on - line tests, along with the substitute teachers who were brought in so that full - time teachers could be pulled out to «learn about the Common Core,» and well over $ 150 — $ 200 million dollars (or more) in public funds have been diverted from instruction to the Common Core and Common Core testing disaster.
We expect that K — 8 students will spend no more than 20 — 25 percent of their time on the computer in the early grades.
As administrators, you spend a lot of time on desktop computers or laptops, but parents are more likely to pull out their smartphones to access and check information.
With the increase of time people spend in front of computer screens looking for and processing information, it may be that today we spend more time reading than we did in generations past — it is just that what we read is on the screen rather than in the form of a book.
I spend a lot on VAs since I want to take care of my family more than I want to spend time on my computer; — RRB -.
Trading less frequently on daily charts instead of trading every day on 5 and 15 minute charts has made me much more confident in the trades that I'm entering as I'm only entering perfect set ups, much less stressed and I'm spending much less time in front of the computer and have a higher return on my account!
If I had a console, or a computer that ran Windows, and I spent money on games outside bundles (actually the Dark Souls price looks more reasonable than I expected), and if I actually had the time to spend on this stuff, I would be all over Dark Souls.
by Deborah McNamara on October 20, 2015 0 collective impact of ecochallenge effects of ecochallenge 2015 how to reduce energy use how to save water how to spend less time on the computer how to spend more time in nature how to write advocacy letters
In a near future, robots or computers, may take over some of the legal work, hopefully leaving the lawyers to spend more time on handling the most complex legal issues.
For instance, commit to working only 10 hours outside of your day job, or take on «outdoor» gigs if you spend more of your time glued in front of a computer screen.
If your school spends more time on the practice field than in the computer lab or the study hall — then you better start speaking up.
The more time you spend on working on your Windows computer, more the optimization is required as well.
I spend more time on the ipad and iphone but are signed on with Verizon wireless plan that includes the computer.
Some companies are even blocking certain social networking sites from being accessible via the computers at an office — this doesn't mean that it's then ok for you to spend more time on your phone accessing the sites while at work!
Some spend more time in offices, researching cases on computers, while others spend more time in the field, conducting interviews and performing surveillance.
Increased time spent online — Your spouse may state they need to «work late» on the computer more frequently.
not wanting to be around family members and not cooperating with family routines, shutting herself in her bedroom for long periods, or spending more time online or on computer games
A variety of tools, including Google Analytics, can reveal what kind of device your members are receiving your communications on and whether the mobile users spend more or less time reading than computer users.
Were I a consumer looking for a Realtor to assist me with the largest financial transaction of my life, especially if I were a thinking consumer, I would look for a high quality Realtor, one with an acknowledged track record, one with experience, one with the patience to take hs / her time with my particular excentricities, one with both eyes and ears open to my words and non verbal communications etc., vs one who is constantly texting, pushing buttons, flipping screens on a computer and spending more time dreaming up slick marketing logos and phrases to be quickly uploaded on the net as the case may be instead of actually interfacing with ME.
Now days people spend way more time on their computers and mobile phones than they do watching regular TV.
However, as a new blogger spending more and more time in front of the computer, it was awful on my back.
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