Sentences with phrase «spent on cloth»

And finally, an interesting note... money spent on cloth diapers is usually money that goes to support small businesses.
«I compared how much we would have spent on disposables versus what we've spent on cloth.
At my husband's query, I recently calculated how much I have spent on cloth diapers.
It would take you 28 to 36 days to reach the price you would have spent on cloth.
This makes the money you spent on the cloth diapers go much further.
of $ 100 per kid per family, with residents getting $ 20 for every $ 100 they spend on cloth diapers.
Save your reward points and redeem them for gift certificates to spend on cloth diapers, baby carriers, or other items for your baby.
Some people spend their money on beer or knick - knacks, while I spend mine on cloth diapers and baby carriers.
Save your reward points and redeem them for gift certificates to spend on cloth diapers, baby carriers, or other items for your baby.
Since I did not have money to spend on cloth napkins, Kayla suggested I buy a pack of their Catalina Serveware napkins, which was only about $ 4.00.

Not exact matches

In comparison, the average cloth diaper family spends $ 75 or less on reusable cloth wipes.
Also, the earlier a child is toilet trained the less money and energy you have to spend on either buying disposable nappies or washing cloth ones!
I am new to cloth diapering and have spent many hours on research and reading reviews.
Since little ones don't stay in small for very long I didn't want to spend a huge amount of money on cloth diapers.
My husband and I spent a good portion of my pregnancy watching cloth diaper tutorials and practicing on stuffed animals.
I'm hoping that you can spend more time on what really matters, instead of researching cloth diapers.
I hate having to put dipes in the landfill, but also feel defeated when we spent so much money on cloth only to have to spend more on sposies.
We had twins and so you can just imagine how much we spent on diapers and we even used cloth diapers for a while.
We didn't go full - time cloth until we actually bit the bullet and spent some money on good cloth diapers and covers.
We decided very early on in my first pregnancy that we'd be cloth diapering, and I spent a decent chunk of time researching the plethora of cloth diaper styles and brands out there.
Turns out if I didn't get a handle on it, I would in fact be spending 2x as much money on cloth diapering as I would disposable because they are definitely addicting.
This is why... By cloth diapering not only can you use them with your next kid (that is if you decide you want another baby after having one), but you don't have to spend money on gas to go to the store every month, or week... or day (because babies poop... a lot).
I couldn't get my husband to be enthusiastic about cloth, so I didn't feel right about spending money on buying cloth diapers if I was the only one who would diaper the baby with them.
Parents can spend anywhere from $ 55 — $ 100 a month for an average of 30 months on disposable diapers and wipes, or they can have a single investment of $ 100 — $ 500 in cloth diapers, which will last potentially through more than one child.
By cloth diapering not only can you use them with your next kid (that is if you decide you want another baby after having one), but you don't have to spend money on gas to go to the store every month, or week... or day (because babies poop... a lot).
You're right; one can spend a LOT on cloth diapers as well.
So you learn about your options, spend time on cloth diapering forums, and troubleshoot solutions.
Why spend so much on cloth diapers, just to buy cloth diaper training pants when you can transform your current stash into the potty training pants you need?
Between multiple feedings and baby drool and spit up, you will need to keep a stockpile of bibs and burp cloths on hand; they keep your baby dry, and protect the clothes that you spent so much time choosing.
When I realized how much we were spending on throw away diapers every month, even with coupons and bulk purchases, cloth was a simple choice for us!
If you are on a tight budget and just need a cloth diaper cover once in a while, then spend $ 8.96 with Imagine Baby Products Newborn Stay Dry All - In - One Snap Cloth Diaper, Trumpet.
Use the cheapest cloth diapering methods, and you can spend $ 500 or less total on all the diapers you'll ever need from birth to potty training, for multiple babies.
In my time spent educating myself on cloth diapering, and all the washing which that... Read More
In my time spent educating myself on cloth diapering, and all the washing which that entails, I've learned so much about laundry detergent, water hardness, washing machine settings... The list is endless.
but when you consider that you can re-use cloth diapers for all subsequent births, and that you can easily spend up to 2,000 dollars on disposable diapers PER child, the costs quickly make sense.
We will spend approximately 45 - 60 minutes going over a presentation on the benefits of cloth diapering, as well as the different types available.
We both agree on cloth diapering, but my research (hours spent online) has me leaning toward Bum Genius and FuzziBunz.
When I was pregnant with AL, the original plan was to get a many different brands of cloth diapers and evaluate them, but I got scared and didn't want to spend too much money on cloth diapers not knowing if... Continue reading →
You are also enhancing your communication and bond with your baby, moving gently towards early toileting independence, removing the risk of genital rashes and saving heaps of energy and water used in washing cloth nappies and / or all the money that you would otherwise be spending on disposables.
'' «A lot of people who aren't super-earthy still don't like the idea of throwing away that many diapers and spending that much money on them, too,» says Jenkins, who became interested in the natural parenting industry when she decided to use cloth diapers for her now 2 - year - old daughter.»
Don't be tricked into thinking that you have to spend hundreds of dollars on a cloth diaper stash!
I could use some more cloth diapers and inserts so I would love to spend the money on one of those things!
She currently lives in Waterford, Maine, and spends her free time working on several cloth diapering advocacy projects.
I can't stand washing clothes that get poop on them from a blow out diaper so why am I gonna spend time getting poop off cloth diapers?
«A typical family can spend between $ 2,000 and $ 3,000 per baby for two years on disposable diapers while cloth diapers and accessories run about $ 800 to $ 1,000 if you wash them yourself.
i can't imagine spending so much money all the time on disposable diapers when the new cloth diapers are so easy, absorbant and so much more comfortable for my baby.
To make it last longer without spending more, add a microfiber insert on top of your hemp or cotton cloth diaper and give your baby a peaceful and dry sleep every night.
So instead of consuming a few more minutes washing them, just spend a few more dollars on Heart Felt cloth diaper liner and let it take care of the messy poops for you.
Whereas disposables can cost thousands of dollars through potty training, cloth diapering families spend roughly anywhere between $ 300 - $ 500 and then the diapers can be used on another child.
I managed to just stretch our cloth diapers, but had the power not come on that day I would have been back at my old house (that had power) and spending my evening washing diapers in an empty house.
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