Sentences with phrase «spent reading each day»

Parents can find out which words the child learned, how many pages they read, and how long their child spent reading each day.

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I spend about 40 percent of each day reading about various topics, including leadership, teamwork, sports, politics, meditative principles, or health.
«Every day I spend an hour at the gym, on a walk, listening to music or reading a book.
A 2012 study revealed that workers spend more than a quarter of the day reading and answering email.
Warren Buffett spends 80 to 90 percent of his day reading hundreds of pages to amass knowledge to be better at what he does.
But the biggest «breakthrough» came for Gates, he says, when he read Rosling's proposal for four levels of wealth around the world, with level one being extreme poverty — those surviving on $ 2 a day or less — and level four being those spending more than $ 32 a day.
Successful people like Warren Buffet and Mark Cuban spend hours each day reading.
Buffett estimates that he spends 80 percent of his waking day reading at work (financial statements, journals, reports) and at home (newspapers and books).
I spend at least an hour every day reading and engaging communities — I consider it part of my lifelong education.
1) Have you ever wondered how much time you are spending each day reading emails or on Social Media?
If you add up all the time you spend reading books, blogs, and articles; watching videos, podcasts, webinars, and seminars, and posting, tweeting, messaging, and connecting, how many hours a day on average do you think it comes to?
I also like to wake up early to think the day through and spend time reading.
More than one - quarter of a worker's day on average is spent answering and reading emails, according to research released in 2012 by the McKinsey Global Institute.
Warren Buffett spends a lot of his day reading reports, LeBron trains in the gym more than others, and Leo trains for the character he is going to play.
Frind's account of his own exploits, published on his blog in 2006 under the title «How I Started a Dating Empire,» says a lot about his worldview: «I spent every waking minute when I wasn't at my day job reading, studying, and learning.
If I can get into the flow for three or four hours, then my work is done; the latter half of the day can be spent reading and researching.
«Spend 30 to 60 minutes per day reading things unrelated to your work.
Gary spends about 4 hours per day on LinkedIn, reading messages, looking for questions to answer, writing answers and interacting with people he meets.
«If you read The Remains of the Day, which is my favorite book of all time, you can't help but come away and think, I just spent 10 hours living an alternate life and I learned something about life and about regret.»
As a college professor, I spend most of my days reading, writing and thinking about theoretical topics.
I end the day tucking in my children, reading to them and spending time with them.
He spends all day reading.
I promise you if you spend a couple hours one day reading posts on this site, or if you want to support financial education and read my Best of Financial Samurai book, you will get super motivated to build your wealth and actually gain more wealth over time.
Buffett spends hours each day reading reports and researching companies, industries, the economy and the performance of the more than 80 companies Berkshire owns outright.
To fulfill this duty, they'd need to spend all day every day reading 10 - Ks and 10 - Qs, and they'd have no time to actually give advice to clients!
Obsessively reading about companies and spending your days trading stocks is probably not going to turn you into Warren Buffett.
Instead of spending their days building financial models, the Investment Masters read, think, focus on qualitative data and test ideas.
... I spent too much of my day reading the worst the Internet has to offer, and I wasn't getting paid for it.»
Sometimes my research is in the library; other times I take my research to the online bookstores; and sometimes I spend my day reading 10 - 20 blog posts.
Typical benefits reported by Telematics customers include a 20 % increase in completed jobs per day, a 10 % reduction in fuel spend,... read more →
Are you looking forward to quiet days spent with your grandchildren, reading books, and pursuing a hobby?
You could spend the entire day reading the internet, or you could use technology to make monitoring much easier and less time consuming!
Those who spend hours a day praying and reading the bible could spend that time building their family relations, helping the environment, making love to their wife, etc..
If a Christian used that expression, we'd spend the rest of the day reading about how atheism isn't active.
I just spent the last 2 days reading the comments from the September post.
Their words, carelessly spoken, spent the last 40 days in my home — getting creased and folded, worked over, brushed aside to make room for dinner, stepped on by a toddler, read by my sister, stained with coffee, shoved into a closet when guests arrive, blacked out, thrown away, turned into poems, and folded into sailboats and cranes and pigeons that now sit smiling at me from my office window.
We are to be concerned that people spend hours a day reading?
For more details, if interested, you can read an essay entitled» How Could Jesus Spend Three Days and Three Nights in the Tomb?»
Most of you spend at least 15 minutes every day reading the newspaper.
Those (or even the one: — RRB --RRB- who may be interested in the topic can read it throughout the web: «How Could Jesus Spend Three Days and Three Nights in the Tomb?»
Spend a few days reading it all, or ignore as usual:
I follow close to 100 blogs, and spend 1 - 3 hours a day reading and commenting, and actually writing my own posts.
While in school he was up at cocks crow, and spend the day reading, hearing lectures, copying manuscripts and practising the recitations of the liturgy (canons 8 & 9).
We began keeping the Sabbath, spending one day in seven at home, just resting, reading and being a family.
We go on enjoyable outings with friends, spend our days pursuing the many recreational opportunities that surround us — hiking, biking, hunting, fishing, skiing, shopping, movie watching, gardening, reading, relaxing, sleeping, playing games, going on vacation, and too many other things to list.
I could tell you that spending 20 years in a maximum security prison will fill your days with joy and wonder, they will serve ice cream every day and you get massages every lunch hour and the guards rub your feet every night as they read to you from an adventure book while you drift off to sleep.
its so amazing there people is this world are so caught up in living for themselves, what if the rapture happened while reading my text, what then, will you stil care what clothes you are wearing or what what car you are driving,, while GOD is removed from this earth, and now society will have to make a real decision if they want to contine to live in sin or realize they now understand the truth and the warnings given before, but now bc of the anti christ have to denounce GOD (take the mark of the beast) or be killed, and if you do nt believe in christ now, will you be willing to die for christ then, i would rather be ridiculed by the world for being a true christian then be gay, seperated from GOD, and then cast in the lake of fire for all eternity tormented bc i refused to repent bc i wanted to live for myself, ready the story about the man in hades who to this day, still has not had a drop of water on his tongue to quench is thirst, THE BIBLE WAS WRITEN BC HELL IS REAL AND GOD IS REAL, DO NOT BE DECEIVED, YOU HAVE TO MAKE A CHOICE WHO YOU WILL SERVE, THE NARROW ROAD WHICH LEADS TO LIFE OR THE WIDE, AND IF GOD CALLS YOU AND YOUR STILL ON THE FENCE, IN GODS EYES YOU HAVE ALREADY MADE A CHOICE, THE BIG QUESTION IS: WILL THE LIFE YOUR NOW LIVING BE WORTH SPENDING ETERNITY IN LAKE OF FIRE?
As I'm not in school this semester, I've noticed myself spending more time playing Call of Duty and not having a strong enough attention span to continually read The Bible every day.
The Methodist members did not use Bibles, but many Baptists carried theirs to church, often had them in their briefcases and would spend some time each day reading them.
Last month I spent several days reading, editing, revising, and arguing with myself about the 100,000 words I had written.
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